

   lvmsystemid --- LVM system ID


   Local  VGs  may  exist  on  shared  storage  where  they are visible to
   multiple hosts.  These VGs are intended to be used  by  only  a  single
   machine, even though they are visible to many.  A system_id identifying
   a single host can be assigned to a VG to indicate the VGs  owner.   The
   VG  owner  can use the VG as usual, and all other hosts will ignore it.
   This protects the VG from accidental use by other hosts.

   The system_id is not a dynamic property, and can  only  be  changed  in
   very  limited  circumstances (see vgexport and vgimport).  Even limited
   changes to the VG system_id are not perfectly reflected  across  hosts.
   A  more  coherent  view  of shared storage requires using an inter-host
   locking system to coordinate access and update caches.

   The system_id is a string uniquely  identifying  a  host.   It  can  be
   manually  set  to a custom value or it can be assigned automatically by
   lvm using a unique identifier  already  available  on  the  host,  e.g.
   machine-id or uname.

   In  vgcreate, the local system_id is saved in the new VG metadata.  The
   local host owns the new VG, and other hosts cannot use it.

   A VG without a system_id can be used by any  host,  and  a  VG  with  a
   system_id  can  only  be  used  by a host with a matching system_id.  A
   foreign VG is a VG with  a  system_id  as  viewed  by  a  host  with  a
   system_id  that  does  not  match  the  VGs system_id.  (Or from a host
   without a system_id.)

   Valid system_id characters are the same as valid  VG  name  characters.
   If  a  system_id  contains  invalid  characters,  those  characters are
   omitted and remaining characters are used.  If a  system_id  is  longer
   than  the  maximum name length, the characters up to the maximum length
   are used.  The maximum length of a system_id is 128 characters.

   Limitations and warnings
   To benefit fully from system_id, all hosts must have system_id set, and
   VGs  must have system_id set.  A VG on shared storage can be damaged or
   destroyed in some cases which the user must be careful to avoid.

   * A VG without a system_id can be used  without  restriction  from  any
     host,  even from hosts that have a system_id.  Many VGs will not have
     a system_id and are unprotected.  Verify that a VG has a system_id by
     running the command 'vgs -o+systemid'

     A  VG will not have a system_id if it was created before this feature
     was added to lvm, or if it was created by a host that did not have  a
     system_id defined.  A system_id can be assigned to these VGs by using
     vgchange --systemid (see below).

   * Two hosts should not  be  assigned  the  same  system_id.   Doing  so
     defeats  the  purpose  of  the  system_id  which  is  to  distinguish
     different hosts.

   * Orphan PVs (or unused  devices)  on  shared  storage  are  completely
     unprotected  by  the system_id feature.  Commands that use these PVs,
     such as vgcreate or  vgextend,  are  not  prevented  from  performing
     conflicting  operations  and  corrupting  the  PVs.   See the orphans
     section for more information.

   * A host using an old version of lvm without the system_id feature will
     not  recognize  a new system_id in VGs from other hosts.  Even though
     the old version of lvm is not  blocked  from  reading  a  VG  with  a
     system_id,  it  is  blocked from writing to the VG (or its LVs).  The
     new system_id changes the write mode of a VG, making it appear  read-
     only to previous lvm versions.

     This  also  means  that  if  a host downgrades its version of lvm, it
     would lose access to any VGs it had created  with  a  system_id.   To
     avoid   this,  the  system_id  should  be  removed  from  VGs  before
     downgrading to an lvm version without the system_id feature.

   Types of VG access
   A local VG is meant to be used by a single host.
   A shared or clustered VG is meant to be used by multiple hosts.
   These can be further distinguished as:

   Unrestricted: A local VG that  has  no  system_id.   This  VG  type  is
   unprotected and accessible to any host.

   Owned: A local VG that has a system_id set, as viewed from the one host
   with a matching system_id (the owner).  This VG type is  by  definition

   Foreign:  A  local VG that has a system_id set, as viewed from any host
   with an unmatching system_id (or no system_id).  It is owned by another
   host.  This VG type is by definition not accessible.

   Exported:  A  local  VG that has been exported with vgexport and has no
   system_id.  This VG type can only be accessed by  vgimport  which  will
   change it to owned.

   Shared:  A  shared or "lockd" VG has lock_type set and no system_id.  A
   shared VG is meant to be used on shared storage  from  multiple  hosts,
   and  is only accessible to hosts using lvmlockd. Applicable only if LVM
   is compiled with lockd support.

   Clustered: A clustered or "clvm" VG has the clustered flag set  and  no
   system_id.   A  clustered VG is meant to be used on shared storage from
   multiple hosts, and is only accessible to hosts using clvmd.

   A host's own system_id can be defined in a number  of  ways.   lvm.conf
   global/system_id_source  defines  the  method  lvm will use to find the
   local system_id:


          lvm will not use a system_id.  lvm  is  allowed  to  access  VGs
          without   a  system_id,  and  will  create  new  VGs  without  a
          system_id.  An undefined system_id_source is equivalent to none.

          global {
              system_id_source = "none"


          The content of /etc/machine-id  is  used  as  the  system_id  if
          available.  See machine-id(5) and systemd-machine-id-setup(1) to
          check if machine-id is available on the host.

          global {
              system_id_source = "machineid"


          The  string  utsname.nodename  from  uname(2)  is  used  as  the
          system_id.   A  uname  beginning with "localhost" is ignored and
          equivalent to none.

          global {
              system_id_source = "uname"


          The system_id is defined in lvmlocal.conf local/system_id.

          global {
              system_id_source = "lvmlocal"

          local {
              system_id = "example_name"


          The system_id  is  defined  in  a  file  specified  by  lvm.conf

          global {
              system_id_source = "file"
              system_id_file = "/path/to/file"

   Changing  system_id_source  will  often  cause the system_id to change,
   which may prevent the host from using VGs that it previously used  (see
   extra_system_ids below to handle this.)

   If a system_id_source other than none fails to resolve a system_id, the
   host will be allowed to access VGs with no system_id, but will  not  be
   allowed to access VGs with a defined system_id.

   In some cases, it may be useful for a host to access VGs with different
   system_id's, e.g. if a host's system_id changes, and it  wants  to  use
   VGs  that it created with its old system_id.  To allow a host to access
   VGs with other system_id's, those other system_id's can  be  listed  in
   lvmlocal.conf local/extra_system_ids.

   local {
       extra_system_ids = [ "my_other_name" ]

   In  vgcreate, the host running the command assigns its own system_id to
   the new VG.  To override this and set another system_id:

   vgcreate --systemid SystemID VG Devices

   Overriding the system_id makes it possible for a host to  create  a  VG
   that it may not be able to use.  Another host with a system_id matching
   the one specified  may  not  recognize  the  new  VG  without  manually
   rescanning devices.

   If  the  --systemid argument is an empty string (""), the VG is created
   with no system_id, making it accessible to other  hosts  (see  warnings

   The  system_id  of  a  VG  is  displayed  with the "systemid" reporting

   Report/display commands ignore  foreign  VGs  by  default.   To  report
   foreign  VGs, the --foreign option can be used.  This causes the VGs to
   be read from disk.  Because lvmetad caching is not  used,  this  option
   can cause poor performance.

   vgs --foreign -o+systemid

   When  a host with no system_id sees foreign VGs, it warns about them as
   they are skipped.  The host should be assigned a system_id, after which
   standard reporting commands will silently ignore foreign VGs.

   vgexport clears the system_id.

   Other hosts will continue to see a newly exported VG as foreign because
   of local caching (when lvmetad is used).  Manually updating  the  local
   lvmetad  cache  with  pvscan --cache will allow a host to recognize the
   newly exported VG.

   vgimport sets the VG system_id to the local system_id as determined  by
   lvm.conf  system_id_source.   vgimport  automatically scans storage for
   newly exported VGs.

   After vgimport, the exporting host will  continue  to  see  the  VG  as
   exported,  and  not owned by the new host.  Manually updating the local
   cache with pvscan --cache will allow a  host  to  recognize  the  newly
   imported VG as foreign.

   A  host  can  change  the  system_id  of  its  own VGs, but the command
   requires confirmation because the host may lose access to the VG  being

   vgchange --systemid SystemID VG

   The  system_id  can  be removed from a VG by specifying an empty string
   ("") as the new system_id.  This makes the VG accessible to other hosts
   (see warnings above.)

   A host cannot directly change the system_id of a foreign VG.

   To  move a VG from one host to another, vgexport and vgimport should be

   To forcibly gain ownership of a foreign VG, a host can add the  foreign
   system_id  to  its  extra_system_ids  list, change the system_id of the
   foreign VG to its own,  and  remove  the  foreign  system_id  from  its
   extra_system_ids list.

   shared VGs
   A  shared/lockd VG has no system_id set, allowing multiple hosts to use
   it via lvmlockd.  Changing a VG to a lockd type will clear the existing
   system_id. Applicable only if LVM is compiled with lockd support.

   clustered VGs
   A  clustered/clvm  VG  has no system_id set, allowing multiple hosts to
   use it via clvmd.  Changing a VG to clustered will clear  the  existing
   system_id.   Changing  a  VG to not clustered will set the system_id to
   the host running the vgchange command.

   In vgcreate, the VG metadata field creation_host is set by  default  to
   the host's uname.  The creation_host cannot be changed, and is not used
   to control access.  When system_id_source is "uname", the system_id and
   creation_host will be the same.

   Orphan  PVs  are unused devices; they are not currently used in any VG.
   Because of this, they are not protected by a system_id,  and  any  host
   can  use  them.   Coordination  of  changes to orphan PVs is beyond the
   scope of system_id.  The same is true of any block device that is not a

   The  effects  of  this  are  especially  evident  when lvm uses lvmetad
   caching.  For example, if multiple hosts see an orphan PV, and one host
   creates  a VG using the orphan, the other hosts will continue to report
   the PV as an orphan.  Nothing would  automatically  prevent  the  other
   hosts  from  using  the  newly  allocated PV and corrupting it.  If the
   other hosts run a command to rescan devices, and update  lvmetad,  they
   would  then  recognize  that  the  PV has been used by another host.  A
   command that rescans devices could be pvscan --cache, or vgs --foreign.


   vgcreate(8),  vgchange(8),   vgimport(8),   vgexport(8),   lvm.conf(5),
   machine-id(5), uname(2), vgs(8)

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