

   getbuildlog - download build logs from Debian auto-builders


   getbuildlog package [version-pattern] [architecture-pattern]


   getbuildlog  downloads build logs of package from Debian auto-builders.
   It downloads build logs of all versions and for  all  architectures  if
   version-pattern  and  architecture-pattern  are not specified or empty,
   otherwise only build logs  whose  versions  match  version-pattern  and
   build  logs  whose  architectures  match  architecture-pattern  will be
   downloaded. The version and architecture patterns  are  interpreted  as
   extended regular expressions as described in grep(1).

   If  version-pattern  is  "last"  then only the logs for the most recent
   version of package found on will be downloaded.

   If version-pattern is "last-all" then the  logs  for  the  most  recent
   version found on each build log index will be downloaded.


   -h, --help
          Show usage information and examples.

   -V, --version
          Show version and copyright information.


   getbuildlog hello 2\.2-1 amd64
          Download amd64 build log for hello version 2.2-1.

   getbuildlog glibc "" mips.*
          Download mips(el) build logs of all glibc versions.

   getbuildlog wesnoth .*bpo.*
          Download all build logs of backported wesnoth versions.


   Written by Frank S. Thomas <>.

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