

   debi - install current version of generated Debian package


   debi [options] [changes file] [package ...]


   debi  figures out the current version of a package and installs it.  If
   a .changes file is specified on the command line, the filename must end
   with .changes, as this is how the program distinguishes it from package
   names.  If not, then debi has to be called from within the source  code
   directory  tree.   In  this  case,  it  will look for the .changes file
   corresponding to the current package version (by determining  the  name
   and version number from the changelog, and the architecture in the same
   way as dpkg-buildpackage(1) does).  It then runs  debpkg  -i  on  every
   .deb archive listed in the .changes file to install them, assuming that
   all of the .deb archives live in the same  directory  as  the  .changes
   file.   Note  that  you  probably  don't  want to run this program on a
   .changes  file  relating  to  a  different  architecture  after  cross-
   compiling the package!

   If  a  list  of  packages is given on the command line, then only those
   debs with names in this list of packages will be installed.

   Since installing a package requires root privileges, debi calls  debpkg
   rather  than  dpkg  directly.   Thus  debi will only be useful if it is
   either being run as root or debpkg can be run as root.   See  debpkg(1)
   for more details.

Directory name checking

   In  common  with  several other scripts in the devscripts package, debi
   will climb the directory tree until it finds a  debian/changelog  file.
   As  a safeguard against stray files causing potential problems, it will
   examine  the  name  of  the  parent  directory  once   it   finds   the
   debian/changelog file, and check that the directory name corresponds to
   the package name.  Precisely how it does  this  is  controlled  by  two
   configuration   file   variables   DEVSCRIPTS_CHECK_DIRNAME_LEVEL   and
   DEVSCRIPTS_CHECK_DIRNAME_REGEX, and  their  corresponding  command-line
   options --check-dirname-level and --check-dirname-regex.

   DEVSCRIPTS_CHECK_DIRNAME_LEVEL can take the following values:

   0      Never check the directory name.

   1      Only check the directory name if we have had to change directory
          in  our  search  for  debian/changelog.   This  is  the  default

   2      Always check the directory name.

   The  directory name is checked by testing whether the current directory
   name  (as  determined  by  pwd(1))  matches  the  regex  given  by  the
   configuration  file  option  DEVSCRIPTS_CHECK_DIRNAME_REGEX  or  by the
   command line option --check-dirname-regex regex.  Here regex is a  Perl
   regex  (see perlre(3perl)), which will be anchored at the beginning and
   the end.  If regex  contains  a  '/',  then  it  must  match  the  full
   directory  path.   If  not, then it must match the full directory name.
   If regex contains the string PACKAGE', this will be  replaced  by  the
   source  package  name,  as  determined from the changelog.  The default
   value for the regex is: PACKAGE(-.+)?', thus matching directory  names
   such as PACKAGE and PACKAGE-version.


   -adebian-architecture, -tGNU-system-type
          See  dpkg-architecture(1)  for  a  description of these options.
          They affect the search for the .changes file.  They are provided
          to mimic the behaviour of dpkg-buildpackage when determining the
          name of the .changes file.

   --debs-dir directory
          Look for the .changes and .deb files in directory instead of the
          parent  of  the  source  directory.   This  should  either be an
          absolute path or relative to the top of the source directory.

   -m, --multi
          Search for a multiarch .changes file, as created by dpkg-cross.

   -u, --upgrade
          Only upgrade packages already installed on  the  system,  rather
          than  installing  all  packages  listed  in  the  .changes file.
          Useful for multi-binary packages when you don't want to have all
          the binaries installed at once.

   --check-dirname-level N
          See the above section Directory name checking for an explanation
          of this option.

   --check-dirname-regex regex
          See the above section Directory name checking for an explanation
          of this option.

          Attempt to satisfy the Depends of a package when installing it.

   --tool tool
          Use  the  specified  tool for installing the dependencies of the
          package(s) to be installed.  By default, apt-get is used.

   --no-conf, --noconf
          Do not read any configuration files.  This can only be  used  as
          the first option given on the command-line.

   --help, --version
          Show help message and version information respectively.


   The  two configuration files /etc/devscripts.conf and ~/.devscripts are
   sourced in that order to set  configuration  variables.   Command  line
   options   can   be   used  to  override  configuration  file  settings.
   Environment variable  settings  are  ignored  for  this  purpose.   The
   currently recognised variables are:

          This  specifies  the directory in which to look for the .changes
          and .deb files, and is either an absolute path  or  relative  to
          the  top of the source tree.  This corresponds to the --debs-dir
          command line option.  This directive could be used, for example,
          if  you  always  use  pbuilder or svn-buildpackage to build your
          packages.  Note that it also affects debrelease(1) in  the  same
          way, hence the strange name of the option.

          See the above section Directory name checking for an explanation
          of  these  variables.   Note   that   these   are   package-wide
          configuration   variables,   and   will   therefore  affect  all
          devscripts scripts which check  their  value,  as  described  in
          their respective manpages and in devscripts.conf(5).


   debpkg(1), devscripts.conf(5)


   debi was originally written by Christoph Lameter <>.
   The now-defunct script debit was originally written  by  James  R.  Van
   Zandt  <>.   They  have been moulded into one script
   together with debc(1) and parts extensively modified by  Julian  Gilbey

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