

   amin - notify writers that you are busy


   amin [-ynesp] command [args...]


   Amin is used when you don't want to be written while running a command.
   It runs the command given normally.  If your message  permissions  (see
   mesg(1))  are off, it does nothing much else.  If your messages are on,
   people writing you with write(1) will be warned that  you  are  running
   that  command  and  will be given the opportunity to change their minds
   about writing you.

   The -n option may be used to turn your messages entirely  off  for  the
   duration  of  the  execution  of  command.  People writing you will get
   "Permission denied".  The -y option turns your message  permissions  on
   for  the  duration of the execution of the command.  The -e may be used
   after either -n or -y  to  indicate  that  the  logins  listed  in  the
   .yeswrite  or  the  .nowrite  files  respectively are exceptions to the
   message permissions set.  The default is -s which leaves  your  message
   permissions in their original state.  In any case, after the command is
   complete, your permissions will be restored to the original state.

   The -p flag causes all telegrams sent  to  you  while  the  command  is
   running  to  be  saved.   They  are displayed as soon as the command is
   complete.  If used with the -n flag, writes are refused, but  telegrams
   are still saved.

   If  you  have designated yourself as a helper, you will still be marked
   on the finger(1) output as a helper while  you  are  running  amin  but
   people  doing  ``write help'' will not be connected to you, even if you
   have the helper flag set to ``Y''.


   Jan Wolter


   /etc/wrttmp    to find message permissions
   /etc/utmp to find user


   mesg(1), finger(1), write(1), huh(1).

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