

   debian/patches/script.dpatch - self applying patch


   debian/patches/script.dpatch -patch [directory]
   debian/patches/script.dpatch -unpatch [directory]
   debian/patches/script.dpatch -pkg-custom [directory]


   A  dpatch  is  a  program  that  modifies  the  source  tree in a given
   directory. How it does that is entirely up to the person writing it. It
   can  be  a  script  that calls patch(1) with the appropriate options, a
   complicated perl script that does some deep magic,  or  anything  else.
   The  only  requirement  is  that it MUST accept the -patch and -unpatch
   options, followed by  the  destination  (or  working)  directory,  when
   specified.  For  the sake of compatibility, the second argument is only
   present when  a  working  directory  was  explicitly  set  with  dpatch

   For  some of the dpatch(1) features to work, the script should follow a
   common style: there should be a line near the top of the file with  the
   following  format: "filename -- author <email>". And one or more "# DP:
   description" lines. These will be used by dpatch cat for example.


   dpatch is deprecated, please switch to the `3.0 (quilt)' Debian  source
   package                format                instead.               See
   http://wiki.debian.org/Projects/DebSrc3.0#FAQ for a short guide on  how
   to do it.


   One can find dpatch examples under /usr/share/doc/dpatch/examples/.


   This manual page was written by Gergely Nagy.


   dpatch(1),  dpatch.make(7), dpatch-edit-patch(1), dpatch-list-patch(1),

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