

   gopen - open files


   gopen [-a application] [-o] [-p] [-NXHost hostname] [filename]


   The  gopen  command allows you open a file (or directory) as if you had
   double clicked the object's icon.

   It is possible to specify one or more filenames which  are  interpreted
   relative to the current working directory.

   By  default,  gopen  will  open filename with the application currently
   assigned to the file's extension. But by specifying the -a flag on  the
   command  line  you  can  tell  gopen  to  open  the  file  with another

   You can also directly print a file without ( -p ) or with  (  -p  -o  )
   opening it.

   As  with  most  other GNUstep software, it is easily possible to attach
   the process to a remote window server using the -NXHost flag.


   -a application
          use application to open filename

   -o     open filename (may be used in conjunction with -p ).

   -p     print filename instead of opening.

   -NXHost hostname
          attach to remote window server on hostname


   Open all files with a .txt extension in the current directory:

   gopen *.txt

   To open a source file in CodeEditor (instead  of  the  current  default
   application), type:

   gopen -a CodeEditor MySourceFile.m

   To print the .plan file in your home folder, use the -p flag:

   gopen -p ~/.plan


   Using the -a application argument, gopen allows you to open any kind of
   file with any application you want. This does, however, not  work  with
   applications  employing  the  NSDocument architecture as they will only
   receive filenames whose  types  the  application  has  registered.   To
   circumvent this limitation, applications may advertise their ability to
   open all kinds of files through the "*" filetype.  When gopen  is  used
   with only the -a application argument but no filename
    present, the application is simply launched without opening a specific


   GNUstep(7), openapp(1)


   gopen was written November 2001.

   This manual page was first written July 2003.


   gopen was written by Gregory Casamento <>.

   This   man   page   was   written   by   Martin   Brecher   <martin@mb->.

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