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1 Infancy of Jesus Christ 4

Book of 1 Infancy of Jesus Christ - Chapter 4

1 Infancy of Jesus Christ 4:1

NOW Herod perceiving that the wise men did delay and not return to him, called together the priest and wise men, and said, Tell me in what place the Christ should be born.

1 Infancy of Jesus Christ 4:2

And when they replied, in Bethlehem,預 city of Judaea, he began to contrive in his own mind the death of the Lord Jesus Christ.

1 Infancy of Jesus Christ 4:3

But an angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph in his sleep, and said, Arise, take the child and his mother, and go into Egypt as soon as the cock crows. So he arose, and went.

1 Infancy of Jesus Christ 4:4

And as he was considering with himself about his journey, the morning came upon him.

1 Infancy of Jesus Christ 4:5

In the length of the journey the girts of the saddle broke.

1 Infancy of Jesus Christ 4:6

And now he drew near to a great city, in which there was an idol, to which the priests of the other idols and gods of Egypt brought their offerings and vows.

1 Infancy of Jesus Christ 4:7

And there was by this idol a priest ministering to it, who, as often as Satan spoke out of that idol, related the things he said to the inhabitants of Egypt, and those countries.

1 Infancy of Jesus Christ 4:8

This priest had a son three years old, who was possessed with a great multitude of devils, who uttered many strange things and when the devils seized him, walked about naked with his clothes torn, throwing stones at those whom he saw.

1 Infancy of Jesus Christ 4:9

Near to that idol was the inn of the city, into which when Joseph and St. Mary were come, and had turned into that inn, all the inhabitants of the city were astonished.

1 Infancy of Jesus Christ 4:10

And all the magistrates and priests of the idols assembled before that idol, and made inquiry there, saying, What means all this consternation, and dread, which has fallen upon all our country?

1 Infancy of Jesus Christ 4:11

The idol answered them, The unknown God is come thither, who is truly God; nor is there any one besides him, who is worthy of divine worship for he is truly the Son of God.

1 Infancy of Jesus Christ 4:12

At the fame of him this country trembled, and at his coming it is under the present commotion and consternation, and we ourselves are afrighted by the greatness of his power.

1 Infancy of Jesus Christ 4:13

And at the same instant this idol fell down, and at his fall all the inhabitants of Egypt, besides others ran together.

1 Infancy of Jesus Christ 4:14

But the son of the priest, when his usual disorder came upon him going into the inn, found there Joseph and St. Mary, whom all the rest had left behind and forsook.

1 Infancy of Jesus Christ 4:15

And when the Lady St. Mary had washed the swaddling clothes of the Lord Christ, and hanged them out to dry upon a post, the boy possessed with the devil took down one of them, and put it upon his head.

1 Infancy of Jesus Christ 4:16

And presently the devils began to come out of his mouth, and fly away in the shape of crows and serpents.

1 Infancy of Jesus Christ 4:17

From that time the boy was healed by the power of the Lord Christ and he began to sing praises, and give thanks to the Lord who had healed him.

1 Infancy of Jesus Christ 4:18

When his father saw him restored to his former state of health, he said, My son, what has happened to thee, and by what means wert thou cured?

1 Infancy of Jesus Christ 4:19

The son answered, When the devils seized me, I went into the inn, and there found a very handsome woman with a boy, whose swaddling clothes she had just before washed, and hanged out upon a post.

1 Infancy of Jesus Christ 4:20

One of these I took, and put it upon my head, and immediately the devils left me, and fled away.

1 Infancy of Jesus Christ 4:21

At this the father exceedingly rejoiced, and said, My son, perhaps this boy is the son of the living God, who made the heavens and the earth.

1 Infancy of Jesus Christ 4:22

For as soon as he came amongst us, the idol was broken, and all the gods fell down, and were destroyed by a greater power.

1 Infancy of Jesus Christ 4:23

Then was fulfilled the prophecy which saith, Out of Egypt I have called my son.