

   libcurl-multi - how to use the multi interface


   This is an overview on how to use the libcurl multi interface in your C
   programs. There are specific man pages for each function  mentioned  in
   here.  There's  also  the  libcurl-tutorial(3)  man page for a complete
   tutorial to programming with libcurl and the libcurl-easy(3)  man  page
   for an overview of the libcurl easy interface.

   All functions in the multi interface are prefixed with curl_multi.


   The  multi  interface  offers several abilities that the easy interface
   doesn't.  They are mainly:

   1. Enable a "pull" interface. The application that uses libcurl decides
   where and when to ask libcurl to get/send data.

   2.  Enable  multiple  simultaneous transfers in the same thread without
   making it complicated for the application.

   3.  Enable  the  application  to  wait  for  action  on  its  own  file
   descriptors and curl's file descriptors simultaneous easily.

   4.  Enable  event-based handling and scaling transfers up to and beyond
   thousands of parallel connections.


   To use the multi interface, you must first create a 'multi handle' with
   curl_multi_init(3).  This  handle  is then used as input to all further
   curl_multi_* functions.

   With a multi  handle  and  the  multi  interface  you  can  do  several
   simultaneous  transfers  in  parallel. Each single transfer is built up
   around an easy handle. You create all the easy handles  you  need,  and
   setup   the   appropriate   options   for   each   easy   handle  using

   There are two flavours of the multi interface,  the  select()  oriented
   one and the event based one we call multi_socket. You will benefit from
   reading through the description of both versions  to  fully  understand
   how  they  work  and  differentiate.  We  start  out  with the select()
   oriented version.

   When an easy handle is setup and ready for transfer,  then  instead  of
   using  curl_easy_perform(3)  like  when  using  the  easy interface for
   transfers, you should add the easy handle  to  the  multi  handle  with
   curl_multi_add_handle(3).  You  can  add  more  easy handles to a multi
   handle at any point, even if other transfers are already running.

   Should you change your mind, the easy handle is again removed from  the
   multi  stack  using  curl_multi_remove_handle(3). Once removed from the
   multi handle, you can again use other  easy  interface  functions  like
   curl_easy_perform(3)  on the handle or whatever you think is necessary.
   You can remove handles at any point in time during transfers.

   Adding the easy handle to the multi handle does not start the transfer.
   Remember  that one of the main ideas with this interface is to let your
   application   drive.   You   drive   the    transfers    by    invoking
   curl_multi_perform(3).  libcurl  will  then  transfer  data if there is
   anything available to transfer. It'll use the callbacks and  everything
   else you have setup in the individual easy handles. It'll transfer data
   on all current transfers in the multi stack that are ready to  transfer
   anything.  It  may be all, it may be none. When there's nothing more to
   do for now, it returns back to the calling application.

   Your application extracts info from libcurl about when it would like to
   get  invoked to transfer data or do other work. The most convenient way
   is to  use  curl_multi_wait(3)  that  will  help  you  wait  until  the
   application  should call libcurl again. The older API to accomplish the
   same thing is curl_multi_fdset(3) that extracts fd_sets from libcurl to
   use  in  select()  or  poll()  calls  in  order to get to know when the
   transfers in the multi stack might  need  attention.  Both  these  APIs
   allow  for  your  program  to  wait  for input on your own private file
   descriptors at the same time curl_multi_timeout(3) also helps you  with
   providing a suitable timeout period for your select() calls.

   curl_multi_perform(3)  stores  the number of still running transfers in
   one of its input arguments, and by reading that you can figure out when
   all  the  transfers in the multi handles are done. 'done' does not mean
   successful. One or more of the transfers may have failed. Tracking when
   this number changes, you know when one or more transfers are done.

   To  get information about completed transfers, to figure out success or
   not and similar,  curl_multi_info_read(3)  should  be  called.  It  can
   return a message about a current or previous transfer. Repeated invokes
   of the function get more messages until the message queue is empty. The
   information you receive there includes an easy handle pointer which you
   may use to identify which easy handle the information regards.

   When a single transfer is completed, the  easy  handle  is  still  left
   added to the multi stack. You need to first remove the easy handle with
   curl_multi_remove_handle(3)     and     then     close     it      with
   curl_easy_cleanup(3),  or  possibly  set  new  options to it and add it
   again with curl_multi_add_handle(3) to start another transfer.

   When all transfers in the multi stack are done, close the multi  handle
   with  curl_multi_cleanup(3).  Be  careful and please note that you MUST
   invoke separate curl_easy_cleanup(3) calls for every single easy handle
   to clean them up properly.

   If you want to re-use an easy handle that was added to the multi handle
   for transfer, you must first remove it from the multi  stack  and  then
   re-add it again (possibly after having altered some options at your own


   curl_multi_socket_action(3) function offers a way for  applications  to
   not  only avoid being forced to use select(), but it also offers a much
   more high-performance API that will make a significant  difference  for
   applications using large numbers of simultaneous connections.

   curl_multi_socket_action(3)     is     then     used     instead     of

   When using this API, you add easy handles to the multi handle  just  as
   with  the  normal multi interface. Then you also set two callbacks with
   curl_multi_setopt(3). They are two callback functions that libcurl will
   call with information about what sockets to  wait  for,  and  for  what
   activity,  and  what  the  current  timeout  time  is - if that expires
   libcurl should be notified.

   The multi_socket API is designed to inform your application about which
   sockets libcurl is currently using and for what activities (read and/or
   write) on those sockets your application is expected to wait for.

   Your application must make sure to receive all sockets  informed  about
   in  the CURLMOPT_SOCKETFUNCTION callback and make sure it reacts on the
   given activity on them. When a socket has the given activity, you  call
   curl_multi_socket_action(3)  specifying  which  socket and action there

   The CURLMOPT_TIMERFUNCTION callback is called to set  a  timeout.  When
   that    timeout    expires,    your   application   should   call   the
   curl_multi_socket_action(3) function saying it was due to a timeout.

   This  API  is  typically   used   with   an   event-driven   underlying
   functionality  (like  libevent,  libev,  kqueue, epoll or similar) with
   which the application  "subscribes"  on  socket  changes.  This  allows
   applications  and  libcurl  to  much  better  scale  upward  and beyond
   thousands of simultaneous transfers without losing performance.

   When  you've  added   your   initial   set   of   handles,   you   call
   curl_multi_socket_action(3)  with CURL_SOCKET_TIMEOUT set in the sockfd
   argument, and you'll get callbacks call that sets you up and  you  then
   continue  to  call curl_multi_socket_action(3) accordingly when you get
   activity on the sockets you've been asked to wait on, or if the timeout
   timer expires.

   You  can  poll  curl_multi_info_read(3)  to  see  if  any  transfer has
   completed, as it then has a message saying so.


   A few areas in the code are still using blocking code, even  when  used
   from  the multi interface. While we certainly want and intend for these
   to get fixed in the future,  you  should  be  aware  of  the  following
   current restrictions:

    - Name resolves unless the c-ares or threaded-resolver backends are used
    - NSS SSL connections
    - HTTP proxy CONNECT operations
    - SOCKS proxy handshakes
    - file:// transfers
    - TELNET transfers


   libcurl-errors(3), libcurl-easy(3), libcurl(3)

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