The Histories

Book 7 Page 57

Paragraph 140 140. For the Athenians had sent men to Delphi to inquire and were preparing to consult the Oracle; and after these had performed the usual rites in the sacred precincts, when they had entered the sanctuary 120 and were sitting down there, the Pythian prophetess, whose name was Aristonike, uttered to them this oracle:

 "Why do ye sit, O ye wretched? Flee thou 121 to the uttermost
 limits, Leaving thy home and the heights of the wheel-round city
 behind thee! Lo, there remaineth now nor the head nor the body in
 safety,—Neither the feet below nor the hands nor the middle are
 left thee,—All are destroyed 122 together; for fire and the
 passionate War-god, 123 Urging the Syrian 124 car to speed, doth
 hurl them 125 to ruin. Not thine alone, he shall cause many more
 great strongholds to perish, Yes, many temples of gods to the
 ravening fire shall deliver,—Temples which stand now surely with
 sweat of their terror down-streaming, Quaking with dread; and lo!
 from the topmost roof to the pavement Dark blood trickles,
 forecasting the dire unavoidable evil. Forth with you, forth from
 the shrine, and steep your soul in the sorrow!" 126

Paragraph 141 141. Hearing this the men who had been sent by the Athenians to consult the Oracle were very greatly distressed; and as they were despairing by reason of the evil which had been prophesied to them, Timon the son of Androbulos, a man of the Delphians in reputation equal to the first, counselled them to take a suppliant's bough and to approach the second time and consult the Oracle as suppliants. The Athenians did as he advised and said: "Lord, 127 we pray thee utter to us some better oracle about our native land, having respect to these suppliant boughs which we have come to thee bearing; otherwise surely we will not depart away from the sanctuary, but will remain here where we are now, even until we bring our lives to an end." When they spoke these words, the prophetess gave them a second oracle as follows:

The Histories of Herodotus