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1 Infancy of Jesus Christ 2

Book of 1 Infancy of Jesus Christ - Chapter 2

1 Infancy of Jesus Christ 2:1

AND when the time of his circumcision was come: namely, the eighth day, on which the law commanded the child to be circumcised; they circumcised him in the cave.

1 Infancy of Jesus Christ 2:2

And the old Hebrew woman took the foreskin (others say she took the navel-string), and preserved it in an alabaster-box of old oil of spikenard.

1 Infancy of Jesus Christ 2:3

And she had a son who was a druggist, to whom she said, Take heed thou sell not this alabaster- box of spikenard-ointment, although thou shouldst be offered three hundred pence for it.

1 Infancy of Jesus Christ 2:4

Now this is that alabaster- box which Mary the sinner procured, and poured forth the ointment out of it upon the head and the feet of our Lord Jesus Christ, and wiped them off with the hairs of her head.

1 Infancy of Jesus Christ 2:5

Then after ten days they brought him to Jerusalem, and on the fortieth day from his birth they presented him in the temple before the Lord, making the proper offerings for him, according to the requirement of the law of Moses: namely, that every male which opens the womb shall be called holy unto God.

1 Infancy of Jesus Christ 2:6

At that time old Simeon saw him shining as a pillar of light, when St. Mary the Virgin, his mother, carried him in her arms, and was filled with the greatest pleasure at the sight.

1 Infancy of Jesus Christ 2:7

And the angels stood around him, adoring him, as a king's guards stand around him.

1 Infancy of Jesus Christ 2:8

Then Simeon going near to St. Mary, and stretching forth his hands towards her, said to the Lord Christ, Now, O My Lord, thy servant shall depart in peace, according to thy word;

1 Infancy of Jesus Christ 2:9

For mine eyes have seen thy mercy, which thou hast prepared for the salvation of all nations; a light to all people, and the glory of thy people Israel.

1 Infancy of Jesus Christ 2:10

Hannah the prophetess was also present, and drawing near, she gave praises to God, and celebrated the happiness of Mary.