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2 Adam and Eve 12

Book of 2 Adam and Eve - Chapter 12

2 Adam and Eve 12:1

THEN Seth, the just, called his son Enos, and Cainan, son of Enos, and Mahalaleel, son of Cainan, and said unto them:-

2 Adam and Eve 12:2

"As my end is near, I wish to build a roof over the altar on which gifts are offered."

2 Adam and Eve 12:3

They hearkened to his commandment and went out, all of them, both old and young, and worked hard at it, and built a beautiful roof over the altar.

2 Adam and Eve 12:4

And Seth's thought, in so doing, was that a blessing should come upon his children on the mountain; and that he should present an offering for them before his death.

2 Adam and Eve 12:5

Then when the building of the roof was completed, he commanded them to make offerings. They worked diligently at these, and brought them to Seth their father who took them and offered them upon the altar; and prayed God to accept their offerings, to have mercy on the souls of his children, and to keep them from the hand of Satan.

2 Adam and Eve 12:6

And God accepted his offering, and sent His blessing upon him and upon his children. And then God made a promise to Seth, saying, "At the end of the great five days and a half, concerning which I have made a promise to thee and to thy father, I will send My Word and save thee and thy seed."

2 Adam and Eve 12:7

Then Seth and his children, and his children's children, met together, and came down from the altar, and went to the Cave of Treasures - where they prayed, and blessed themselves in the body of our father Adam, and anointed themselves with it.

2 Adam and Eve 12:8

But Seth abode in the Cave of Treasures, a few days, and then suffered - sufferings unto death.

2 Adam and Eve 12:9

Then Enos, his first - born son, came to him, with Cainan, his son, and Mahalaleel, Cainan's son, and Jared, the son of Mahalaleel, and Enoch, Jared's son, with their wives and children to receive a blessing from Seth.

2 Adam and Eve 12:10

Then Seth prayed over them, and blessed them, and adjured them by the blood of Abel the just, saying, "I beg of you my children, not to let one of you go down from this Holy and pure Mountain.

2 Adam and Eve 12:11

Make no fellowship with the children of Cain the murderer and the sinner, who killed his brother; for ye know, 0 my children, that we flee from him, and from all his sin with all our might because he killed his brother Abel."

2 Adam and Eve 12:12

After having said this, Seth blessed Enos, his first - born son, and commanded him habitually to minister in purity before the body of our father Adam, all the days of his life; then, also, to go at times to the altar which he Seth had built. And he commanded him to feed his people in righteousness, in judgment and purity all the days of his life.

2 Adam and Eve 12:13

Then the limbs of Seth were loosened; his hands and feet lost all power; his mouth became dumb and unable to speak; and he gave up the ghost and died the day after his nine hundred and twelfth year; on the twenty - seventh day of the month Abib; Enoch being then twenty years old.

2 Adam and Eve 12:14

Then they wound up carefull the body of Seth, and embalmed him with sweet spices, and laid him in the Cave Treasures, on the right side of our father Adam's body, and they mourned for him forty days. They offered gifts for him, as they had done for our father Adam.

2 Adam and Eve 12:15

After the death of Seth, Enos rose at the head of his people, whom he fed in righteousness, and judgment, as his father had commanded him.

2 Adam and Eve 12:16

But by the time Enos was eight hundred and twenty years old, Cain had a large progeny; for they married frequently, being given to animal lusts; until the land below the mountain, was filled with them.