King James Bible (kjv)

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Daily Verses

Things That Are Better Than Riches

Things That Are Better Than Riches

Better is a poor man who lives uprightly
Than one who is dishonest, though he be rich.
Better is a little with righteousness
Than great abundance with injustice.

Better is a modest spirit with the humble,
Than to divide spoil with the proud.
A good name is better than great riches,
More highly valued than silver and gold.
He who trusts in riches shall fail,
But the upright flourish like a green leaf.

Toil not that you may become rich;
Cease through your own understanding.
Should you set your eyes upon it, it is gone!
For riches fly away,
Like an eagle that flies toward heaven.
Better is little with reverence for the Lord
Than great treasure and trouble as well.

Two things I ask of thee, O God,
Deny me them not ere I die:
Put far from me deceit and lying,
Give me neither poverty nor riches;
Provide me with the food that I need,
That I may not be filled to the full and deny thee,
And say, "Who is the Lord?"
Or else be poor and steal,
And disgrace the name of my God.