

   dpkg-gencontrol - generate Debian control files


   dpkg-gencontrol [option...]


   dpkg-gencontrol  reads  information from an unpacked Debian source tree
   and  generates  a  binary  package  control  file  (which  defaults  to
   debian/tmp/DEBIAN/control);  during  this  process it will simplify the
   relation fields.

   Thus Pre-Depends, Depends, Recommends and Suggests  are  simplified  in
   this  order  by  removing  dependencies  which  are  known  to  be true
   according to the stronger dependencies already  parsed.  It  will  also
   remove any self-dependency (in fact it will remove any dependency which
   evaluates  to  true  given  the  current  version  of  the  package  as
   installed).   Logically   it   keeps   the   intersection  of  multiple
   dependencies  on  the  same  package.  The  order  of  dependencies  is
   preserved  as best as possible: if any dependency must be discarded due
   to another dependency appearing further in the field,  the  superseding
   dependency will take the place of the discarded one.

   The  other  relation  fields (Enhances, Conflicts, Breaks, Replaces and
   Provides) are also simplified individually by computing  the  union  of
   the various dependencies when a package is listed multiple times in the

   dpkg-gencontrol  also  adds  an  entry  for  the  binary   package   to


          Sets  the  version  number  of  the binary package which will be

          Set an output substitution variable.  See  deb-substvars(5)  for
          discussion of output substitution.

          Read  substitution  variables  in substvars-file; the default is
          debian/substvars.  This option can be  used  multiple  times  to
          read  substitution  variables  from  multiple  files (since dpkg

          Override or add an output control file field.

          Remove an output control file field.

          Specifies the main source control file to read information from.
          The default is debian/control.

          Specifies  the  changelog  file  to  read  information from. The
          default is debian/changelog.

          Read or write the list of files to be uploaded here, rather than
          using debian/files.

          Specifies     the     format     of     the    changelog.    See
          dpkg-parsechangelog(1)   for   information   about   alternative

          Generate  information  for  the  binary package package.  If the
          source control file lists only  one  binary  package  then  this
          option may be omitted; otherwise it is essential to select which
          binary package's information to generate.

          Assume the filename of the package will be filename  instead  of
          the normal package_version_arch.deb filename.

   -is, -ip, -isp
          These  options are ignored for compatibility with older versions
          of the dpkg build scripts but  are  now  deprecated.  Previously
          they  were  used  to tell dpkg-gencontrol to include the Section
          and Priority fields in the control file. This is now the default
          behaviour.  If you want to get the old behaviour you can use the
          -U option to delete the fields from the control file.

          Tells dpkg-source that the package is being  built  in  package-
          build-dir instead of debian/tmp.  This value is used to find the
          default value of the Installed-Size  substitution  variable  and
          control  file  field (using du), and for the default location of
          the output file.

          Print the control  file  to  standard  output  (or  filename  if
          specified,     since    dpkg    1.17.2),    rather    than    to
          debian/tmp/DEBIAN/control  (or  package-build-dir/DEBIAN/control
          if -P was used).

   -?, --help
          Show the usage message and exit.

          Show the version and exit.


          The  main  source  control  information  file,  giving  version-
          independent information about the source package and the  binary
          packages it can produce.

          The  list  of generated files which are part of the upload being
          prepared.  dpkg-gencontrol adds the presumed filenames of binary
          packages whose control files it generates here.


   deb-substvars(5), deb-src-control(5), deb-changelog(5), deb-control(5).

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