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1 Infancy of Jesus Christ 18

Book of 1 Infancy of Jesus Christ - Chapter 18

1 Infancy of Jesus Christ 18:1

IN the month Adar Jesus gathered together the boys, and ranked them as though he had been a king.

1 Infancy of Jesus Christ 18:2

For they spread their garments on the ground for him to sit on; and having made a crown of flowers, put it upon his head, and stood on his right and left as the guards of a king.

1 Infancy of Jesus Christ 18:3

And if any one happened to pass by, they took him by force, and said, Come hither, and worship the king, that you may have a prosperous journey.

1 Infancy of Jesus Christ 18:4

In the mean time, while these things were doing, there came certain men, carrying a boy upon a couch;

1 Infancy of Jesus Christ 18:5

For this boy having gone with his companions to the mountain to gather wood, and having found there a partridge's nest, and put his hand in to take out the eggs, was stung by a poisonous serpent, which leaped out of the nest; so that he was forced to cry out for the help of his companions; who, when they came, found him lying upon the earth like a dead person.

1 Infancy of Jesus Christ 18:6

After which his neighbours came and carried him back into the city.

1 Infancy of Jesus Christ 18:7

But when they came to the place where the Lord Jesus, was sitting like a king, and the other boys stood around him like his ministers, the boys made haste to meet him, who was bitten by the serpent, and said to his neighbours, Come and pay your respects to the king;

1 Infancy of Jesus Christ 18:8

But when, by reason of their sorrow, they refused to come, the boys drew them, and forced them against their wills to come.

1 Infancy of Jesus Christ 18:9

And when they came to the Lord Jesus, he inquired, On what account they carried that boy?

1 Infancy of Jesus Christ 18:10

And when they answered that a serpent had bitten him, the Lord Jesus said to the boys, Let us go and kill that serpent.

1 Infancy of Jesus Christ 18:11

But when the parents of the boy desired to be excused, because their son lay at the point of death; the boys made answer, and said, Did not ye hear what the king said? Let us go and kill the serpent; and will not ye obey him?

1 Infancy of Jesus Christ 18:12

So they brought the couch back again, whether they would or not.

1 Infancy of Jesus Christ 18:13

And when they were come to the nest, the Lord Jesus said to the boys, Is this the serpent's lurking place? They said, It was.

1 Infancy of Jesus Christ 18:14

Then the Lord Jesus calling the serpent, it presently came forth and submitted to him; to whom he said, Go and suck out all the poison which thou hast infused into that boy:

1 Infancy of Jesus Christ 18:15

So the serpent crept to the boy, and took away all its poison again.

1 Infancy of Jesus Christ 18:16

Then the Lord Jesus cursed the serpent, so that it immediately burst asunder, and died;

1 Infancy of Jesus Christ 18:17

And he touched the boy with his hand to restore him to his former health;

1 Infancy of Jesus Christ 18:18

And when he began to cry, the Lord Jesus said, Cease crying for hereafter thou shall be my disciple;

1 Infancy of Jesus Christ 18:19

And this is that Simon the Canaanite, who is mentioned in the Gospel.