

   DMXGetScreenAttributes - determine back-end screen attributes


   #include <X11/extensions/dmxext.h>

   Bool DMXGetScreenAttributes(Display *dpy,
                               int screen,
                               DMXScreenAttributes *attr);


   DMXGetScreenAttributes()  returns  the  attributes  for  the single DMX
   screen specified in screen.

   The DMXScreenAttributes structure is:

   typedef struct {
       char         *displayName;
       int          logicalScreen;

       unsigned int screenWindowWidth;
       unsigned int screenWindowHeight;
       int          screenWindowXoffset;
       int          screenWindowYoffset;

       unsigned int rootWindowWidth;
       unsigned int rootWindowHeight;
       int          rootWindowXoffset;
       int          rootWindowYoffset;

       int          rootWindowXorigin;
       int          rootWindowYorigin;
   } DMXScreenAttributes;

   displayName is the name used to  open  the  display,  either  from  the
   Xdmx(1) command-line or from the configuration file.

   logicalScreen  is  the  value  of  the  screen that that Xdmx(1) server
   exports to clients.  When Xinerama is in use, this value is typically 0
   for   all   values   of   physicalScreen.    If  Xinerama  is  in  use,
   rootWindowXorigin and  rootWindowYorigin  specify  where  the  physical
   screen   is  positioned  in  the  global  Xinerama  coordinate  system.
   Otherwise, these values are set to 0.

   screenWindowWidth,   screenWindowHeight,    screenWindowXoffset,    and
   screenWindowYoffset  are  a  geometry specification (see X(7x)) for the
   location of the DMX screen on  the  back-end  screen.   The  coordinate
   system of the back-end display is used for these values.

   rootWindowWidth,      rootWindowHeight,      rootWindowXoffset,     and
   rootWindowYoffset are a geometry  specification  (see  X(7x))  for  the
   location  of  the  root  window  on  the screen window.  The coordinate
   system of the screen window is used.  In most cases,  the  root  window
   will  have  the same geometry as the DMX screen window, and will occupy
   the same area of the back-end display.  (This would not  be  the  case,
   for example, if automatic projector alignment is used.)


   DMXGetScreenAttributes() returns True unless there is a protocol error.

   DMXGetScreenAttributes() can generate BadValue errors.


   DMXGetScreenCount(3), DMXChangeScreensAttributes(3), DMX(3), Xdmx(1)

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