

   gdomap - GNUstep Distributed Objects name server


   gdomap  [-C|-H]  [-I  pidfile] [-L name] [-M name] [-N] [-P number] [-R
   name] [-T type] [-U name] [-a file] [-c file] [-d]  [-f]  [-i  seconds]
   [-j path] [-p]


   gdomap  The  gdomap  daemon  is  used  by  GNUstep  programs to look up
   distributed objects  of  processes  running  across  the  network  (and
   between  different  user  accounts on a single machine).  The daemon is
   NOT used for lookup where two processes belonging to the same user  are
   using  a host-local connection.  This manual page explains the usage of
   gdomap.  For design and implementation information (and  special  notes
   for   packagers),  please  see  the  HTML  documentation  installed  in
   $GNUSTEP_SYSTEM_DOC, under Command-line Tools.

   Usually the gdomap daemon is started at  system  boot  time  and  binds
   itself  to  port  538. See the GNUstep Build Guide for a sample startup

   By default gdomap probes every machine on the local network to  see  if
   there  is  a  copy  of  gdomap running on it.  This is done for class-C
   networks and subnets of class-C networks.  If your host is on a class-B
   or  class-A  net then the default behaviour is to treat it as a class-C
   net and probe only the hosts  that  would  be  expected  on  a  class-C
   network of the same number.

   If  you are running on a class-A or class-B network, or if your net has
   a large number of hosts which will not have gdomap on them  -  you  may
   want  to  supply  a  configuration  file listing the hosts to be probed
   explicitly, rather than getting gdomap to probe all hosts on the  local

   You  may also want to supply the configuration file so that hosts which
   are not actually on your local network can still  be  found  when  your
   code  tries to connect to a host using @"*" as the host name.  NB. this
   functionality does not exist in OpenStep.

   A configuration file consists of a list of IP addresses to  be  probed.
   The  IP  addresses  should be in standard 'dot' notation, one per line.
   Empty lines are permitted in the configuration  file.   Anything  on  a
   line  after  a hash ('#') is ignored.  You tell gdomap about the config
   file with the '-c' command line option.

   gdomap uses the SIOCGIFCONF ioctl to build a list of IP  addresses  and
   netmasks  for  the  network  interface  cards on your machine.  On some
   operating systems, this facility is not available (or  is  broken),  so
   you  must  tell  gdomap the addresses and masks of the interfaces using
   the '-a' command line option.  The file named with '-a' should  contain
   a  series of lines with space separated pairs of addresses and masks in
   'dot' notation.  You must NOT include loopback interfaces in this list.
   If  you want to support broadcasting of probe information on a network,
   you may supply the broadcast address as a third item on the  line.   If
   your  operating  system  has  some other method of giving you a list of
   network interfaces and masks, please send me example code so that I can
   implement it in gdomap.


   -C     help about configuration

   -H     general help

   -I     pid file to write pid

   -L name
          perform lookup for name then quit.

   -M name
          machine name for -L and -N

   -N     list all names registered on host

   -P number
          port number required for -R option.

   -R name
          register name locally then quit.

   -T type
          port  type  for  -L  ,  -R  and  -U  options - tcp_gdo, udp_gdo,
          tcp_foreign, udp_foreign.

   -U name
          unregister name locally then quit.

   -a file
          use config file for interface list.

   -c file
          use config file for probe.

   -d     extra debug logging (normally via syslog).

   -f     avoid fork() to make debugging easy

   -i seconds
          re-probe at this interval (roughly), min 60

   -j path
          place the process in a chroot jail at this path rather  than  in

   -p     disable probing for other servers


   Use the -c option to specify a configuration file for gdomap. See under
   DESCRIPTION for possible configurations.


   Kill  with  SIGUSR1  to  obtain  a  dump  of   all   known   peers   in

   gdomap -N lists all registered names on the local host.


   gdomap -C gives above instructions on how to set up gdomap.

   gdnc(1), GNUstep(7), gpbs(1)

   The  GNUstep  Build  Guide  example  rc  script:  <http://gnustep.made->


   Work on gdomap started in October 1996.

   This manual page first appeared in gnustep-base 1.7.1 (June 2003).


   gdomap was written by Richard Frith-Macdonald <>

   This manual  page  was  put  together  by  Martin  Brecher  <martin@mb->.

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