

   gshadow - shadowed group file


   /etc/gshadow contains the shadowed information for group accounts.

   This file must not be readable by regular users if password security is
   to be maintained.

   Each line of this file contains the following colon-separated fields:

   group name
       It must be a valid group name, which exist on the system.

   encrypted password
       Refer to crypt(3) for details on how this string is interpreted.

       If the password field contains some string that is not a valid
       result of crypt(3), for instance ! or *, users will not be able to
       use a unix password to access the group (but group members do not
       need the password).

       The password is used when an user who is not a member of the group
       wants to gain the permissions of this group (see newgrp(1)).

       This field may be empty, in which case only the group members can
       gain the group permissions.

       A password field which starts with a exclamation mark means that
       the password is locked. The remaining characters on the line
       represent the password field before the password was locked.

       This password supersedes any password specified in /etc/group.

       It must be a comma-separated list of user names.

       Administrators can change the password or the members of the group.

       Administrators also have the same permissions as the members (see

       It must be a comma-separated list of user names.

       Members can access the group without being prompted for a password.

       You should use the same list of users as in /etc/group.


       Group account information.

       Secure group account information.


   gpasswd(5), group(5), grpck(8), grpconv(8), newgrp(1).

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