

   annotate-output - annotate program output with time and stream


   annotate-output [options] program [args ...]


   annotate-output  will  execute  the specified program, while prepending
   every line with the current time and O for stdout and E for stderr.


          Controls the timestamp format,  as  per  date(1).   Defaults  to

   -h, --help
          Display a help message and exit successfully.


   $ annotate-output make
   21:41:21 I: Started make
   21:41:21 O: gcc -Wall program.c
   21:43:18 E: program.c: Couldn't compile, and took me ages to find out
   21:43:19 E: collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
   21:43:19 E: make: *** [all] Error 1
   21:43:19 I: Finished with exitcode 2


   Since  stdout  and stderr are processed in parallel, it can happen that
   some lines received on stdout will show up before later-printed  stderr
   lines (and vice-versa).

   This  is  unfortunately  very  hard  to fix with the current annotation
   strategy.  A fix would involve switching  to  PTRACE'ing  the  process.
   Giving  nice  a  (much) higher priority over the executed program could
   however cause this behaviour to show up less frequently.

   The program does not work as well when the output is not linewise.   In
   particular,  when  an  interactive program asks for input, the question
   might not be shown until after you have answered it.   This  will  give
   the impression that the annotated program has hung, while it has not.




   This  program  is  community-supported  (meaning: you'll need to fix it
   yourself).   Patches  are  however  appreciated,  as  is  any  feedback
   (positive or negative).


   annotate-output     was    written    by    Jeroen    van    Wolffelaar
   <>. This manpage comes under the same copyright  as
   annotate-output  itself, read /usr/bin/annotate-output (or wherever you
   install it) for the details.

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