

   fallocate - manipulate file space


   #define _GNU_SOURCE             /* See feature_test_macros(7) */
   #include <fcntl.h>

   int fallocate(int fd, int mode, off_t offset, off_t len);


   This  is  a nonportable, Linux-specific system call.  For the portable,
   POSIX.1-specified method of ensuring that  space  is  allocated  for  a
   file, see posix_fallocate(3).

   fallocate() allows the caller to directly manipulate the allocated disk
   space for the file referred to by fd for the  byte  range  starting  at
   offset and continuing for len bytes.

   The mode argument determines the operation to be performed on the given
   range.   Details  of  the  supported  operations  are  given   in   the
   subsections below.

   Allocating disk space
   The default operation (i.e., mode is zero) of fallocate() allocates the
   disk space within the range specified by offset and len.  The file size
   (as  reported by stat(2)) will be changed if offset+len is greater than
   the file size.  Any subregion within the range specified by offset  and
   len  that  did  not contain data before the call will be initialized to
   zero.  This default behavior closely  resembles  the  behavior  of  the
   posix_fallocate(3)  library  function,  and  is intended as a method of
   optimally implementing that function.

   After a successful call, subsequent writes into the range specified  by
   offset  and  len  are  guaranteed  not  to fail because of lack of disk

   If the FALLOC_FL_KEEP_SIZE flag is specified in mode, the  behavior  of
   the  call  is  similar,  but  the file size will not be changed even if
   offset+len is greater than the file size.  Preallocating zeroed  blocks
   beyond  the  end  of  the  file in this manner is useful for optimizing
   append workloads.

   If the FALLOC_FL_UNSHARE flag is specified in mode,  shared  file  data
   extents will be made private to the file to guarantee that a subsequent
   write will not fail due to lack of space.  Typically, this will be done
   by performing a copy-on-write operation on all shared data in the file.
   This flag may not be supported by all filesystems.

   Because allocation is  done  in  block  size  chunks,  fallocate()  may
   allocate a larger range of disk space than was specified.

   Deallocating file space
   Specifying the FALLOC_FL_PUNCH_HOLE flag (available since Linux 2.6.38)
   in mode deallocates space (i.e., creates a  hole)  in  the  byte  range
   starting  at offset and continuing for len bytes.  Within the specified
   range, partial filesystem  blocks  are  zeroed,  and  whole  filesystem
   blocks  are removed from the file.  After a successful call, subsequent
   reads from this range will return zeroes.

   The FALLOC_FL_PUNCH_HOLE flag must be ORed with FALLOC_FL_KEEP_SIZE  in
   mode;  in  other words, even when punching off the end of the file, the
   file size (as reported by stat(2)) does not change.

   Not all  filesystems  support  FALLOC_FL_PUNCH_HOLE;  if  a  filesystem
   doesn't  support the operation, an error is returned.  The operation is
   supported on at least the following filesystems:

   *  XFS (since Linux 2.6.38)

   *  ext4 (since Linux 3.0)

   *  Btrfs (since Linux 3.7)

   *  tmpfs(5) (since Linux 3.5)

   Collapsing file space
   Specifying the FALLOC_FL_COLLAPSE_RANGE  flag  (available  since  Linux
   3.15) in mode removes a byte range from a file, without leaving a hole.
   The byte range to be collapsed starts at offset and continues  for  len
   bytes.   At  the  completion of the operation, the contents of the file
   starting at the location offset+len will be appended  at  the  location
   offset, and the file will be len bytes smaller.

   A filesystem may place limitations on the granularity of the operation,
   in order to ensure efficient implementation.  Typically, offset and len
   must  be  a multiple of the filesystem logical block size, which varies
   according to the filesystem type and configuration.   If  a  filesystem
   has  such a requirement, fallocate() will fail with the error EINVAL if
   this requirement is violated.

   If the region specified by offset plus len reaches or passes the end of
   file,  an  error  is  returned; instead, use ftruncate(2) to truncate a

   No  other  flags  may  be  specified  in  mode  in   conjunction   with

   As  at  Linux 3.15, FALLOC_FL_COLLAPSE_RANGE is supported by ext4 (only
   for extent-based files) and XFS.

   Zeroing file space
   Specifying the FALLOC_FL_ZERO_RANGE flag (available since  Linux  3.15)
   in  mode  zeroes  space  in  the  byte  range  starting  at  offset and
   continuing for len bytes.   Within  the  specified  range,  blocks  are
   preallocated  for the regions that span the holes in the file.  After a
   successful call, subsequent reads from this range will return zeroes.

   Zeroing is done within the  filesystem  preferably  by  converting  the
   range  into  unwritten extents.  This approach means that the specified
   range will not be physically zeroed  out  on  the  device  (except  for
   partial  blocks at the either end of the range), and I/O is (otherwise)
   required only to update metadata.

   If the FALLOC_FL_KEEP_SIZE flag is additionally specified in mode,  the
   behavior  of the call is similar, but the file size will not be changed
   even if offset+len is greater than the file size.  This behavior is the
   same as when preallocating space with FALLOC_FL_KEEP_SIZE specified.

   Not  all  filesystems  support  FALLOC_FL_ZERO_RANGE;  if  a filesystem
   doesn't support the operation, an error is returned.  The operation  is
   supported on at least the following filesystems:

   *  XFS (since Linux 3.15)

   *  ext4, for extent-based files (since Linux 3.15)

   *  SMB3 (since Linux 3.17)

   Increasing file space
   Specifying  the FALLOC_FL_INSERT_RANGE flag (available since Linux 4.1)
   in mode increases the file space by inserting a hole  within  the  file
   size  without  overwriting  any  existing data.  The hole will start at
   offset and continue for len bytes.   When  inserting  the  hole  inside
   file,  the  contents  of  the  file  starting at offset will be shifted
   upward (i.e., to a higher file offset) by len bytes.  Inserting a  hole
   inside a file increases the file size by len bytes.

   This   mode   has  the  same  limitations  as  FALLOC_FL_COLLAPSE_RANGE
   regarding  the  granularity  of  the  operation.   If  the  granularity
   requirements  are not met, fallocate() will fail with the error EINVAL.
   If the offset is equal to or greater than the end of file, an error  is
   returned.   For  such  operations (i.e., inserting a hole at the end of
   file), ftruncate(2) should be used.

   No  other  flags  may  be  specified  in  mode  in   conjunction   with

   FALLOC_FL_INSERT_RANGE  requires  filesystem support.  Filesystems that
   support this operation include XFS (since Linux 4.1)  and  ext4  (since
   Linux 4.2).


   On  success,  fallocate()  returns  zero.  On error, -1 is returned and
   errno is set to indicate the error.


   EBADF  fd is not a valid file descriptor, or is not opened for writing.

   EFBIG  offset+len exceeds the maximum file size.

   EFBIG  mode is FALLOC_FL_INSERT_RANGE, and the  current  file  size+len
          exceeds the maximum file size.

   EINTR  A signal was caught during execution; see signal(7).

   EINVAL offset was less than 0, or len was less than or equal to 0.

   EINVAL mode  is  FALLOC_FL_COLLAPSE_RANGE  and  the  range specified by
          offset plus len reaches or passes the end of the file.

   EINVAL mode is FALLOC_FL_INSERT_RANGE and the range specified by offset
          reaches or passes the end of the file.

          either offset or len is not a multiple of the  filesystem  block

   EINVAL mode     contains    one    of    FALLOC_FL_COLLAPSE_RANGE    or
          FALLOC_FL_INSERT_RANGE and also other flags; no other flags  are
          permitted         with        FALLOC_FL_COLLAPSE_RANGE        or

          FALLOC_FL_INSERT_RANGE,  but the file referred to by fd is not a
          regular file.

   EIO    An I/O error  occurred  while  reading  from  or  writing  to  a

   ENODEV fd does not refer to a regular file or a directory.  (If fd is a
          pipe or FIFO, a different error results.)

   ENOSPC There is not enough space left on the device containing the file
          referred to by fd.

   ENOSYS This kernel does not implement fallocate().

          The  filesystem  containing  the file referred to by fd does not
          support this operation; or the mode  is  not  supported  by  the
          filesystem containing the file referred to by fd.

   EPERM  The file referred to by fd is marked immutable (see chattr(1)).

          or FALLOC_FL_INSERT_RANGE and the file  referred  to  by  fd  is
          marked append-only (see chattr(1)).

   EPERM  The operation was prevented by a file seal; see fcntl(2).

   ESPIPE fd refers to a pipe or FIFO.

          mode         specifies        FALLOC_FL_COLLAPSE_RANGE        or
          FALLOC_FL_INSERT_RANGE, but  the  file  referred  to  by  fd  is
          currently being executed.


   fallocate()  is  available  on  Linux  since kernel 2.6.23.  Support is
   provided by glibc  since  version  2.10.   The  FALLOC_FL_*  flags  are
   defined in glibc headers only since version 2.18.


   fallocate() is Linux-specific.


   fallocate(1), ftruncate(2), posix_fadvise(3), posix_fallocate(3)


   This  page  is  part of release 4.09 of the Linux man-pages project.  A
   description of the project, information about reporting bugs,  and  the
   latest     version     of     this    page,    can    be    found    at

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