The Histories

Book 6 Notes


Notes To Book Vi.

1 (return)
[ {proboulous}.]

2 (return)
[ See i. 148.]

3 (return)
[ {epi keras}.]

4 (return)
[ {diekploon poieumenos tesi neusi di alleleon}.]

5 (return)
[ {tou Dareiou}: a conjecture based upon Valla's translation. The MSS. have {ton Dareion}.]

6 (return)
[ {prophasios epilabomenoi}.]

601 (return)
[ {en stele anagraphenai patrothen}.]

7 (return)
[ "were very roughly handled."]

8 (return)
[ {epibateuontas}.]

801 (return)
[ {nuktos te gar}: so Stein for {nuktos te}.]

9 (return)
[ {kat akres}, lit. "from the top downwards," i.e. town and citadel both.]

10 (return)
[ See ch. 77.]

11 (return)
[ See i. 92 and v. 36.]

1101 (return)
[ {Kalen akten}.]

12 (return)
[ Possibly the reading should be {Inuka}, "Inyx."]

13 (return)
[ {ton en te naumakhie}: perhaps we should read {ten en te naumakhin}, "which took place in the sea-fight."]

14 (return)
[ {en Koiloisi kaleomenoisi}.]

15 (return)
[ {grammata didaskomenoisi}.]

16 (return)
[ {limainouses}: a conjectural reading for {deimainouses}.]

17 (return)
[ Lit. "and it became in fact the work of the cavalry."]

18 (return)
[ {esagenouon}.]

19 (return)
[ Or (according to some good MSS.) "Thelymbri01."]

20 (return)
[ Cp. iii. 120.]

21 (return)
[ {stadioi}: the distances here mentioned are equal to a little more than four and a little less than fifty miles respectively.]

22 (return)
[ {en gnome gegonos}.]

23 (return)
[ {pituos tropon}: the old name of the town was Pityuss01.]

24 (return)
[ That is to say, Kimon was his half-brother, and Stesagoras and the younger Miltiades his nephews.]

25 (return)
[ See ch. 103.]

26 (return)
[ {delade}.]

27 (return)
[ {eleluthee}, but the meaning must be this, and it is explained by the clause, {trito men gar etei k.t.l.}]

28 (return)
[ {stadia}: see v. 52, note 40.]

29 (return)
[ See iii. 80.]

30 (return)
[ {entos Makedonon}, "on their side of the Macedonians."]

3001 (return)
[ Or (according to some MSS.) "about three hundred."]

31 (return)
[ Or "Scaptesyle." (The Medicean MS. however has {skaptes ules}, not {skaptesules}, as reported by Stein.)]

32 (return)
[ {ta proiskheto aiteon}, "that which he put forward demanding it."]

33 (return)
[ i.e. "ram."]

34 (return)
[ {ton geraiteron}.]

35 (return)
[ {en to demosio}.]

36 (return)
[ This is commonly understood to mean, leaving out of account the god who was father of Perseus; but the reason for stopping short at Perseus is given afterwards, and the expression {tou theou apeontos} refers perhaps rather to the case of Heracles, the legend of whose birth is rejected by Herodotus (see ii. 43), and rejected also by this genealogy, which passes through Amphitryon up to Perseus. I take it that {tou theou apeontos} means "reckoning Heracles" (who is mentioned by name just below in this connexion) "as the son of Amphitryon and not of Zeus."]

37 (return)
[ i.e. "of heaven."]

38 (return)
[ {medimnon}, the Lacedemonian {medimnos} being equal to rather more than two bushels.]

39 (return)
[ {tetarten Lakomiken}, quantity uncertain.]

40 (return)
[ {proxeinous}.]

41 (return)
[ {khoinikas}. There were 48 {khoinikes} in the {medimnos}.]

42 (return)
[ {kotulen}.]

4201 (return)
[ The loose manner in which this is expressed, leaving it uncertain whether each king was supposed by the writer to have two votes given for him (cp. Thuc. i. 20), or whether the double vote was one for each king, must of course be reproduced in the translation.]

43 (return)
[ {perioikon}.]

44 (return)
[ See ch. 51.]

45 (return)
[ {proergazomenon}: a conjectural emendation of {prosergazomenon}.]

46 (return)
[ {tes apates te paragoge}, "by the misleading of the deception."]

47 (return)
[ i.e. lunar months.]

48 (return)
[ {en thoko katemeno}.]

49 (return)
[ {pandemei}.]

50 (return)
[ {aren}.]

51 (return)
[ i.e. "prayed for by the people."]

52 (return)
[ {di a}: a conjectural emendation of {dia ta}. Some Editors suppose that other words have dropped out.]

53 (return)
[ {promantin}: cp. vii. III.]

54 (return)
[ {ton splagkhnon}.]

55 (return)
[ {tou erkeiou}.]

56 (return)
[ {ton mataioteron logon legontes}.]

57 (return)
[ Lit. "on the third night after the first," but the meaning is as given.]

58 (return)
[ Most of the MSS. have "Astrobacos," which may be right.]

59 (return)
[ Or "to the honour of the Lacedemonians."]

60 (return)
[ i.e. any more than his predecessor.]

61 (return)
[ See ch. 50.]

62 (return)
[ {neotera epresse pregmata}.]

63 (return)
[ {up Arkadon}: several good MSS. have {ton Arkadon}, which is adopted by some Editors. The meaning would be "near this city it is said that there is the Styx water of the Arcadians."]

64 (return)
[ {upomargoteron}.]

65 (return)
[ Demeter and Core.]

66 (return)
[ The MSS. give also "Sepeia" and "Sipei01." The place is not elsewhere mentioned.]

67 (return)
[ See ch. 19.]

68 (return)
[ {duo mneai}: cp. v. 77.]

69 (return)
[ {o theos}, i.e. Hera: cp. i. 105.]

70 (return)
[ {kalliereumeno}.]

71 (return)
[ {kat akres}: cp. ch. 18.]

72 (return)
[ i.e. was acquitted of the charge brought against him.]

73 (return)
[ {episkuthison}.]

74 (return)
[ {bouleuesthe}: some MSS. and editions have {boulesthe}, "desiring."]

75 (return)
[ {en khrono ikneumeno}.]

76 (return)
[ i.e. take an oath to that effect.]

77 (return)
[ See v. 80.]

78 (return)
[ {penteteris}. The reading {penteres}, which is given by most of the MSS. and by several Editors, can hardly be defended.]

79 (return)
[ {kai en gar}, "and since there was."]

80 (return)
[ {Knoithou kaleomenos}: cp. vii. 143.]

81 (return)
[ {thesmophorou}.]

82 (return)
[ {pentaethlon epaskesas}.]

83 (return)
[ {mounomakhien epaskeon}, "practising single combat," as if training for the games.]

84 (return)
[ {para te Ikarion}: the use of {para} and the absence of the article may justify the conjecture {para te Ikarion} (or {Ikaron}) "by Icaria" (or "Icaros"), the island from which the Icarian Sea had its name.]

85 (return)
[ This perhaps should be emended, for the event referred to occurred two years before, cp. ch. 46 and 48: The reading {trito proteron etei} has been proposed.]

86 (return)
[ See v. 33 ff.]

8601 (return)
[ i.e. Apollo: or perhaps more generally, "God," as in ch. 27.]

87 (return)
[ This in brackets is probably an interpolation. It is omitted by some of the best MSS. Some Editors suspect the genuineness of the next four lines also, on internal grounds.]

88 (return)
[ {erxies}, perhaps meaning "worker."]

89 (return)
[ {areios}.]

90 (return)
[ {megas areios}.]

91 (return)
[ {ippoboteon}, lit. "horse-breeding": see v. 77.]

9101 (return)
[ Or (according to some MSS.), "having come to shore at these places."]

92 (return)
[ {katergontes}: the word is not elsewhere found intransitive, yet it is rather difficult to supply {tous Athenaious}. Some alterations have been proposed, but none probable.]

93 (return)
[ Lit. "and it happened that in winning this victory he won the same victory as his half-brother Miltiades." See ch. 36.]

94 (return)
[ Or, according to some authorities, "Philippides."]

95 (return)
[ Lit. "except the circle were full."]

96 (return)
[ Or "Aigilei01."]

97 (return)
[ Lit. "by violence, having coughed."]

98 (return)
[ "by the bean."]

99 (return)
[ {es se toi}, a conjectural emendation of {es se ti}.]

100 (return)
[ {prutaneie tes emeres}.]

101 (return)
[ Some Editors propose to omit {gar} or alter it. If it be allowed to stand, the meaning must be that the importance of the place is testified by the commemoration mentioned.]

102 (return)
[ {es tas panegurias}, some MSS. have {kai panegurias}, "hold sacrifices and solemn assemblies."]

103 (return)
[ {penteterisi}.]

104 (return)
[ Lit. "the good things."]

105 (return)
[ {stadioi}: the distance would be rather over 1600 yards.]

106 (return)
[ Whether this is thrown in here by the historian as an explanation of the rapid advance, or as an additional source of wonder on the part of the Persians at the boldness of the Athenians, is not clear.]

107 (return)
[ Or (according to some MSS.) "having taken hold."]

108 (return)
[ The account of how the oil was dealt with has perhaps dropt out: one MS. and the Aldine edition have "the oil they collect in vessels, and this," etc.]

109 (return)
[ This chapter is omitted by several of the best MSS., and is almost certainly an interpolation. (In the Medicean MS. it has been added in the margin by a later hand.)]

110 (return)
[ Answering to "Callias for his part" at the end of ch. 121, the connexion being broken by the interpolated passage.]

111 (return)
[ {ouden esson}.]

112 (return)
[ {patre}, "family," or possibly "country," as in ch. 128.]

113 (return)
[ {to legomeno es to meson}: perhaps only "general conversation."]

114 (return)
[ {katekhon pollon tous allous}.]

115 (return)
[ i.e. "though the dancing may be good."]

116 (return)
[ {aponostesein}: some MSS. have {apanastesein}, "he would not take away his army thence."]

117 (return)
[ {upozakoron}.]

118 (return)
[ {ton khthonion theon}, i.e. Demeter and Persephone: cp. vii. 153.]

119 (return)
[ {thesmophorou}.]

120 (return)
[ {to megaron}.]

121 (return)
[ {sphi autoi}: a conjectural rendering of {sphisi autoisi}, which can only be taken with {eousan}, meaning "belonging to them" i.e. the Athenians, and involves the insertion of {Pelasgoisi} or something equivalent with {edosan}.]

122 (return)
[ {ktesamenoi}: some MSS. and editions have {stesamenoi}, "set fifty-oared galleys in place."]

The Histories of Herodotus