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Sirach 28

Book of Sirach - Chapter 28

Sirach 28:1

He that revengeth shall find vengeance from the Lord, and he will surely keep his sins [in remembrance.]

Sirach 28:2

Forgive thy neighbour the hurt that he hath done unto thee, so shall thy sins also be forgiven when thou prayest.

Sirach 28:3

One man beareth hatred against another, and doth he seek pardon from the Lord?

Sirach 28:4

He sheweth no mercy to a man, which is like himself: and doth he ask forgiveness of his own sins?

Sirach 28:5

If he that is but flesh nourish hatred, who will intreat for pardon of his sins?

Sirach 28:6

Remember thy end, and let enmity cease; [remember] corruption and death, and abide in the commandments.

Sirach 28:7

Remember the commandments, and bear no malice to thy neighbour: [remember] the covenant of the Highest, and wink at ignorance.

Sirach 28:8

Abstain from strife, and thou shalt diminish thy sins: for a furious man will kindle strife,

Sirach 28:9

A sinful man disquieteth friends, and maketh debate among them that be at peace.

Sirach 28:10

As the matter of the fire is, so it burneth: and as a man's strength is, so is his wrath; and according to his riches his anger riseth; and the stronger they are which contend, the more they will be inflamed.

Sirach 28:11

An hasty contention kindleth a fire: and an hasty fighting sheddeth blood.

Sirach 28:12

If thou blow the spark, it shall burn: if thou spit upon it, it shall be quenched: and both these come out of thy mouth.

Sirach 28:13

Curse the whisperer and doubletongued: for such have destroyed many that were at peace.

Sirach 28:14

A backbiting tongue hath disquieted many, and driven them from nation to nation: strong cities hath it pulled down, and overthrown the houses of great men.

Sirach 28:15

A backbiting tongue hath cast out virtuous women, and deprived them of their labours.

Sirach 28:16

Whoso hearkeneth unto it shall never find rest, and never dwell quietly.

Sirach 28:17

The stroke of the whip maketh marks in the flesh: but the stroke of the tongue breaketh the bones.

Sirach 28:18

Many have fallen by the edge of the sword: but not so many as have fallen by the tongue.

Sirach 28:19

Well is he that is defended through the venom thereof; who hath not drawn the yoke thereof, nor hath been bound in her bands.

Sirach 28:20

For the yoke thereof is a yoke of iron, and the bands thereof are bands of brass.

Sirach 28:21

The death thereof is an evil death, the grave were better than it.

Sirach 28:22

It shall not have rule over them that fear God, neither shall they be burned with the flame thereof.

Sirach 28:23

Such as forsake the Lord shall fall into it; and it shall burn in them, and not be quenched; it shall be sent upon them as a lion, and devour them as a leopard.

Sirach 28:24

Look that thou hedge thy possession about with thorns, and bind up thy silver and gold,

Sirach 28:25

And weigh thy words in a balance, and make a door and bar for thy mouth.

Sirach 28:26

Beware thou slide not by it, lest thou fall before him that lieth in wait.