

   cvs-debuild - build a Debian package using cvs-buildpackage and debuild


   cvs-debuild  [debuild  options]  [cvs-buildpackage options] [--lintian-
   opts lintian options]


   cvs-debuild is a wrapper around cvs-buildpackage to run it with debuild
   as  the  package-building program.  (This cannot simply be accomplished
   using the -C option of cvs-buildpackage, as it does  not  know  how  to
   handle all of the special debuild options.)

   The  program simply stashes the debuild and lintian options, and passes
   them to debuild when it is called  by  cvs-buildpackage.   All  of  the
   standard  debuild  options may be used (as listed below), but note that
   the root command specified by any --rootcmd or -r  command-line  option
   will be passed as an option to cvs-buildpackage.  The first non-debuild
   option detected will signal the start of the cvs-buildpackage options.

   The selection of the root command is slightly subtle: if there are  any
   command-line  options,  these  will  be  used.   If  not,  then if cvs-
   buildpackage is set up to use a default  root  command,  that  will  be
   used.  Finally, if neither of these are the case, then debuild will use
   its procedures to determine an appropriate command, as described in its

   See   the   manpages  for  debuild(1)  and  cvs-buildpackage  for  more
   information about the behaviour of each.


   The following are the debuild options recognised by  cvs-debuild.   All
   cvs-buildpackage   and   lintian  options  are  simply  passed  to  the
   appropriate  program.   For  explanations  of  the  meanings  of  these
   variables, see debuild(1).

   --no-conf, --noconf

   --rootcmd=gain-root-command, -rgain-root-command


   --preserve-envvar=var, -evar

   --set-envvar=var=value, -evar=value

   --lintian, --no-lintian

   --ignore-dirname, --check-dirname
          These should not be needed, but it is provided nevertheless.


   cvs-buildpackage(1), debuild(1), dpkg-buildpackage(1), lintian(1)


   This program was written by Julian Gilbey <>.

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