

   dot-courier - Local mail delivery instructions






   In most cases delivering mail to an account means simply placing the
   message in the account's system mailbox, but that does not have to be
   the case. Alternate mail delivery instructions include running a
   separate program to process the message, or forwarding the message to
   another address. The various .courier files specify some basic mail
   delivery instructions. If sophisticated mail filtering is required, the
   delivery instructions should include running an external mail filter,
   such as maildrop(1)[1].

   The file $HOME/.courier specifies how messages are delivered to this
   account. If this file does not exist, default instructions set by the
   system administrator are used. The system administrator's default
   instructions specify the location of the account's system mailbox.

   In addition to receiving mail addressed user@domain, it is also
   possible for user to receive mail addressed to user-foo@domain, for
   arbitrary values of foo. To do this, install $HOME/.courier-foo, with
   delivery instructions for mail addressed to user-foo@domain.

   The system administrator can configure the Courier mail server to
   accept mail without regard to whether addresses are in uppercase and
   lowercase. In that case the name of a .courier file must contain only
   lowercase characters. In any event, all periods in the address must be
   replaced with colons. For example, to specify delivery instructions for
   user-Foo.Bar@domain, put the delivery instructions in

   The file $HOME/.courier-foo-default specifies delivery instructions for
   any user-foo-bar@domain address, where bar can be anything. However, it
   does NOT control mail delivery to user-foo@domain, which is controlled
   by $HOME/.courier-foo.

   Possible mail delivery instructions include: whether each message
   should be delivered to a non-standard mailbox; forwarded to another
   E-mail address; or if another program should be executed to handle the
   message. Programs executed from a .courier file have access to some
   environment variables (see ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES). Programs executed
   from a -default file can read those environment variables to determine
   the exact E-mail address the message was delivered to.

   Default delivery instructions
   The /etc/courier/aliasdir directory is searched as the last resort,
   when all attempts to figure out how to deliver mail to a local address
   have failed.

   /etc/courier/aliasdir's functionality is very similar to how the alias
   account is implemented in Qmail, except that no actual system account
   is needed. If <> is a local address, and there is no
   such system account, nor is there an alias defined for this address,
   the Courier mail server attempts to read delivery instructions from

   All the usual aspects of .courier deliveries apply. If there is no
   account that corresponds to the address <>, the
   Courier mail server looks for /etc/courier/aliasdir/.courier-user-foo,
   then /etc/courier/aliasdir/.courier-user-default, and finally

   It therefore follows that you can use
   /etc/courier/aliasdir/.courier-default to specify local mail delivery
   instructions for addresses that do not exist. Combined with dynamic
   mail delivery instructions (see below), that's one way to specify
   non-standard locations of mailboxes.

   Program/mailbox aliases
   The directory /etc/courier/aliasdir/.courier-:xalias/ is created and
   maintained by the makealiases(8)[2] script to implement aliases that
   deliver directly to programs or mailboxes. See makealiases(8)[2] for
   more information. (This directory corresponds to local addresses that
   begin with ".xalias/", but the Courier mail server prohibits explicit
   local addresses that begin with a period).

   Additionally, makealiases(8)[2] creates subdirectories named
   /etc/courier/aliasdir/.courier-:xalias-protocol/, where "protocol" is
   set by the -m option.

   Each .courier file specifies zero or more delivery instructions. If the
   .courier file is zero bytes long, it means that default mail delivery
   instructions set by the system administrator should be used. If the
   file is not a zero length file, and does not specify any delivery
   instructions, messages to the corresponding E-mail address are silently

       If $HOME/.courier does not exist, it is treated as a zero-length
       file, resulting in a delivery to a default mailbox. If
       $HOME/.courier-foo does not exist, it is treated as a non-existent
       address, returning the message as undeliverable.

   If home directories have global read and execute permissions, the
   Courier mail server will be able to reject mail to non-existent
   mailboxes right away. the Courier mail server's ESMTP server runs as a
   non-privileged process. It will not be able to access home directories
   which do not have global read and execute permissions. Therefore, the
   message will be accepted for delivery, by the Courier mail server. As
   soon as an attempt to deliver the message is made, the missing .courier
   file will result in the message being returned as undeliverable.
   However, here the Courier mail server has to accept the message for
   delivery first, before generating a non-delivery report.

   Delivery instructions in .courier are executed one at a time. If the
   execution of a delivery instruction fails for some reason, the message
   is either returned as undeliverable, or requeued for another delivery
   attempt. Messages that remain queued for a long period of time are
   returned as undeliverable.

       Even if one delivery instruction fails (and the message is returned
       as undeliverable) previous delivery instructions in the file will
       have been completed anyway.

   Blank lines in the file are ignored. Lines starting with the #
   character are comments, and are also ignored. Otherwise, each line
   specifies one of three possible delivery instructions: deliver to a
   system mailbox or a Maildir; run an external program; or forward the
   message to another address.

   Lines that start with the .  or the / character specify a mailbox or a
   Maildir delivery. The line must specify the complete location of the
   mailbox file, or a Maildir. Filenames starting with .  are relative to
   the account's home directory. A mailbox file is a traditional mailbox
   file that's readable by most mail software. A Maildir is a directory
   based mail storage format that offers several advantages over mailbox
   files. Mailbox files must be locked, and therefore they do not permit
   concurrent mail deliveries. The mailbox file must be locked while a new
   message is appended to it, otherwise multiple messages being delivered
   at the same time will trample all over each other. Maildirs do not
   require locking, and multiple concurrent deliveries can be made to the
   same Maildir. You can create Maildirs by using the maildirmake(1)[3]

       The Courier mail server does not implement the "dot-locking" form
       of mailbox file locking. The Courier mail server's locking
       abilities are limited solely to system file locking facilities
       (namely the lockf, or flock system calls). You can always use
       maildrop(1)[1], which offers additional locking options.

   Lines that begin with a single | character run an external program. The
   rest of the line specifies the command to be executed by the shell.
   Long commands can be continued on another line by terminating the
   previous line with the \ character.

   The Courier mail server runs the specified command, and provides the
   contents of the message on standard input.

   The Courier mail server waits until the external command completes
   execution before going to the next delivery instruction. The Courier
   mail server examines the exit code of the external command in order to
   determine whether the delivery failed, or not.

   If the external command terminates with the exit code of zero, the next
   delivery instruction is executed. If the command was the last delivery
   instruction in the file, the message is considered to be successfully

   If the external command terminates with the exit code of 99, any
   additional delivery instructions in the file are NOT executed, but the
   message is considered to be successfully delivered.

   If the external command terminates with the "EX_SOFTWARE" exit code,
   which is usually 70, on most platforms, the E-mail message gets
   returned as undeliverable, a non-delivery report, and no further
   delivery instructions takes place.

   If the external command terminates with any of the following exit
   codes: 64, 65, 67, 68, 69, 76, 77, 78, 100, or 112, the delivery
   attempt is considered to be failed, and the next course of action gets
   selected by Courier mail server's backscatter suppression settings, as
   described in the "Backscatter Suppression[4]" section of the
   installation instructions; see courier(8)[5] for more information.

   If the external command terminates with any other exit code, it is
   interpreted as a temporary error, and the message will be requeued for
   another delivery attempt later.

       On subsequent delivery attempts, delivery instructions will be
       carried out from the beginning of the .courier file.

   Lines that begin with the || characters also run an external program.
   The rest of the line specifies the command to be executed by the shell.
   Long commands can be continued on another line by terminating the
   previous line with the \ character.

   However, programs that are executed by the || instruction, unlike |,
   have their standard output captured, and reinterpreted as additional
   delivery instructions to be carried out. This feature allows an
   external program to be invoked to generate dynamic delivery
   instructions to be carried out by the Courier mail server.

   The standard output of the external program is read and parsed as if it
   contained .courier delivery instructions. There's a fixed upper limit
   on the number of bytes in dynamically-generated delivery instructions.
   For glibc, the limit is 8191 bytes, other systems's upper limit should
   be similar.

   The dynamically generated delivery instructions may also specify ||
   instructions, recursively. There is an upper limit of four recursive
   dynamically-generated delivery instructions.

   The exit code of the program invoked by the || instructions are
   interpreted exactly like the exit code of a program invoked by |, with
   the following exceptions. Dynamically-generated delivery instructions
   are carried out only if the external program terminates with an exit
   code of 0 or 99. Any other exit code discards any dynamically-generated
   delivery instructions. All other aspects of exit code treatment of
   external programs remains the same. If the exit code is 99, the
   delivery is deemed to be successful, and any additional instructions in
   the original .courier file are ignored. If the exit code is 0, the
   remaining instructions in the original .courier file are executed.

   Alias-based deliveries
   When the Courier mail server delivers to default delivery instructions
   in /etc/courier/aliasdir, those delivery instructions are carried out
   under the Courier mail server's installed system user and group id.
   That means that any executed programs or mailboxes are accessed as the
   Courier mail server's mail system user and group.

   External commands executed from the .courier file will have the
   following environment variables:

       The home directory.

       The recipient's userid.

       The message envelope return address.

       The complete receipient address.

       When RECIPIENT is of the form user@domain, HOST contains the domain
       part of the address.

       When RECIPIENT is of the form user@domain, LOCAL contains the user
       part of the address.

       When USER is of the form $USER-foobar, EXT will contain the foobar

       The portion of EXT that follows the first dash.

       The portion of EXT2 that follows the first dash.

       The portion of EXT3 that follows the first dash.

       When delivery instructions for the address user-foo-bar@domain come
       from the file $HOME/.courier-foo-default, DEFAULT will contain the
       bar part.

       This environment variable contains the entire From_ header that
       should be prepended to the message if it is to be delivered to a

       This environment variable contains the entire Return-Path: header.

       This environment variable contains the entire Delivered-To: header.

       When the external program reads the message from standard input,
       the message will NOT have the customary From_, Return-Path:, and
       Delivered-To: headers which are customary for locally-delivered
       messages. The external program can find those headers in the
       respective environment variables. If you have a command that
       expects to see those headers as a part of the message, you can use
       the preline(1)[6] wrapper to add them to the message. For example,
       the procmail mail filter requires those headers.

       The maildrop mail filter will not require preline if the system
       administrator correctly configures the Courier mail server. The
       system administrator can optionally configure the Courier mail
       server to recognize maildrop, and activate certain
       maildrop-specific optimizations in the Courier mail server. If
       these arrangemenets have been made, you can run maildrop directly
       from the .courier file, in a straightforward fashion, but those
       headers will automatically appear in the message, as seen by
       maildrop. Because the message is provided directly on standard
       input, without using a pipe, maildrop will be able to deliver the
       message directly from the Courier mail server's message queue,
       without using a temporary file.

   Lines that do not start with the ., /, or the | character specify a
   comma-separated list of E-mail addresses to forward the message to. If
   the line starts with either the & or the !  character, the character is
   ignored; this is a legacy compatibility option.


   The Courier mail server's .courier may seem to be exactly like Qmail's
   .qmail, but there are some minor differences. Qmail, as of 1.03, does
   not implement dynamic delivery instructions. The Courier mail server
   also uses a slightly different set of return codes which are classified
   as hard errors. The Courier mail server's implementation of forwarding
   differs from Qmail's. According to Qmail's documentation, if any
   external command terminates in a permanent or temporary failure, the
   message is not forwarded to any forwarding address in the .qmail file,
   even to addresses that precede the failed delivery instruction. The
   message is forwarded only after it is successfully delivered. The
   Courier mail server forwards messages to addresses immediately. Also,
   in some cases Qmail resets the return address on the message to the
   address of the account being forwarded.

   To make things more confusing, there is a configuration setting to have
   the Courier mail server read $HOME/.qmail files, instead of


   dot-forward(1)[7], maildirmake(1)[3], maildrop(1)[1], courier(8)[5].


   Sam Varshavchik


    1. maildrop(1)
       [set $man.base.url.for.relative.links]/maildrop.html

    2. makealiases(8)
       [set $man.base.url.for.relative.links]/makealiases.html

    3. maildirmake(1)
       [set $man.base.url.for.relative.links]/maildirmake.html

    4. Backscatter Suppression


       [set $man.base.url.for.relative.links]/courier.html

    6. preline(1)
       [set $man.base.url.for.relative.links]/preline.html

    7. dot-forward(1)
       [set $man.base.url.for.relative.links]/dot-forward.html

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