

   dpkg-buildflags - returns build flags to use during package build


   dpkg-buildflags [option...] [command]


   dpkg-buildflags  is  a tool to retrieve compilation flags to use during
   build of Debian packages.  The default flags are defined by the  vendor
   but they can be extended/overriden in several ways:

   1.     system-wide with /etc/dpkg/buildflags.conf;

   2.     for  the current user with $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/dpkg/buildflags.conf
          where $XDG_CONFIG_HOME defaults to $HOME/.config;

   3.     temporarily by the user with environment variables (see  section

   4.     dynamically by the package maintainer with environment variables
          set via debian/rules (see section ENVIRONMENT).

   The configuration files can contain two types of directives:

   SET flag value
          Override the flag named flag to have the value value.

   STRIP flag value
          Strip from the flag named flag all the  build  flags  listed  in

   APPEND flag value
          Extend  the  flag  named  flag by appending the options given in
          value.  A space is prepended to the appended value if the flag's
          current value is non-empty.

   PREPEND flag value
          Extend  the  flag  named flag by prepending the options given in
          value.  A space is appended to the prepended value if the flag's
          current value is non-empty.

   The  configuration  files can contain comments on lines starting with a
   hash (#). Empty lines are also ignored.


   --dump Print to standard output all compilation flags and their values.
          It prints one flag per line separated from its value by an equal
          sign ("flag=value"). This is the default action.

   --list Print the list of flags supported by the current vendor (one per
          line).  See  the  SUPPORTED  FLAGS  section for more information
          about them.

          Display any information  that  can  be  useful  to  explain  the
          behaviour  of  dpkg-buildflags  (since  dpkg  1.16.5):  relevant
          environment variables, current  vendor,  state  of  all  feature
          flags.   Also  print  the  resulting  compiler  flags with their

          This is intended to be run from debian/rules, so that the  build
          log  keeps  a  clear  trace of the build flags used. This can be
          useful to diagnose problems related to them.

          Print to standard output commands that can be used to export all
          the  compilation  flags  for some particular tool. If the format
          value is not  given,  sh  is  assumed.  Only  compilation  flags
          starting  with  an upper case character are included, others are
          assumed to  not  be  suitable  for  the  environment.  Supported

          sh     Shell  commands  to  set  and  export all the compilation
                 flags in the environment. The flag values are  quoted  so
                 the output is ready for evaluation by a shell.

                 Arguments  to  pass  to a build program's command line to
                 use all the compilation flags (since  dpkg  1.17.0).  The
                 flag values are quoted in shell syntax.

                 This is a legacy alias for cmdline.

          make   Make  directives  to  set  and export all the compilation
                 flags in the environment. Output  can  be  written  to  a
                 makefile   fragment   and   evaluated  using  an  include

   --get flag
          Print the value of the flag on standard output. Exits with 0  if
          the flag is known otherwise exits with 1.

   --origin flag
          Print  the  origin of the value that is returned by --get. Exits
          with 0 if the flag is known otherwise exits with 1.  The  origin
          can be one of the following values:

          vendor the original flag set by the vendor is returned;

          system the flag is set/modified by a system-wide configuration;

          user   the    flag    is   set/modified   by   a   user-specific

          env    the  flag  is  set/modified  by  an  environment-specific

   --query-features area
          Print the features enabled for a given area (since dpkg 1.16.2).
          The only currently recognized areas on  Debian  and  derivatives
          are  qa,  reproducible,  sanitize and hardening, see the FEATURE
          AREAS section for more details.  Exits with 0  if  the  area  is
          known otherwise exits with 1.

          The  output  is  in RFC822 format, with one section per feature.
          For example:

            Feature: pie
            Enabled: no

            Feature: stackprotector
            Enabled: yes

   --help Show the usage message and exit.

          Show the version and exit.


   CFLAGS Options for the C compiler. The default value set by the  vendor
          includes  -g and the default optimization level (-O2 usually, or
          -O0  if  the  DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS  environment  variable   defines

          Options for the C preprocessor. Default value: empty.

          Options for the C++ compiler. Same as CFLAGS.

          Options for the Objective C compiler. Same as CFLAGS.

          Options for the Objective C++ compiler. Same as CXXFLAGS.

          Options for the GNU Java compiler (gcj). A subset of CFLAGS.

   FFLAGS Options for the Fortran 77 compiler. A subset of CFLAGS.

          Options for the Fortran 9x compiler. Same as FFLAGS.

          Options  passed  to  the  compiler  when  linking executables or
          shared objects (if the linker is called directly, then -Wl and ,
          have to be stripped from these options). Default value: empty.

   New  flags might be added in the future if the need arises (for example
   to support other languages).


   Each area feature can be enabled and disabled in the  DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS
   and  DEB_BUILD_MAINT_OPTIONS environment variable's area value with the
   '+' and '-' modifier.  For  example,  to  enable  the  hardening  "pie"
   feature   and  disable  the  "fortify"  feature  you  can  do  this  in

     export DEB_BUILD_MAINT_OPTIONS=hardening=+pie,-fortify

   The special feature all (valid in any area) can be used  to  enable  or
   disable  all area features at the same time.  Thus disabling everything
   in the hardening area and enabling only "format" and "fortify"  can  be
   achieved with:

     export DEB_BUILD_MAINT_OPTIONS=hardening=-all,+format,+fortify

   Several  compile-time  options  (detailed  below)  can  be used to help
   detect problems in the source code or build system.

   bug    This setting (disabled by default) adds any warning option  that
          reliably  detects  problematic  source  code.  The  warnings are
          fatal.  The  only  currently  supported  flags  are  CFLAGS  and
          CXXFLAGS     with    flags    set    to    -Werror=array-bounds,
          -Werror=clobbered,   -Werror=implicit-function-declaration   and

   canary This  setting (disabled by default) adds dummy canary options to
          the build flags, so that the build logs can be checked  for  how
          the  build  flags propagate and to allow finding any omission of
          normal build flag settings.  The only currently supported  flags
          flags set to -D__DEB_CANARY_flag_random-id__, and LDFLAGS set to

   Several  compile-time  options  (detailed  below)  can  be used to help
   sanitize a resulting binary against memory corruptions,  memory  leaks,
   use after free, threading data races and undefined behavior bugs.

          This  setting  (disabled  by default) adds -fsanitize=address to
          LDFLAGS and -fsanitize=address -fno-omit-frame-pointer to CFLAGS
          and CXXFLAGS.

   thread This  setting  (disabled  by  default) adds -fsanitize=thread to

   leak   This setting  (disabled  by  default)  adds  -fsanitize=leak  to
          LDFLAGS. It gets automatically disabled if either the address or
          the thread features are enabled, as they imply it.

          This setting (disabled by default) adds -fsanitize=undefined  to

   Several  compile-time  options  (detailed  below)  can  be used to help
   harden a resulting binary against memory corruption attacks, or provide
   additional warning messages during compilation.  Except as noted below,
   these are enabled by default for architectures that support them.

   format This   setting    (enabled    by    default)    adds    -Wformat
          -Werror=format-security   to  CFLAGS,  CXXFLAGS,  OBJCFLAGS  and
          OBJCXXFLAGS.  This will warn about improper format string  uses,
          and  will  fail  when  format  functions  are used in a way that
          represent possible security problems.  At  present,  this  warns
          about  calls  to  printf  and  scanf  functions where the format
          string  is  not  a  string  literal  and  there  are  no  format
          arguments, as in printf(foo); instead of printf("%s", foo); This
          may be a security hole if the format string came from  untrusted
          input and contains '%n'.

          This  setting  (enabled  by default) adds -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 to
          CPPFLAGS. During code generation the compiler knows a great deal
          of information about buffer sizes (where possible), and attempts
          to replace insecure unlimited length buffer function calls  with
          length-limited  ones.  This is especially useful for old, crufty
          code.  Additionally, format  strings  in  writable  memory  that
          contain  '%n'  are  blocked. If an application depends on such a
          format string, it will need to be worked around.

          Note that for this option to have any effect,  the  source  must
          also be compiled with -O1 or higher. If the environment variable
          DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS contains noopt, then fortify support  will  be
          disabled,  due  to  new  warnings being issued by glibc 2.16 and

          This setting (enabled by default if stackprotectorstrong is  not
          in  use)  adds  -fstack-protector  --param=ssp-buffer-size=4  to
          FCFLAGS.  This adds safety checks against stack overwrites. This
          renders many potential  code  injection  attacks  into  aborting
          situations.   In   the  best  case  this  turns  code  injection
          vulnerabilities  into  denial  of  service  or  into  non-issues
          (depending on the application).

          This feature requires linking against glibc (or another provider
          of __stack_chk_fail), so needs to be disabled when building with
          -nostdlib or -ffreestanding or similar.

          This  setting (enabled by default) adds -fstack-protector-strong
          and  FCFLAGS.  This is a stronger variant of stackprotector, but
          without significant performance penalties.

          Disabling stackprotector will also disable this setting.

          This feature has the same requirements as stackprotector, and in
          addition also requires gcc 4.9 and later.

   relro  This  setting (enabled by default) adds -Wl,-z,relro to LDFLAGS.
          During program load, several ELF  memory  sections  need  to  be
          written  to  by  the linker. This flags the loader to turn these
          sections read-only before turning over control to  the  program.
          Most notably this prevents GOT overwrite attacks. If this option
          is disabled, bindnow will become disabled as well.

          This setting (disabled by default) adds -Wl,-z,now  to  LDFLAGS.
          During  program load, all dynamic symbols are resolved, allowing
          for the entire PLT to be marked read-only (due to relro  above).
          The option cannot become enabled if relro is not enabled.

   pie    This  setting  (disabled  by  default)  adds  -fPIE  to  CFLAGS,
          and  -fPIE  -pie to LDFLAGS. Position Independent Executable are
          needed to take advantage of Address Space Layout  Randomization,
          supported  by  some  kernel  versions. While ASLR can already be
          enforced for data areas in the stack and heap  (brk  and  mmap),
          the  code areas must be compiled as position-independent. Shared
          libraries  already  do  this  (-fPIC),   so   they   gain   ASLR
          automatically,  but binary .text regions need to be build PIE to
          gain ASLR. When this happens, ROP (Return Oriented  Programming)
          attacks  are  much harder since there are no static locations to
          bounce off of during a memory corruption attack.

          This is not compatible with -fPIC so care  must  be  taken  when
          building shared objects.

          Static  libraries  can  be  used  by  programs  or  other shared
          libraries.  Depending on the  flags  used  to  compile  all  the
          objects  within a static library, these libraries will be usable
          by different sets of objects:

          none   Cannot be  linked  into  a  PIE  program,  nor  a  shared

          -fPIE  Can be linked into any program, but not a shared library.

          -fPIC  Can be linked into any program and shared library.

          Unconditionally  passing  -fPIE, -fpie or -pie to a build-system
          using libtool is safe as these  flags  will  get  stripped  when
          building  shared  libraries.   Otherwise  on projects that build
          both programs and shared libraries you might need to  make  sure
          that  when  building the shared libraries -fPIC is always passed
          last (so that it overrides any  previous  -PIE)  to  compilation
          flags  such  as  CFLAGS,  and -shared is passed last (so that it
          overrides any previous -pie) to linking flags such as LDFLAGS.

          Additionally, since PIE is implemented via a  general  register,
          some  register  starved  architectures  (but  not including i386
          anymore since optimizations implemented in gcc  >=  5)  can  see
          performance  losses  of  up  to  15%  in very text-segment-heavy
          application  workloads;  most  workloads  see  less   than   1%.
          Architectures  with  more  general registers (e.g. amd64) do not
          see as high a worst-case penalty.

   The compile-time options detailed below can be  used  to  help  improve
   build  reproducibility  or  provide  additional warning messages during
   compilation. Except as noted below, these are enabled  by  default  for
   architectures that support them.

          This  setting (enabled by default) adds -Wdate-time to CPPFLAGS.
          This  will  cause  warnings  when  the  __TIME__,  __DATE__  and
          __TIMESTAMP__ macros are used.

          This       setting      (enabled      by      default)      adds
          -fdebug-prefix-map=BUILDPATH=.  to CFLAGS, CXXFLAGS,  OBJCFLAGS,
          to the top-level directory of the package being built.  This has
          the  effect  of removing the build path from any generated debug


   There are 2 sets of environment variables doing  the  same  operations,
   the  first  one (DEB_flag_op) should never be used within debian/rules.
   It's meant for any user that wants to rebuild the source  package  with
   different  build  flags. The second set (DEB_flag_MAINT_op) should only
   be used in debian/rules by package maintainers to change the  resulting
   build flags.

          This  variable  can  be used to force the value returned for the
          given flag.

          This variable can be used to provide a space separated  list  of
          options that will be stripped from the set of flags returned for
          the given flag.

          This variable can be used to append supplementary options to the
          value returned for the given flag.

          This  variable  can  be used to prepend supplementary options to
          the value returned for the given flag.

          These  variables  can  be  used  by  a  user  or  maintainer  to
          disable/enable  various  area  features that affect build flags.
          The DEB_BUILD_MAINT_OPTIONS variable overrides  any  setting  in
          the  DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS  feature  areas.   See  the FEATURE AREAS
          section for details.

          This setting defines the current vendor.  If not  set,  it  will
          discover       the      current      vendor      by      reading

          This variable sets the build path (since dpkg 1.18.8) to use  in
          features  such as fixdebugpath so that they can be controlled by
          the caller.  This variable is currently Debian and  derivatives-


   Configuration files
          System wide configuration file.

   $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/dpkg/buildflags.conf or
          User configuration file.

   Packaging support
          Makefile  snippet  that  will  load  (and optionally export) all
          flags supported by dpkg-buildflags into  variables  (since  dpkg


   To pass build flags to a build command in a makefile:

       $(MAKE) $(shell dpkg-buildflags --export=cmdline)

       ./configure $(shell dpkg-buildflags --export=cmdline)

   To  set  build  flags  in a shell script or shell fragment, eval can be
   used  to  interpret  the  output  and  to  export  the  flags  in   the

       eval "$(dpkg-buildflags --export=sh)" && make

   or to set the positional parameters to pass to a command:

       eval "set -- $(dpkg-buildflags --export=cmdline)"
       for dir in a b c; do (cd $dir && ./configure "$@" && make); done

   Usage in debian/rules
   You  should  call  dpkg-buildflags  or  include  buildflags.mk from the
   debian/rules file to obtain the needed build flags to pass to the build
   system.   Note  that  older  versions of dpkg-buildpackage (before dpkg
   1.16.1) exported these flags automatically.  However,  you  should  not
   rely on this, since this breaks manual invocation of debian/rules.

   For  packages  with  autoconf-like  build  systems,  you  can  pass the
   relevant options to configure or make(1) directly, as shown above.

   For other build systems, or when you  need  more  fine-grained  control
   about  which  flags  are  passed  where,  you can use --get. Or you can
   include  buildflags.mk   instead,   which   takes   care   of   calling
   dpkg-buildflags and storing the build flags in make variables.

   If  you  want to export all buildflags into the environment (where they
   can be picked up by your build system):

       include /usr/share/dpkg/buildflags.mk

   For some extra control over what is exported, you can  manually  export
   the variables (as none are exported by default):

       include /usr/share/dpkg/buildflags.mk

   And you can of course pass the flags to commands manually:

       include /usr/share/dpkg/buildflags.mk
            $(CC) -o hello hello.c $(CPPFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS)

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