

   exa - new 2D acceleration architecture for X.Org


   EXA  provides  a  simple  API  for  video  drivers  to implement for 2D
   acceleration.  It is a module loaded by drivers, and is not intended to
   be  loaded on its own.  See your driver's manual page for how to enable

   The EXA architecture  is  designed  to  make  accelerating  the  Render
   extension  simple  and  efficient,  and  results in various performance
   tradeoffs compared to XAA.  Some xorg.conf options  are  available  for
   debugging  performance  issues  or driver rendering problems.  They are
   not intended for general use.

   Option "EXANoComposite" "boolean"
          Disables acceleration of the Composite operation,  which  is  at
          the heart of the Render extension.  Not related to the Composite
          extension.  Default: No.

   Option "EXANoUploadToScreen" "boolean"
          Disables  acceleration  of  uploading   pixmap   data   to   the
          framebuffer. Default: No.

   Option "EXANoDownloadFromScreen" "boolean"
          Disables  acceleration  of  downloading  of pixmap data from the
          framebuffer.  NOTE:  Not  usable  with  drivers  which  rely  on
          DownloadFromScreen succeeding.  Default: No.

   Option "MigrationHeuristic" "anystr"
          Chooses  an  alternate pixmap migration heuristic, for debugging
          purposes.  The default is intended to be the best performing one
          for general use, though others may help with specific use cases.
          Available  options  include  "always",  "greedy",  and  "smart".
          Default: always.


   Xorg(1), xorg.conf(5).


   Authors  include:  Keith  Packard,  Eric Anholt, Zack Rusin, and Michel

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