

   audit.rules - a set of rules loaded in the kernel audit system


   audit.rules is a file containing audit rules that will be loaded by the
   audit daemon's init script whenever the daemon is started. The auditctl
   program  is  used  by  the  initscripts  to perform this operation. The
   syntax for the rules is essentially the  same  as  when  typing  in  an
   auditctl  command  at a shell prompt except you do not need to type the
   auditctl command name since that is implied. The audit rules come in  3
   varieties: control, file, and syscall.

   Control  commands generally involve configuring the audit system rather
   than telling it what to watch for.  These  commands  typically  include
   deleting  all  rules,  setting  the size of the kernel's backlog queue,
   setting the failure mode, setting the event  rate  limit,  or  to  tell
   auditctl  to  ignore  syntax  errors in the rules and continue loading.
   Generally, these rules are at the top of the rules file.

   File System
   File System rules are sometimes called watches. These rules are used to
   audit  access  to  particular  files  or  directories  that  you may be
   interested in. If the path given in the rule is a directory,  then  the
   rule  used  is  recursive to the bottom of the directory tree excluding
   any directories that may be mount points. The  syntax  of  these  rules
   generally follow this format:

   -w path-to-file -p permissions -k keyname

   where the permission are any one of the following:

          r - read of the file

          w - write to the file

          x - execute the file

          a - change in the file's attribute

   System Call
   The system call rules are loaded into a matching engine that intercepts
   each syscall that all programs on the system  makes.  Therefore  it  is
   very  important  to only use syscall rules when you have to since these
   affect performance. The more rules, the bigger the performance hit. You
   can  help  the performance, though, by combining syscalls into one rule
   whenever possible.

   The Linux kernel has 4 rule matching  lists  or  filters  as  they  are
   sometimes  called.  They  are:  task, exit, user, and exclude. The task
   list is checked only during the fork or clone syscalls.  It  is  rarely
   used in practice.

   The  exit  filter  is the place where all syscall and file system audit
   requests are evaluated.

   The user filter is used to filter (remove) some events  that  originate
   in  user  space.   By  default,  any event originating in user space is
   allowed. So, if there are some events that you do not want to see, then
   this  is  a place where some can be removed. See auditctl(8) for fields
   that are valid.

   The exclude filter  is  used  to  exclude  certain  events  from  being
   emitted.  The  msgtype  field  is used to tell the kernel which message
   types you do not want to record. This filter can remove the event as  a
   whole and is not selective about any other attribute. The user and exit
   filters are better suited to selectively auditing events.

   Syscall rules take the general form of:

   -a action,list -S syscall -F field=value -k keyname

   The -a option tells the kernel's rule matching engine that we  want  to
   append a rule at the end of the rule list. But we need to specify which
   rule list it goes on and what action to take when  it  triggers.  Valid
   actions are:

          always - always create an event

          never  - never create an event

   The  action  and list are separated by a comma but no space in between.
   Valid lists are: task, exit,  user,  and  exclude.  Their  meaning  was
   explained earlier.

   Next in the rule would normally be the -S option. This field can either
   be the syscall name or number. For  readability,  the  name  is  almost
   always used. You may give more than one syscall in a rule by specifying
   another -S option. When sent into the kernel, all  syscall  fields  are
   put  into a mask so that one compare can determine if the syscall is of
   interest. So, adding multiple syscalls in one rule is  very  efficient.
   When you specify a syscall name, auditctl will look up the name and get
   its syscall number. This leads to some problems  on  bi-arch  machines.
   The  32  and 64 bit syscall numbers sometimes, but not always, line up.
   So, to solve this problem, you would generally need to break  the  rule
   into  2  with  one  specifying  -F arch=b32 and the other specifying -F
   arch=b64. This needs to go in front of the -S option so  that  auditctl
   looks at the right lookup table when returning the number.

   After  the syscall is specified, you would normally have one or more -F
   options that fine tune what to match against. Rather than list all  the
   valid field types here, the reader should look at the auditctl man page
   which has a full listing of each field and  what  it  means.  But  it's
   worth mentioning a couple things.

   The  audit  system  considers  uids  to  be unsigned numbers. The audit
   system uses the number -1 to indicate that a loginuid is not set.  This
   means  that  when  it's  printed  out, it looks like 4294967295. If you
   write a rule that you wanted try to get the valid users of the  system,
   you  need  to look in /etc/login.defs to see where user accounts start.
   For example, if UID_MIN is  500, then you would also need to take  into
   account  that  the unsigned representation of -1 is higher than 500. So
   you would address this with the following piece of a rule:

   -F auid>=500 -F auid!=4294967295

   These individual checks are "anded" and both have to be true.

   The last thing to know about syscall rules is that you can  add  a  key
   field  which is a free form text string that you want inserted into the
   event to help identify its meaning. This is discussed in more detail in
   the NOTES section.


   The  purpose  of  auditing  is  to  be  able  to  do  an  investigation
   periodically or whenever an incident occurs.  A  few  simple  steps  in
   planning  up front will make this job easier. The best advice is to use
   keys in both the watches and system call  rules  to  give  the  rule  a
   meaning.  If rules are related or together meet a specific requirement,
   then give them a  common  key  name.  You  can  use  this  during  your
   investigation to select only results with a specific meaning.

   When doing an investigation, you would normally start off with the main
   aureport output to just get an idea about  what  is  happening  on  the
   system.  This  report mostly tells you about events that are hard coded
   by the audit system such as login/out, uses of  authentication,  system
   anomalies, how many users have been on the machine, and if SE Linux has
   detected any AVCs.

   aureport --start this-week

   After looking at the report, you probably want to  get  a  second  view
   about  what  rules  you loaded that have been triggering. This is where
   keys become important. You would generally run the key  summary  report
   like this:

   aureport --start this-week --key --summary

   This  will  give  an  ordered listing of the keys associated with rules
   that have been triggering. If, for example, you  had  a  syscall  audit
   rule  that triggered on the failure to open files with EPERM that had a
   key field of access like this:

   -a always,exit -F arch=b64 -S open -S openat -F exit=-EPERM -k access

   Then you can isolate these failures with ausearch and pipe the  results
   to  aureport  for  display. Suppose your investigation noticed a lot of
   the access  denied  events.  If  you  wanted  to  see  the  files  that
   unauthorized  access  has  been  attempted, you could run the following

   ausearch --start this-week -k access --raw | aureport --file --summary

   This will give an ordered list showing which files are  being  accessed
   with  the EPERM failure. Suppose you wanted to see which users might be
   having failed access, you would run the following command:

   ausearch --start this-week -k access --raw | aureport --user --summary

   If your investigation showed a lot of failed accesses to  a  particular
   file, you could run the following report to see who is doing it:

   ausearch  --start this-week -k access -f /path-to/file --raw | aureport
   --user -i

   This report will give you the individual access attempts by person.  If
   you  needed  to  see the actual audit event that is being reported, you
   would look at the date, time, and event columns. Assuming the event was
   822  and  it  occurred at 2:30 on 09/01/2009 and you use the en_US.utf8
   locale, the command would look something like this:

   ausearch --start 09/01/2009 02:30 -a 822 -i --just-one

   This will select the first event  from  that  day  and  time  with  the
   matching  event id and interpret the numeric values into human readable

   The most important step in being able to do this kind  of  analysis  is
   setting up key fields when the rules were originally written. It should
   also be pointed  out  that  you  can  have  more  than  one  key  field
   associated with any given rule.


   If  you  are  not  getting  events  on syscall rules that you think you
   should, try running a test program under strace so that you can see the
   syscalls.  There  is  a chance that you might have identified the wrong

   If you get a warning from auditctl saying, "32/64 bit syscall  mismatch
   in  line XX, you should specify an arch". This means that you specified
   a syscall rule on a bi-arch system where the syscall  has  a  different
   syscall number for the 32 and 64 bit interfaces. This means that on one
   of those interfaces you are likely auditing the wrong syscall. To solve
   the  problem,  re-write  the  rule as two rules specifying the intended
   arch for each rule. For example,

   -always,exit -S openat -k access

   would be rewritten as

   -always,exit -F arch=b32 -S openat -k access
   -always,exit -F arch=b64 -S openat -k access

   If you get a warning that says, "entry rules  deprecated,  changing  to
   exit  rule".  This  means  that  you have a rule intended for the entry
   filter, but that filter is no longer  available.  Auditctl  moved  your
   rule  to  the  exit  filter so that it's not lost. But to solve this so
   that you do not get the warning  any  more,  you  need  to  change  the
   offending rule from entry to exit.


   The  following  rule  shows  how to audit failed access to files due to
   permission problems. Note that it takes two rules for each arch ABI  to
   audit  this since file access can fail with two different failure codes
   indicating permission problems.

   -a always,exit -F arch=b32 -S open -S openat -F exit=-EACCES -k access
   -a always,exit -F arch=b32 -S open -S openat -F exit=-EPERM -k access
   -a always,exit -F arch=b64 -S open -S openat -F exit=-EACCES -k access
   -a always,exit -F arch=b64 -S open -S openat -F exit=-EPERM -k access


   auditctl(8), auditd(8).


   Steve Grubb

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