

   aa-clickhook - click system hook for AppArmor


   When  a  click  package  is  installed,  click will run system and user
   hooks. The click AppArmor system hook converts the security manifest in
   the click package into an AppArmor profile, then loads the profile into
   the kernel. On Ubuntu, the click AppArmor hook maps click frameworks to
   appropriate  policy  versions  to  ensure  correct  AppArmor  policy is

   By default, symlinks to the click  security  manifests  are  stored  in
   /var/lib/apparmor/clicks. The generated AppArmor profiles are stored in
   /var/lib/apparmor/profiles with the corresponding profile caches stored
   in /var/cache/apparmor/apparmor.

   When  aa-clickhook  is  run without arguments, it will generate missing
   AppArmor profiles for the security manifests. In addition, aa-clickhook
   will  check  the  mtime  of  the  symlink  of the security manifest and
   regenerate  any  AppArmor  profiles  with  an  mtime  older  than   the
   corresponding security manifest.


   aa-clickhook [OPTIONS]


   -h     show program's help

   -f | --force | --force-regenerate
          Force regeneration of all click profiles

          Add '#include "PATH"' to generated profiles


   click-apparmor  supports  overriding  the policy specified in the click
   security manifest. Overrides are optional and are specified in the same
   directory   as  the  click  security  manifest,  but  with  ".override"
   appended. They  use  the  same  json  format  and  structure  as  their
   corresponding  click security manifests, but use only the manifest keys
   related  to  AppArmor  policy.   Overrides   may   be   specified   for
   abstractions,  policy_groups,  read_path and write_path. Overrides only
   subtract from policy and cannot be used to provide additional access.

   Similarly,  click-apparmor  supports  adding  access  to   the   policy
   specified  in  the  click  security manifest. This additional access is
   specified in the same directory as the  click  security  manifest,  but
   with  ".additional"  appended.  This  uses  the  same  json  format and
   structure as their corresponding click  security  manifests,  but  uses
   only  the  manifest keys related to AppArmor policy.  Additional access
   may  be  specified  for  abstractions,  policy_groups,  read_path   and
   write_path.  Specifying  additional  access in this manner must be done
   with care since the additional access could allow escaping confinement.

   After creating or updating an override or additional access,  you  must
   run aa-clickhook to put the changes into effect. To unapply an override
   or additional access, remove the file,  update  the  timestamp  on  the
   security manifest (see below), then run aa-clickhook.


   aa-clickhook  will  skip generating AppArmor policy if the framework is
   missing, if the specified policy version  doesn't  match  the  expected
   version  for  the  framework,  or  otherwise improperly formatted click

   When reinstalling a click with the same version, it may  be  useful  to
   regenerate the AppArmor profile like so:

     # touch -h /var/lib/apparmor/clicks/<click security>.json
     # aa-clickhook

   or if need to regenerate with an include file (eg, for autopilot):

     # touch -h /var/lib/apparmor/clicks/<click security>.json
     # aa-clickhook \


   apparmor(7) click(1)

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