

   grap2graph - convert a grap diagram into a cropped bitmap image


   grap2graph [ -unsafe ] [ -resolution M|MxN ] [ -format fmt ]


   Reads  a  grap  program as input; produces an image file (by default in
   Portable Network Graphics format) suitable for the Web as output.   For
   a description of the grap language, see grap(1).

   Your  graph  specification  should  not be wrapped with the .G1 and .G2
   macros that normally guard it within groff(1) macros.

   The output image will  be  a  black-on-white  graphic  clipped  to  the
   smallest  possible bounding box that contains all the black pixels.  By
   specifying command-line options to be passed to convert(1) you can give
   it  a  border,  set  the  background transparent, set the image's pixel
   density, or perform other useful transformations.

   This program  uses  grap(1),  pic(1),  groff(1),  and  the  ImageMagick
   convert(1)  program.   These  programs must be installed on your system
   and accessible on your $PATH for grap2graph to work.


          Run pic(1) and groff(1) in the `unsafe' mode  enabling  the  PIC
          macro  sh  to  execute  arbitrary  commands.   The default is to
          forbid this.

   -format fmt
          Specify an output format; the default is PNG  (Portable  Network
          Graphics).  Any format that convert(1) can emit is supported.

   Command-line  switches  and  arguments  not  listed above are passed to


          The directory in which temporary files will be created.  If this
          is not set grap2graph searches the environment variables TMPDIR,
          TMP, and TEMP (in that order).  Otherwise, temporary files  will
          be created in /tmp.


   pic2graph(1), eqn2graph(1), pic(1), groff(1), gs(1), convert(1).


   This documentation is released to the public domain.


   This document was written by Eric S. Raymond

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