

   neomagic - Neomagic video driver


   Section "Device"
     Identifier "devname"
     Driver "neomagic"


   neomagic  is an Xorg driver for the Neomagic graphics chipsets found in
   many laptop computers.


   neomagic supports the following chipsets:

   MagicGraph 128    (NM2070)

   MagicGraph 128V   (NM2090)

   MagicGraph 128ZV  (NM2093)

   MagicGraph 128ZV+ (NM2097)

   MagicGraph 128XD  (NM2160)

   MagicGraph 256AV  (NM2200)

   MagicGraph 256AV+ (NM2230)

   MagicGraph 256ZX  (NM2360)

   MagicGraph 256XL+ (NM2380)

   The driver supports depths 8, 15, 16 and 24 for all chipsets except the
   NM2070  which  does  not  support depth 24.  All depths are accelerated
   except for depth 24 which is  only  accelerated  on  NM2200  and  newer
   models.    All  visuals  are  supported  in  depth  8.   TrueColor  and
   DirectColor visuals are supported in the other depths.


   Please refer to xorg.conf(5) for general configuration  details.   This
   section only covers configuration details specific to this driver.

   The following driver Options are supported

   Option "NoAccel" "boolean"
          Disable   or  enable  acceleration.   Default:  acceleration  is

   Option "SWCursor" "boolean"
          Disable or enable software cursor.  Default: software cursor  is
          disable and a hardware cursor is used.

   Option "PCIBurst" "boolean"
          Disable or enable PCI burst modes.  Default: enabled.

   Option "Rotate" "CW"

   Option "Rotate" "CCW"
          Rotate  the display clockwise or counterclockwise.  This mode is
          unaccelerated.  Default: no rotation.

   Option "ShadowFB" "boolean"
          Enable or disable use of the shadow framebuffer layer.  Default:

   Option "OverlayMem" "integer"
          Reserve  the  given  amount  of memory (in bytes) for the XVideo
          overlay.  On boards with limited memory, display of large XVideo
          buffers  might fail due to insufficient available memory.  Using
          this option solves the problem at the expense  of  reducing  the
          memory  available  for  other  operations.   For full-resolution
          DVDs, 829440 bytes (720x576x2) are necessary.

   On some laptops using the 2160 chipset (MagicGraph 128XD) the following
   options are needed to avoid a lock-up of the graphic engine:
       Option "XaaNoScanlineImageWriteRect"
       Option "XaaNoScanlineCPUToScreenColorExpandFill"


   Xorg(1), xorg.conf(5), Xserver(1), X(7)


   Authors include: Jens Owen, Kevin E. Martin, and also Egbert Eich, Mark
   Vojkovich, Alan Hourihane.

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