

   cvsdeb.conf  -  site-wide  configuration  file for cvs-buildpackage and




   The file /etc/cvsdeb.conf is actually a Bourne Shell  snippet  included
   during  the  package  build  process,  and  hence you may put any shell
   directive in that file (just make very  sure  you  know  what  you  are

   All  the  variables  have  reasonable  default  values,  and some maybe
   overridden on a per run or a per individual basis by using  environment
   variables,  and all configurable variables can be overridden by options
   to the scripts themselves.

   The value of a variable can be set so:

   a) Defaults exist in the rules file. These are the values  used  if  no
      customization is done.

   b) Some  variables  can  be  set  in  the config file /etc/cvsdeb.conf.
      These values override the defaults.

   c) Some  variables  can  also  be  set  by  setting   a   corresponding
      environment variable.  These values override the config file and the

   d) Using script command line options. All configurable variables may be
      set by this method, and will override the other methods above.

Predefined variables for cvs-buildpackage

   The following variables are defined for cvs-buildpackage.

   package         Name of the package

   version         The raw version of the package

   sversion        The version number stripped of epochs.

   uversion        The upstream version.

   tversion        Debian revision number, if any.

Configuration File options

   At the moment, the user modifiable variables supported are:

   DEBUG             Debugging  information:  The  default  value is 0 (no
                     debugging  information   is   printed).   To   enable
                     debugging output, set the value to 1.

   conf_forceclean   There are two things CVS may choke on: symbolic links
                     and CVS directories in the source tree.  Also,  there
                     are  times  when  one  may  not  want  to  honour the
                     upstream  .cvsignore  files.   The   conf_forceclean.
                     configuration variable causes the cvs-inject and cvs-
                     upgrade programs to ask whether the  offending  files
                     should  be deleted, if not, the programs exit with an
                     error message. Without this option, the programs exit
                     with  an  error  message  without asking. This can be
                     over   ridden    by    the    environment    variable

   conf_rootdir      The  root  directory is used to set the default value
                     of the cvs-buildpackage  work  directory,  using  the
                     package name. The default value is /usr/src/Packages.
                     This should probably not be a  sub  dir  of  CVSROOT,
                     since  cvs shall refuse to export packages there, and
                     the script shall fail.

   conf_workdir      The cvs-buildpackage work directory.  This  directory
                     is  where the original sources are expected, and this
                     is where the module shall be exported from  CVS.   If
                     you  set  this value, the value of the root directory
                     would  be  ignored.   Please  note  that   the   cvs-
                     buildpackage  work  directory referred to here is the
                     scratch directory where this program works,  not  the
                     directory  that  the  human  uses  to  work in.  This
                     should probably not be a sub dir  of  CVSROOT,  since
                     cvs  shall  refuse  to export packages there, and the
                     script shall fail.

   conf_dpkg_options This is where one may stash -us -uc  or  whatever  to
                     pass on to dpkg-buildpackage.  This is different from
                     the  other  variables  in  that  this  is  an   array
                     variable.  These  options shall augment (not replace)
                     dpkg-buildpackage options  provided  on  the  command

                     Bash  provides  one-dimensional array variables.  Any
                     variable may be  used  as  an  array;  the  `declare'
                     builtin  will  explicitly declare an array.  There is
                     no maximum limit on the size of  an  array,  nor  any
                     requirement  that  members  be  indexed  or  assigned
                     contiguously.  Arrays are zero-based.

                     Arrays are assigned to using compound assignments  of
                     the  form  conf_dpkg_options=(value1  ...  valueN) or
                     dpkg_options=(value1 ${dpkg_options[@]})

   conf_rootcommand  This is where one specifies the  default  command  to
                     gain  root  access  (usually set to fakeroot, sudo or
                     super   ).   This   is   also   passed    along    to

   conf_buildpackage Sets   the  name  of  the  builder  program  invoked,
                     nominally set  to  dpkg-buildpackage.   However,  the
                     user  may choose to use a different build program, or
                     a  wrapper,   or   even   'chroot   /opt/root   dpkg-
                     buildpackage'  to build the package in a chroot jail,
                     if desired.  (Obviously, this requires that the  Work
                     directory to be a subdirectory of a previously set up
                     chroot jail).  One  may  also  hook  in  pbuilder  by
                     setting  this  variable  to  'pdebuild --auto-debsign
                     --buildresult  ../'.   (Again,  this  requires   that
                     pbuilder has been set up correctly).  This option can
                     be  over   ridden   by   the   environment   variable

   conf_packageopts  Additional  arguments  to  give  to conf_buildpackage
                     that shall be appended to dpkg-buildpackage  options.
                     Use  this  variable to append to the list of options.
                     This option can be over  ridden  by  the  environment
                     variable CVSDEB_PACKAGEOPTS.

   conf_forcetag.    If  this is set, then cvs-buildpackage shall call cvs
                     tag  -F  to  ensure  that  all  files  are  re-tagged

                     If  this is set, then this prefix is prepended to the
                     package name while looking  for  the  repository.  In
                     other  word,  we append this to CVSROOT while looking
                     for packages. Use  this  to  group  all  your  Debian
                     package sources together in a subdirectory in the CVS

                     If this is set, then  cvs-buildpackage  will  include
                     the  package  name  and an underscore at the start of
                     every CVS tag it generates or uses.

   conf_cvsmodule    This  option  sets  the  CVS  module  for  use   with
                     cvs-inject and cvs-upgrade.

                     This  option  tells  the  cvs-inject  and cvs-upgrade
                     commands to incorporate debian changelog entries into
                     the cvs changelog.

   conf_hook_script  This  option,  if  set, should point to a script that
                     should be run just before calling  dpkg-buildpackage.
                     Ideally,  things like this are done using the modules
                     file and programs, but is  still  provided  here  for
                     convenience.  This  is overridden by the  environment
                     variable CVSDEB_HOOK.

   conf_get_orig     This option, if set,  should  contain  a  command  to
                     execute  to get the original tarball into the current
                     directory. This can then be used to allow one to  get
                     the  original file using, for instance, wget or curl.
                     This is overridden by the CVSDEB_GET_ORIG environment

   conf_use_apt      If  set  to  YES,  cvs-buildpackage  will use apt-get
                     source to retrive the original tarball,  if  one  for
                     the  correct  upstream  version is found in a Sources
                     file  known  to  apt.   This  is  overridden  by  the
                     CVSDEB_USE_APT environment variable.

Environment Variables

   At the moment, the user modifiable variables supported are:

   CVSDEB_ROOTDIR If  defined, this environment variable will override the
                  value of the root directory  set  in  the  configuration

   CVSDEB_WORKDIR If  defined, this environment variable will override the
                  value of the cvs-buildpackage work directory set in  the
                  configuration  file,  and  would  cause  the  scripts to
                  ignore the root directory, irrespective  of  where  that
                  value was set.

   CVSDEB_MODULE  If  defined, this environment variable will override the
                  value of the CVS module set in the configuration file.

                  If defined, this environment  variable  will  make  cvs-
                  inject and cvs-upgrade programs incorporate entries from
                  the Debian changelog file into the CVS changelog.

                  If defined, this environment variable will override  the
                  value     of    the    configuration    file    variable

   CVSDEB_HOOK    Over    rides    the    configuration    file     option

          Over rides the configuration file option conf_get_orig.


   System-wide  defaults  are  placed  in  /etc/cvsdeb.conf,  This  can be
   overridden and supplemented by ~/.cvsdeb.conf file by each user.


   cvs-inject(1),           cvs-buildpackage(1),           cvs-upgrade(1),
   dpkg-buildpackage(1), cvs(1).


   There are no bugs.  Any resemblance thereof is delirium. Really.


   This manual page was written by Manoj Srivastava <>,
   for the Debian GNU/Linux system.

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