

   makepercentrelay - Build a list of %-relayed domains




   makepercentrelay reads /etc/courier/esmtppercentrelay.dir and creates
   /etc/courier/esmtppercentrelay.dat which is a binary database file. The
   files /etc/courier/esmtppercentrelay and
   /etc/courier/esmtppercentrelay.dat specify a list of "percent-hack"
   domains.  /etc/courier/esmtppercentrelay is a plain text file,
   containing one domain per line. The Courier mail server loads the
   contents of /etc/courier/esmtppercentrelay into memory, so if you have
   a lot of domains, you will want to use the binary database file. The
   makepercentrelay command reads /etc/courier/esmtppercentrelay.dir,
   which can be either a plain text file itself, or a directory containing
   plain text files. All files in the subdirectory are concatenated, and
   the binary database file is created from the result.  Note that this
   build of courier ignores any files that match the regex pattern
   ".*.dpkg-[a-z]*" (dpkg configuration file handling) and ".*~" (backup
   files of some editors).

   the Courier mail server can use both /etc/courier/esmtppercentrelay and
   /etc/courier/esmtppercentrelay.dat at the same time. Usually you would
   put a couple of your most frequent domains in
   /etc/courier/esmtppercentrelay, then put the rest in
   /etc/courier/esmtppercentrelay.dir, and use makepercentrelay to turn it
   into a database file.

   "percent-hack" domains are a list of domains for which the Courier mail
   server accepts mail via ESMTP addressed as
   "local%percent.hack.domain@local.domain", where "percent.hack.domain"
   is a domain found in /etc/courier/esmtppercentrelay or
   /etc/courier/esmtppercentrelay.dat, and "local.domain" is any domain
   found in /etc/courier/locals. The Courier mail server removes the local
   domain, and rewrites the address as "local@percent.hack.domain", then
   attempts to deliver it.

   The percent hack applies only to mail received via ESMTP. The Courier
   mail server does not check this list of domains if the message is
   received via any other way (such as by running /usr/bin/sendmail
   directly from the command line). "percent.hack.domain" would likely to
   be a domain that the Courier mail server knows how to handle via some
   other means. It might be an entry in /etc/courier/aliases, or an entry
   in /etc/courier/esmtproutes.


   esmtpd(8)[1], makealiases(8)[2].


   Sam Varshavchik


    1. esmtpd(8)
       [set $man.base.url.for.relative.links]/esmtpd.html

    2. makealiases(8)
       [set $man.base.url.for.relative.links]/makealiases.html

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