

   cgroups - Linux control groups


   Control  cgroups,  usually  referred  to as cgroups, are a Linux kernel
   feature which allow processes to be organized into hierarchical  groups
   whose  usage  of  various  types  of  resources can then be limited and
   monitored.  The kernel's cgroup interface is provided through a pseudo-
   filesystem called cgroupfs.  Grouping is implemented in the core cgroup
   kernel code, while resource tracking and limits are  implemented  in  a
   set of per-resource-type subsystems (memory, CPU, and so on).

   A cgroup is a collection of processes that are bound to a set of limits
   or parameters defined via the cgroup filesystem.

   A subsystem is a kernel component that modifies  the  behavior  of  the
   processes  in  a  cgroup.   Various  subsystems  have been implemented,
   making it possible to do things such as limiting the amount of CPU time
   and memory available to a cgroup, accounting for the CPU time used by a
   cgroup, and freezing and resuming  execution  of  the  processes  in  a
   cgroup.   Subsystems  are  sometimes also known as resource controllers
   (or simply, controllers).

   The cgroups for  a  controller  are  arranged  in  a  hierarchy.   This
   hierarchy is defined by creating, removing, and renaming subdirectories
   within  the  cgroup  filesystem.   At  each  level  of  the  hierarchy,
   attributes  (e.g.,  limits)  can  be defined.  The limits, control, and
   accounting provided by cgroups generally  have  effect  throughout  the
   subhierarchy  underneath  the  cgroup where the attributes are defined.
   Thus, for example, the limits placed on a cgroup at a higher  level  in
   the hierarchy cannot be exceeded by descendant cgroups.

   Cgroups version 1 and version 2
   The  initial release of the cgroups implementation was in Linux 2.6.24.
   Over time, various cgroup controllers have  been  added  to  allow  the
   management  of various types of resources.  However, the development of
   these controllers was largely uncoordinated, with the result that  many
   inconsistencies  arose between controllers and management of the cgroup
   hierarchies became rather complex.   (A  longer  description  of  these
   problems    can    be    found    in    the    kernel    source    file

   Because  of  the  problems  with  the  initial  cgroups  implementation
   (cgroups  version  1),  starting  in  Linux  3.10, work began on a new,
   orthogonal implementation to remedy these problems.   Initially  marked
   experimental,  and  hidden  behind  the -o __DEVEL__sane_behavior mount
   option, the  new  version  (cgroups  version  2)  was  eventually  made
   official  with  the  release of Linux 4.5.  Differences between the two
   versions are described in the text below.

   Although cgroups v2 is intended as a replacement for  cgroups  v1,  the
   older  system  continues  to  exist  (and  for compatibility reasons is
   unlikely to be removed).   Currently,  cgroups  v2  implements  only  a
   subset of the controllers available in cgroups v1.  The two systems are
   implemented so that both v1  controllers  and  v2  controllers  can  be
   mounted  on  the same system.  Thus, for example, it is possible to use
   those controllers that are supported under version 2, while also  using
   version  1  controllers  where  version  2  does  not yet support those
   controllers.  The only restriction here is that a controller  can't  be
   simultaneously  employed  in  both  a  cgroups  v1 hierarchy and in the
   cgroups v2 hierarchy.

   Cgroups version 1
   Under cgroups v1, each controller may be  mounted  against  a  separate
   cgroup  filesystem  that  provides its own hierarchical organization of
   the processes on the system.  It is also possible comount multiple  (or
   even  all)  cgroups  v1 controllers against the same cgroup filesystem,
   meaning that the comounted controllers  manage  the  same  hierarchical
   organization of processes.

   For  each  mounted  hierarchy,  the  directory tree mirrors the control
   group hierarchy.  Each control group is  represented  by  a  directory,
   with  each  of  its  child  control  cgroups  represented  as  a  child
   directory.  For instance, /user/joe/1.session represents control  group
   1.session,  which  is a child of cgroup joe, which is a child of /user.
   Under each cgroup directory is a set of files  which  can  be  read  or
   written  to,  reflecting  resource  limits  and  a  few  general cgroup

   In addition, in cgroups v1,  cgroups  can  be  mounted  with  no  bound
   controller, in which case they serve only to track processes.  (See the
   discussion of release notification below.)  An example of this  is  the
   name=systemd  cgroup  which is used by systemd(1) to track services and
   user sessions.

   Tasks (threads) versus processes
   In cgroups v1, a distinction is drawn between processes and tasks.   In
   this  view,  a  process  can  consist  of multiple tasks (more commonly
   called threads, from a user-space perspective, and called such  in  the
   remainder  of  this  man  page).   In  cgroups  v1,  it  is possible to
   independently manipulate the cgroup memberships of  the  threads  in  a
   process.   Because this ability caused certain problems, the ability to
   independently manipulate the cgroup memberships of  the  threads  in  a
   process has been removed in cgroups v2.  Cgroups v2 allows manipulation
   of cgroup membership only  for  processes  (which  has  the  effect  of
   changing the cgroup membership of all threads in the process).

   Mounting v1 controllers
   The  use  of cgroups requires a kernel built with the CONFIG_CGROUPtion. In
   addition, each of the v1 controllers has  an  associated  configuration
   option that must be set in order to employ that controller.

   In  order  to  use a v1 controller, it must be mounted against a cgroup
   filesystem.  The usual place  for  such  mounts  is  under  a  tmpfs(5)
   filesystem  mounted  at  /sys/fs/cgroup.  Thus, one might mount the cpu
   controller as follows:

       mount -t cgroup -o cpu none /sys/fs/cgroup/cpu

   It is  possible  to  comount  multiple  controllers  against  the  same
   hierarchy.   For  example,  here  the  cpu  and cpuacct controllers are
   comounted against a single hierarchy:

       mount -t cgroup -o cpu,cpuacct none /sys/fs/cgroup/cpu,cpuacct

   Comounting controllers has the effect that a process  is  in  the  same
   cgroup  for  all  of  the  comounted  controllers.  Separately mounting
   controllers allows a process to be in cgroup /foo1 for  one  controller
   while being in /foo2/foo3 for another.

   It  is  possible  to  comount  all  v1  controllers  against  the  same

       mount -t cgroup -o all cgroup /sys/fs/cgroup

   (One can achieve the same result by omitting -o all, since  it  is  the
   default if no controllers are explicitly specified.)

   It is not possible to mount the same controller against multiple cgroup
   hierarchies.  For example, it is not possible to mount both the cpu and
   cpuacct  controllers  against  one  hierarchy,  and  to  mount  the cpu
   controller alone against another hierarchy.  It is possible  to  create
   multiple   mount   points  with  exactly  the  same  set  of  comounted
   controllers.  However, in this case all that results is multiple  mount
   points providing a view of the same hierarchy.

   Note that on many systems, the v1 controllers are automatically mounted
   under /sys/fs/cgroup; in particular, systemd(1)  automatically  creates
   such mount points.

   Cgroups version 1 controllers
   Each  of  the  cgroups  version  1  controllers is governed by a kernel
   configuration option (listed below).  Additionally, the availability of
   the   cgroups   feature   is  governed  by  the  CONFIG_CGROUPS  kernel
   configuration option.

   cpu (since Linux 2.6.24; CONFIG_CGROUP_SCHED)
          Cgroups can be guaranteed a minimum number of "CPU shares"  when
          a  system  is busy.  This does not limit a cgroup's CPU usage if
          the  CPUs  are  not  busy.    For   further   information,   see

          In  Linux  3.2,  this  controller  was  extended  to provide CPU
          "bandwidth"  control.   If  the  kernel   is   configured   with
          COONFIG_CFS_BANDWIDTH,   then   within  each  scheduling  period
          (defined via a file in the cgroup directory), it is possible  to
          define an upper limit on the CPU time allocated to the processes
          in a cgroup.  This upper limit applies even if there is no other
          competition  for  the  CPU.  Further information can be found in
          the kernel source file Documentation/scheduler/sched-bwc.txt.

   cpuacct (since Linux 2.6.24; CONFIG_CGROUP_CPUACCT)
          This provides accounting for CPU usage by groups of processes.

          Further information can be  found  in  the  kernel  source  file

   cpuset (since Linux 2.6.24; CONFIG_CPUSETS)
          This  cgroup  can be used to bind the processes in a cgroup to a
          specified set of CPUs and NUMA nodes.

          Further information can be  found  in  the  kernel  source  file

   memory (since Linux 2.6.25; CONFIG_MEMCG)
          The memory controller supports reporting and limiting of process
          memory, kernel memory, and swap used by cgroups.

          Further information can be  found  in  the  kernel  source  file

   devices (since Linux 2.6.26; CONFIG_CGROUP_DEVICE)
          This  supports  controlling  which  processes may create (mknod)
          devices as well as  open  them  for  reading  or  writing.   The
          policies   may   be  specified  as  whitelists  and  blacklists.
          Hierarchy is enforced, so new rules must  not  violate  existing
          rules for the target or ancestor cgroups.

          Further  information  can  be  found  in  the kernel source file

   freezer (since Linux 2.6.28; CONFIG_CGROUP_FREEZER)
          The  freezer  cgroup  can  suspend  and  restore  (resume)   all
          processes  in  a  cgroup.   Freezing a cgroup /A also causes its
          children, for example, processes in /A/B, to be frozen.

          Further information can be  found  in  the  kernel  source  file

   net_cls (since Linux 2.6.29; CONFIG_CGROUP_NET_CLASSID)
          This  places  a  classid,  specified  for the cgroup, on network
          packets created by a cgroup.  These classids can then be used in
          firewall  rules,  as  well as used to shape traffic using tc(8).
          This applies only to packets leaving the cgroup, not to  traffic
          arriving at the cgroup.

          Further  information  can  be  found  in  the kernel source file

   blkio (since Linux 2.6.33; CONFIG_BLK_CGROUP)
          The blkio cgroup controls and limits access to  specified  block
          devices  by  applying  IO  control in the form of throttling and
          upper limits against leaf nodes and intermediate  nodes  in  the
          storage hierarchy.

          Two  policies are available.  The first is a proportional-weight
          time-based division of disk implemented with CFQ.   This  is  in
          effect  for  leaf  nodes  using CFQ.  The second is a throttling
          policy which specifies upper I/O rate limits on a device.

          Further information can be  found  in  the  kernel  source  file

   perf_event (since Linux 2.6.39; CONFIG_CGROUP_PERF)
          This  controller  allows perf monitoring of the set of processes
          grouped in a cgroup.

          Further information can be  found  in  the  kernel  source  file

   net_prio (since Linux 3.3; CONFIG_CGROUP_NET_PRIO)
          This  allows  priorities to be specified, per network interface,
          for cgroups.

          Further information can be  found  in  the  kernel  source  file

   hugetlb (since Linux 3.5; CONFIG_CGROUP_HUGETLB)
          This supports limiting the use of huge pages by cgroups.

          Further  information  can  be  found  in  the kernel source file

   pids (since Linux 4.3; CONFIG_CGROUP_PIDS)
          This controller permits limiting the number of process that  may
          be created in a cgroup (and its descendants).

          Further  information  can  be  found  in  the kernel source file

   Creating cgroups and moving processes
   A cgroup filesystem initially contains a single root cgroup, '/', which
   all  processes  belong  to.   A  new  cgroup  is  created by creating a
   directory in the cgroup filesystem:

       mkdir /sys/fs/cgroup/cpu/cg1

   This creates a new empty cgroup.

   A process may be moved to this cgroup  by  writing  its  PID  into  the
   cgroup's cgroup.procs file:

       echo $$ > /sys/fs/cgroup/cpu/cg1/cgroup.procs

   Only one PID at a time should be written to this file.

   Writing  the  value 0 to a cgroup.procs file causes the writing process
   to be moved to the corresponding cgroup.

   When writing a PID into the cgroup.procs, all threads  in  the  process
   are moved into the new cgroup at once.

   Within  a  hierarchy,  a process can be a member of exactly one cgroup.
   Writing a process's PID to a cgroup.procs file automatically removes it
   from the cgroup of which it was previously a member.

   The  cgroup.procs  file  can  be read to obtain a list of the processes
   that are members of a  cgroup.   The  returned  list  of  PIDs  is  not
   guaranteed  to  be  in  order.   Nor  is  it  guaranteed  to be free of
   duplicates.  (For example, a PID may be recycled while reading from the

   In  cgroups  v1 (but not cgroups v2), an individual thread can be moved
   to another cgroup by writing its thread ID (i.e., the kernel thread  ID
   returned  by  clone(2)  and  gettid(2))  to  the tasks file in a cgroup
   directory.  This file can be read to discover the set of  threads  that
   are  members  of  the  cgroup.   This  file is not present in cgroup v2

   Removing cgroups
   To remove a cgroup, it must first have no child cgroups and contain  no
   (nonzombie)  processes.   So  long  as that is the case, one can simply
   remove the corresponding directory pathname.   Note  that  files  in  a
   cgroup directory cannot and need not be removed.

   Cgroups v1 release notification
   Two  files  can  be  used  to  determine  whether  the  kernel provides
   notifications when a cgroup becomes empty.  A cgroup is  considered  to
   be empty when it contains no child cgroups and no member processes.

   A  special  file  in  the  root  directory  of  each  cgroup hierarchy,
   release_agent, can be used to register the pathname of a  program  that
   may  be  invoked  when  a  cgroup  in the hierarchy becomes empty.  The
   pathname of the newly empty cgroup (relative to the cgroup mount point)
   is  provided  as  the sole command-line argument when the release_agent
   program is invoked.  The release_agent program might remove the  cgroup
   directory, or perhaps repopulate with a process.

   The  default  value of the release_agent file is empty, meaning that no
   release agent is invoked.

   Whether or not the release_agent program is invoked when  a  particular
   cgroup   becomes   empty   is   determined   by   the   value   in  the
   notify_on_release file in the corresponding cgroup directory.  If  this
   file  contains  the  value  0,  then  the  release_agent program is not
   invoked.  If it contains the value  1,  the  release_agent  program  is
   invoked.   The default value for this file in the root cgroup is 0.  At
   the time when a new cgroup is  created,  the  value  in  this  file  is
   inherited from the corresponding file in the parent cgroup.

   Cgroups version 2
   In  cgroups  v2,  all  mounted  controllers  reside in a single unified
   hierarchy.  While (different) controllers may be simultaneously mounted
   under  the  v1 and v2 hierarchies, it is not possible to mount the same
   controller simultaneously under both the v1 and the v2 hierarchies.

   The new behaviors in cgroups v2 are summarized here, and in some  cases
   elaborated in the following subsections.

   1. Cgroups   v2   provides   a  unified  hierarchy  against  which  all
      controllers are mounted.

   2. "Internal" processes are not permitted.  With the exception  of  the
      root  cgroup,  processes may reside only in leaf nodes (cgroups that
      do not themselves contain child cgroups).

   3. Active cgroups must be specified via  the  files  cgroup.controllers
      and cgroup.subtree_control.

   4. The    tasks    file   has   been   removed.    In   addition,   the
      cgroup.clone_children file that is employed by the cpuset controller
      has been removed.

   5. An  improved mechanism for notification of empty cgroups is provided
      by the file.

   For more changes,  see  the  Documentation/cgroup-v2.txt  file  in  the
   kernel source.

   Cgroups v2 unified hierarchy
   In  cgroups  v1,  the  ability  to  mount different controllers against
   different hierarchies was  intended  to  allow  great  flexibility  for
   application design.  In practice, though, the flexibility turned out to
   less  useful  than  expected,  and  in  many  cases  added  complexity.
   Therefore, in cgroups v2, all available controllers are mounted against
   a  single  hierarchy.   The  available  controllers  are  automatically
   mounted,  meaning that it is not necessary (or possible) to specify the
   controllers when mounting the cgroup v2 filesystem using a command such
   as the following:

       mount -t cgroup2 none /mnt/cgroup2

   A  cgroup v2 controller is available only if it is not currently in use
   via a mount against a cgroup v1 hierarchy.  Or, to put  things  another
   way, it is not possible to employ the same controller against both a v1
   hierarchy and the unified v2 hierarchy.

   Cgroups v2 "no internal processes" rule
   With the exception of the root cgroup, processes  may  reside  only  in
   leaf  nodes  (cgroups  that  do  not themselves contain child cgroups).
   This avoids the need to  decide  how  to  partition  resources  between
   processes  which are members of cgroup A and processes in child cgroups
   of A.

   For instance, if cgroup /cg1/cg2 exists, then a process may  reside  in
   /cg1/cg2, but not in /cg1.  This is to avoid an ambiguity in cgroups v1
   with respect to the delegation of resources between processes  in  /cg1
   and  its  child  cgroups.  The recommended approach in cgroups v2 is to
   create a subdirectory called leaf for any nonleaf cgroup  which  should
   contain  processes,  but  no  child  cgroups.   Thus,  processes  which
   previously would have gone into /cg1 would now go into /cg1/leaf.  This
   has the advantage of making explicit the relationship between processes
   in /cg1/leaf and /cg1's other children.

   Cgroups v2 subtree control
   When a cgroup A/b is created, its cgroup.controllers file contains  the
   list  of  controllers  which were active in its parent, A.  This is the
   list of controllers which are available to this cgroup.  No controllers
   are  active  until  they are enabled through the cgroup.subtree_control
   file, by writing the list of space-delimited names of the  controllers,
   each  preceded  by '+' (to enable) or '-' (to disable).  If the freezer
   controller is not enabled in /A/B, then it cannot be enabled in /A/B/C.

   Cgroups v2 file
   With cgroups v2, a new mechanism is  provided  to  obtain  notification
   about  when  a  cgroup becomes empty.  The cgroups v1 release_agent and
   notify_on_release files are  removed,  and  replaced  by  a  new,  more
   general-purpose  file,   This  file  contains key-value
   pairs  (delimited  by  newline  characters,  with  the  key  and  value
   separated  by  spaces)  that  identify  events  or  state for a cgroup.
   Currently, only one key appears in  this  file,  populated,  which  has
   either  the  value  0,  meaning  that  the cgroup (and its descendants)
   contain no  (nonzombie)  processes,  or  1,  meaning  that  the  cgroup
   contains member processes.

   The   file  can  be  monitored,  in  order  to  receive
   notification when  a  cgroup  transitions  between  the  populated  and
   unpopulated  states  (or  vice versa).  When monitoring this file using
   inotify(7), transitions generate IN_MODIFY events, and when  monitoring
   the file using poll(2), transitions generate POLLPRI events.

   The   cgroups  v2  notify_on_release  mechanism  offers  at  least  two
   advantages over the cgroups  v1  release_agent  mechanism.   First,  it
   allows  for  cheaper  notification,  since a single process can monitor
   multiple files.  By contrast, the  cgroups  v1  mechanism
   requires  the  creation  of  a  process for each notification.  Second,
   notification can  be  delegated  to  a  process  that  lives  inside  a
   container associated with the newly empty cgroup.

   /proc files
   /proc/cgroups (since Linux 2.6.24)
          This  file  contains  information about the controllers that are
          compiled into the kernel.  An example of the  contents  of  this
          file (reformatted for readability) is the following:

              #subsys_name    hierarchy      num_cgroups    enabled
              cpuset          4              1              1
              cpu             8              1              1
              cpuacct         8              1              1
              blkio           6              1              1
              memory          3              1              1
              devices         10             84             1
              freezer         7              1              1
              net_cls         9              1              1
              perf_event      5              1              1
              net_prio        9              1              1
              hugetlb         0              1              0
              pids            2              1              1

          The fields in this file are, from left to right:

          1. The name of the controller.

          2. The   unique  ID  of  the  cgroup  hierarchy  on  which  this
             controller is mounted.  If multiple  cgroups  v1  controllers
             are bound to the same hierarchy, then each will show the same
             hierarchy ID in this field.  The value in this field will  be
             0 if:

               a) the controller is not mounted on a cgroups v1 hierarchy;

               b) the controller is bound to the cgroups v2 single unified
                  hierarchy; or

               c) the controller is disabled (see below).

          3. The number of control groups in  this  hierarchy  using  this

          4. This  field  contains  the  value  1  if  this  controller is
             enabled, or 0 if it has been disabled (via the cgroup_disable
             kernel command-line boot parameter).

   /proc/[pid]/cgroup (since Linux 2.6.24)
          This file describes control groups to which the process with the
          corresponding PID belongs.  The  displayed  information  differs
          for cgroups version 1 and version 2 hierarchies.

          For  each  cgroup  hierarchy  of  which the process is a member,
          there is one entry containing three  colon-separated  fields  of
          the form:


          For example:


          The colon-separated fields are, from left to right:

          1. For  cgroups  version  1  hierarchies,  this field contains a
             unique hierarchy ID number that can be matched to a hierarchy
             ID  in  /proc/cgroups.   For the cgroups version 2 hierarchy,
             this field contains the value 0.

          2. For cgroups version 1  hierarchies,  this  field  contains  a
             comma-separated   list   of  the  controllers  bound  to  the
             hierarchy.  For the cgroups version 2 hierarchy,  this  field
             is empty.

          3. This  field contains the pathname of the control group in the
             hierarchy to which the process  belongs.   This  pathname  is
             relative to the mount point of the hierarchy.


   The following errors can occur for mount(2):

   EBUSY  An  attempt  to  mount  a  cgroup version 1 filesystem specified
          neither the name= option (to mount  a  named  hierarchy)  nor  a
          controller name (or all).


   A  child  process  created  via  fork(2)  inherits  its parent's cgroup
   memberships.  A  process's  cgroup  memberships  are  preserved  across


   prlimit(1),  systemd(1),  clone(2),  ioprio_set(2), perf_event_open(2),
   setrlimit(2), cgroup_namespaces(7), cpuset(7), namespaces(7), sched(7),


   This  page  is  part of release 4.09 of the Linux man-pages project.  A
   description of the project, information about reporting bugs,  and  the
   latest     version     of     this    page,    can    be    found    at

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