

   lvextend --- extend the size of a logical volume


   lvextend    [--alloc    AllocationPolicy]    [-A|--autobackup    {y|n}]
   [--commandprofile ProfileName] [-d|--debug] [-h|-?|--help] [-f|--force]
   [-i|--stripes   Stripes   [-I|--stripesize  StripeSize]]  {-l|--extents
   [+]LogicalExtentsNumber[%{VG|LV|PVS|FREE|ORIGIN}]      |      -L|--size
   [+]LogicalVolumeSize[bBsSkKmMgGtTpPeE]}   [-n|--nofsck]  [--noudevsync]
   [-r|--resizefs]    [--reportformat    {basic|json}]    [--use-policies]
   [-t|--test]               [-v|--verbose]              LogicalVolumePath


   lvextend allows you to extend the size of a logical volume.   Extension
   of  snapshot logical volumes (see lvcreate(8) for information to create
   snapshots) is supported as well.  But to change the number of copies in
   a mirrored logical volume use lvconvert(8).


   See lvm(8) for common options.

   -f, --force
          Proceed with size extension without prompting.

   -l, --extents [+]LogicalExtentsNumber[%{VG|LV|PVS|FREE|ORIGIN}]
          Extend  or  set  the  logical  volume  size  in units of logical
          extents.  With the '+' sign the value is  added  to  the  actual
          size of the logical volume and without it, the value is taken as
          an absolute one.  The total number of physical extents allocated
          will  be  greater  than  this,  for  example,  if  the volume is
          mirrored.  The number can also be expressed as a  percentage  of
          the  total  space  in  the  Volume  Group  with  the suffix %VG,
          relative to the existing size of the  Logical  Volume  with  the
          suffix  %LV,  of  the  remaining  free  space  for the specified
          PhysicalVolume(s) with the suffix %PVS, as a percentage  of  the
          remaining  free space in the Volume Group with the suffix %FREE,
          or (for a snapshot) as a percentage of the total  space  in  the
          Origin  Logical  Volume  with the suffix %ORIGIN.  The resulting
          value is  rounded  upward.   N.B.  In  a  future  release,  when
          expressed  as a percentage with PVS, VG or FREE, the number will
          be treated as an approximate upper limit for the total number of
          physical  extents to be allocated (including extents used by any
          mirrors, for example).  The code  may  currently  allocate  more
          space than you might otherwise expect.

   -L, --size [+]LogicalVolumeSize[bBsSkKmMgGtTpPeE]
          Extend  or set the logical volume size in units of megabytes.  A
          size  suffix  of  M  for  megabytes,  G  for  gigabytes,  T  for
          terabytes,  P for petabytes or E for exabytes is optional.  With
          the + sign the value is added to the actual size of the  logical
          volume and without it, the value is taken as an absolute one.

   -i, --stripes Stripes
          Gives  the  number of stripes for the extension.  Not applicable
          to LVs using the original metadata LVM format, which must use  a
          single value throughout.

   -I, --stripesize StripeSize
          Gives  the  number  of  kilobytes  for  the  granularity  of the
          stripes.  Not applicable to LVs using the original metadata  LVM
          format, which must use a single value throughout.
          StripeSize must be 2^n (n = 2 to 9)

   -n, --nofsck
          Do  not perform fsck before extending filesystem when filesystem
          requires it. You may need to use --force to  proceed  with  this

          Disable  udev  synchronisation.  The  process  will not wait for
          notification from udev.  It will continue  irrespective  of  any
          possible udev processing in the background.  You should only use
          this if udev is not running or has rules that ignore the devices
          LVM2 creates.

   -r, --resizefs
          Resize  underlying  filesystem  together with the logical volume
          using fsadm(8).

          Resizes the logical volume according to configured  policy.  See
          lvm.conf(5) for some details.


   Extends  the  size  of  the  logical  volume  "vg01/lvol10" by 54MiB on
   physical volume /dev/sdk3. This is only  possible  if  /dev/sdk3  is  a
   member  of volume group vg01 and there are enough free physical extents
   in it:

   lvextend -L +54 /dev/vg01/lvol10 /dev/sdk3

   Extends the size of logical volume "vg01/lvol01" by the amount of  free
   space  on  physical  volume /dev/sdk3. This is equivalent to specifying
   "-l +100%PVS" on the command line:

   lvextend /dev/vg01/lvol01 /dev/sdk3

   Extends a logical volume "vg01/lvol01" by 16MiB using physical  extents
   /dev/sda:8-9 and /dev/sdb:8-9 for allocation of extents:

   lvextend -L+16M vg01/lvol01 /dev/sda:8-9 /dev/sdb:8-9


   fsadm(8),  lvm(8), lvm.conf(5), lvcreate(8), lvconvert(8), lvreduce(8),
   lvresize(8), lvchange(8)

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