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Sirach 25

Book of Sirach - Chapter 25

Sirach 25:1

In three things I was beautified, and stood up beautiful both before God and men: the unity of brethren, the love of neighbours, a man and a wife that agree together.

Sirach 25:2

Three sorts of men my soul hateth, and I am greatly offended at their life: a poor man that is proud, a rich man that is a liar, and an old adulterer that doateth.

Sirach 25:3

If thou hast gathered nothing in thy youth, how canst thou find any thing in thine age?

Sirach 25:4

O how comely a thing is judgment for gray hairs, and for ancient men to know counsel!

Sirach 25:5

O how comely is the wisdom of old men, and understanding and counsel to men of honour.

Sirach 25:6

Much experience is the crown of old men, and the fear of God is their glory.

Sirach 25:7

There be nine things which I have judged in mine heart to be happy, and the tenth I will utter with my tongue: A man that hath joy of his children; and he that liveth to see the fall of his enemy:

Sirach 25:8

Well is him that dwelleth with a wife of understanding, and that hath not slipped with his tongue, and that hath not served a man more unworthy than himself:

Sirach 25:9

Well is him that hath found prudence, and he that speaketh in the ears of them that will hear:

Sirach 25:10

O how great is he that findeth wisdom! yet is there none above him that feareth the Lord.

Sirach 25:11

But the love of the Lord passeth all things for illumination: he that holdeth it, whereto shall he be likened?

Sirach 25:12

The fear of the Lord is the beginning of his love: and faith is the beginning of cleaving unto him.

Sirach 25:13

[Give me] any plague, but the plague of the heart: and any wickedness, but the wickedness of a woman:

Sirach 25:14

And any affliction, but the affliction from them that hate me: and any revenge, but the revenge of enemies.

Sirach 25:15

There is no head above the head of a serpent; and there is no wrath above the wrath of an enemy.

Sirach 25:16

I had rather dwell with a lion and a dragon, than to keep house with a wicked woman.

Sirach 25:17

The wickedness of a woman changeth her face, and darkeneth her countenance like sackcloth.

Sirach 25:18

Her husband shall sit among his neighbours; and when he heareth it shall sigh bitterly.

Sirach 25:19

All wickedness is but little to the wickedness of a woman: let the portion of a sinner fall upon her.

Sirach 25:20

As the climbing up a sandy way is to the feet of the aged, so is a wife full of words to a quiet man.

Sirach 25:21

Stumble not at the beauty of a woman, and desire her not for pleasure.

Sirach 25:22

A woman, if she maintain her husband, is full of anger, impudence, and much reproach.

Sirach 25:23

A wicked woman abateth the courage, maketh an heavy countenance and a wounded heart: a woman that will not comfort her husband in distress maketh weak hands and feeble knees.

Sirach 25:24

Of the woman came the beginning of sin, and through her we all die.

Sirach 25:25

Give the water no passage; neither a wicked woman liberty to gad abroad.

Sirach 25:26

If she go not as thou wouldest have her, cut her off from thy flesh, and give her a bill of divorce, and let her go.