

   lvdisplay --- display attributes of a logical volume


   lvdisplay   [-a|--all]   [-c|--colon]   [--commandprofile  ProfileName]
   [-d|--debug]          [-h|-?|--help]           [--ignorelockingfailure]
   [--ignoreskippedcluster]     [--maps]    [--nosuffix]    [-P|--partial]
   [--reportformat   {basic|json}]   [-S|--select   Selection]    [--units
   hHbBsSkKmMgGtTpPeE]              [-v|--verbose]             [--version]
   [VolumeGroupName|LogicalVolume{Name|Path} ...]

   lvdisplay    -C|--columns     [--aligned]     [--binary]     [-a|--all]
   [--commandprofile     ProfileName]     [[--configreport     ReportName]
   [-o|--options           [+|-|#]Field1[,Field2...]            [-O|--sort
   [+|-]Key1[,Key2...]]    [-S|--select   Selection]   ...]   [-d|--debug]
   [-h|-?|--help]    [--ignorelockingfailure]     [--ignoreskippedcluster]
   [--logonly]  [--noheadings] [--nosuffix] [-P|--partial] [--reportformat
   {basic|json}]  [--segments]  [--separator   Separator]   [--unbuffered]
   [--units       hHbBsSkKmMgGtTpPeE]      [-v|--verbose]      [--version]
   [VolumeGroupName|LogicalVolume{Name|Path} ...]


   lvdisplay allows you to see the attributes of  a  logical  volume  like
   size, read/write status, snapshot information etc.

   lvs(8)  is  an  alternative  that  provides the same information in the
   style of ps(1).  lvs(8) is recommended over lvdisplay.


   See lvm(8) for common options and lvs for options given with --columns.

   --all  Include information in the output about internal Logical Volumes
          that are components of normally-accessible Logical Volumes, such
          as mirrors, but which are not independently accessible (e.g. not
          mountable).  For example, after creating a mirror using lvcreate
          -m1 --mirrorlog disk, this option  will  reveal  three  internal
          Logical Volumes, with suffixes mimage_0, mimage_1, and mlog.

   -C, --columns
          Display  output  in  columns, the equivalent of lvs(8).  Options
          listed are the same as options given in lvs(8).

   -c, --colon
          Generate colon separated output for easier parsing in scripts or
          programs.   N.B.  lvs(8) provides considerably more control over
          the output.

          The values are:

          * logical volume name
          * volume group name
          * logical volume access
          * logical volume status
          * internal logical volume number
          * open count of logical volume
          * logical volume size in sectors
          * current logical extents associated to logical volume
          * allocated logical extents of logical volume
          * allocation policy of logical volume
          * read ahead sectors of logical volume
          * major device number of logical volume
          * minor device number of logical volume

   -m, --maps
          Display the mapping of logical extents to physical  volumes  and
          physical  extents.   To  map physical extents to logical extents
          use: pvs --segments -o+lv_name,seg_start_pe,segtype


   Shows attributes of that logical volume. If  snapshot  logical  volumes
   have  been created for this original logical volume, this command shows
   a list of all snapshot logical volumes  and  their  status  (active  or
   inactive) as well:

   lvdisplay -v vg00/lvol2

   Shows  the  attributes  of  this snapshot logical volume and also which
   original logical volume it is associated with:

   lvdisplay vg00/snapshot


   lvm(8), lvcreate(8), lvs(8), lvscan(8), pvs(8)

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