

   openchrome - video driver for VIA Unichromes


   Section "Device"
     Identifier "devname"
     Driver "openchrome"


   openchrome  is  an Xorg driver for VIA chipsets that have an integrated
   Unichrome graphics engine.

   The  openchrome  driver  supports  the  following   chipsets:   CLE266,
   KM400/KN400/KM400A/P4M800,       CN400/PM800/PN800/PM880,       K8M800,
   CN700/VM800/P4M800Pro,  CX700,  P4M890,   K8M890,   P4M900/VN896/CN896,
   VX800,  VX855  and  VX900.   The driver includes 2D acceleration and Xv
   video  overlay  extensions.   Flat  panel,  TV,  and  VGA  outputs  are
   supported, depending on the hardware configuration.

   3D  direct  rendering is available using experimental drivers from Mesa
   (  There is also an XvMC client  library  for  hardware
   acceleration  of  MPEG1/MPEG2  decoding  (not available on the KM/N400)
   that uses the Direct Rendering Infrastructure (DRI).  The  XvMC  client
   library implements a non-standard "VLD" extension to the XvMC standard.
   The current Direct Rendering Manager (DRM) kernel module  is  available

   The  driver  supports  free  modes  for  Unichrome Pros (K8M800/K8N800,
   PM800/PN800, and CN400).  For plain Unichromes  (CLE266,  KM400/KN400),
   it currently supports only a limited number of dotclocks, so if you are
   using X modelines you must make sure that the dotclock is one of  those
   supported.   Supported  dotclocks on plain Unichromes are currently (in
   MHz): 25.2, 25.312, 26.591, 31.5, 31.704, 32.663, 33.750,  35.5,  36.0,
   39.822,  40.0,  41.164, 46.981, 49.5, 50.0, 56.3, 57.284, 64.995, 65.0,
   65.028,  74.480,  75.0,  78.8,  81.613,  94.5,  108.0,  108.28,  122.0,
   122.726,  135.0,  148.5,  155.8,  157.5,  161.793, 162.0, 175.5, 189.0,
   202.5, 204.8, 218.3, 229.5.  On top  of  this,  bandwidth  restrictions
   apply for both Unichromes and Unichrome Pros.


   Please  refer  to xorg.conf(5) for general configuration details.  This
   section only covers configuration details specific to this driver.

   The following driver options are supported:

   Option "AccelMethod"  "string"
          The driver supports "XAA" and "EXA" acceleration  methods.   The
          default   method  is  XAA,  since  EXA  is  still  experimental.
          Contrary to XAA, EXA implements acceleration for screen  uploads
          and  downloads  (if DRI is enabled) and for the Render/Composite

   Option "ActiveDevice"  "string"
          Specifies the active device combination.  Any string  containing
          "CRT",  "LCD",  "DFP", "TV" should be possible. "CRT" represents
          anything that is connected to the VGA port, "LCD" is for  laptop
          panels  (not TFT screens attached to the VGA port), "DFP" is for
          screens connected to the DVI  port,  "TV"  is  self-explanatory.
          The default is to use what is detected.  The driver is currently
          unable to use LCD and TV simultaneously,  and  will  favour  the
          LCD.   The  DVI  port  is  not  properly  probed and needs to be
          enabled with this option.

   Option "AGPMem"  "integer"
          Sets the amount of AGP memory that  is  allocated  at  X  server
          startup.   The  allocated memory will be "integer" kB.  This AGP
          memory is used  for  the  AGP  command  buffer  (if  the  option
          "EnableAGPDMA"  is set to "true"), for DRI textures, and for the
          EXA scratch area.  The driver will allocate at least one  system
          page  of  AGP memory, or -- if the AGP command buffer is used --
          at least 2 MB plus one system page.  If there is no room for the
          EXA  scratch  area in AGP space, it will be allocated from VRAM.
          If there is no room for DRI textures,  they  will  be  allocated
          from  the  DRI  part  of VRAM (see the option "MaxDRIMem").  The
          default amount of AGP is 32768 kB.  Note that the  AGP  aperture
          set  in  the  BIOS must be able to accommodate the amount of AGP
          memory  specified  here.   Otherwise  no  AGP  memory  will   be
          available.   It  is safe to set a very large AGP aperture in the

   Option "Center"  "boolean"
          Enables  image  centering  on  DVI  displays.   The  default  is

   Option "DisableIRQ"  "boolean"
          Disables  the vertical blank IRQ.  This is a workaround for some
          mainboards  that  have  problems  with  IRQs  coming  from   the
          Unichrome  engine.   With IRQs disabled, DRI clients have no way
          to synchronize their drawing to Vblank.   (IRQ  is  disabled  by
          default on the KM400 and K8M800 chipsets.)

   Option "DisableVQ"  "boolean"
          Disables  the  use  of  the virtual command queue.  The queue is
          enabled by default.

   Option "EnableAGPDMA"  "boolean"
          Enables the AGP DMA functionality in DRM.   This  requires  that
          DRI  is enabled and will force 2D and 3D acceleration to use AGP
          DMA.  The XvMC DRI client will also make  use  of  this  on  the
          CLE266  to  consume  much  less CPU.  (This option is enabled by
          default, except on the K8M890 and P4M900.)

   Option "ExaNoComposite"  "boolean"
          If EXA is enabled (using the option "AccelMethod"), this  option
          enables   acceleration   of  compositing.   Since  EXA,  and  in
          particular its composite acceleration,  is  still  experimental,
          this is a way to disable a misbehaving composite acceleration.

   Option "ExaScratchSize"  "integer"
          Sets  the  size  of  the EXA scratch area to "integer" kB.  This
          area is used by EXA as a last place to look for available  space
          for pixmaps.  Too little space will slow compositing down.  This
          option should be set to the size of the largest pixmap used.  If
          you  have a screen width of over 1024 pixels and use 24 bpp, set
          this to 8192.  Otherwise you can leave this at the default 4096.
          The  space  will  be  allocated  from  AGP  memory if available,
          otherwise from VRAM.

   Option "LCDDualEdge"  "boolean"
          Enables the use of dual-edge mode to set the LCD.   The  default
          is disabled.

   Option "MaxDRIMem"  "integer"
          Sets the maximum amount of VRAM memory allocated for DRI clients
          to "integer" kB.  Normally DRI clients  get half  the  available
          VRAM  size,  but  in  some cases it may make sense to limit this
          amount.  For example, if you are using a composite  manager  and
          you  want  to  give as much memory as possible to the EXA pixmap
          storage area.

   Option "MigrationHeuristic"  "string"
          Sets the heuristic for EXA pixmap migration.   This  is  an  EXA
          core  option,  and  starting from Xorg server version 1.3.0 this
          defaults to "always".  The openchrome driver performs best  with
          "greedy",   so  you  should  really  add  this  option  to  your
          configuration file.  The third possibility is "smart".

   Option "NoAccel"  "boolean"
          Disables the use  of  hardware  acceleration.   Acceleration  is
          enabled by default.

   Option "NoAGPFor2D"  "boolean"
          Disables  the  use of AGP DMA for 2D acceleration, even when AGP
          DMA is enabled.  The default is enabled.

   Option "NoXVDMA"  "boolean"
          If DRI is enabled, Xv normally uses PCI DMA  to  transfer  video
          images  from  system  to  frame-buffer memory.  This is somewhat
          slower than direct copies due to the limitations of the PCI bus,
          but  on  the  other  hand  it decreases CPU usage significantly,
          particularly on computers  with  fast  processors.   Some  video
          players  are buggy and will display rendering artifacts when PCI
          DMA is used.  If you experience this, or don't want your PCI bus
          to  be stressed with Xv images, set this option to "true".  This
          option has no effect when DRI is not enabled.

   Option "PanelSize"  "string"
          Specifies the size (width x height) of the LCD panel attached to
          the  system.   The  sizes 640x480, 800x600, 1024x768, 1280x1024,
          and 1400x1050 are supported.

   Option "RotationType"  "string"
          Enabled  rotation  by  using  RandR.  The  driver  only  support
          unaccelerated  RandR  rotations  "SWRandR".  Hardware  rotations
          "HWRandR" is currently unimplemented.

   Option "Rotate"  "string"
          Rotates the display either  clockwise  ("CW"),  counterclockwise
          ("CCW")  and  upside-down  ("UD").  Rotation  is  only supported
          unaccelerated.  Adding option "Rotate", enables  RandR  rotation
          feature.   The  RandR  allows  clients  to  dynamically change X

   Option "ShadowFB"  "boolean"
          Enables the use of a shadow frame buffer.  This is required when
          rotating the display, but otherwise defaults to disabled.

   Option "SWCursor"  "boolean"
          Enables  the use of a software cursor.  The default is disabled:
          the hardware cursor is used.

   Option "TVDeflicker"  "integer"
          Specifies the deflicker setting for TV output.  Valid values are
          "0",  "1",  and  "2".   Here 0 means no deflicker, 1 means 1:1:1
          deflicker, and 2 means 1:2:1 deflicker.

   Option "TVDotCrawl"  "boolean"
          Enables dot-crawl suppression.  The default is disabled.

   Option "TVOutput"  "string"
          Specifies which TV output  to  use.   The  driver  supports  "S-
          Video",  "Composite",  "SC",  "RGB",  and "YCbCr" outputs.  Note
          that on some EPIA boards the composite-video port is shared with
          audio-out and is selected via a jumper.

   Option "TVPort"  "string"
          Specifies  TV  port.   The  driver  currently  supports  "DVP0",
          "DVP1", "DFPHigh" and "DFPLow" ports.

   Option "TVType"  "string"
          Specifies TV  output  format.   The  driver  currently  supports
          "NTSC" and "PAL" timings only.

   Option "VBEModes"  "boolean"
          Enables  the use of VBE BIOS calls for setting the display mode.
          This mimics the behaviour of the vesa driver but still  provides
          acceleration  and  other  features.   This option may be used if
          your hardware works with  the  vesa  driver  but  not  with  the
          openchrome  driver.   It  may not work on 64-bit systems.  Using
          "VBEModes" may speed up driver acceleration significantly due to
          a more aggressive hardware setting, particularly on systems with
          low memory bandwidth.  Your refresh rate may be limited to 60 Hz
          on some systems.

   Option "VBESaveRestore"  "boolean"
          Enables  the  use of VBE BIOS calls for saving and restoring the
          display state when the  X  server  is  launched.   This  can  be
          extremely  slow  on  some hardware, and the system may appear to
          have locked for 10 seconds or so.  The default  is  to  use  the
          driver  builtin  function.   This  option  only  works if option
          "VBEModes" is enabled.

   Option "VideoRAM"  "integer"
          Overrides the VideoRAM  autodetection.   This  should  never  be


   Unichromes tend to be paired with several different TV encoders.

   VIA Technologies VT1621
          Still  untested,  as no combination with a Unichrome is known or
          available.  Supports the following normal modes:  "640x480"  and
          "800x600".   Use  "640x480Over"  and  "800x600Over" for vertical
          overscan.   These  modes  are  made  available  by  the  driver;
          modelines provided in xorg.conf will be ignored.

   VIA Technologies VT1622, VT1622A, VT1623
          Supports  the following modes: "640x480", "800x600", "1024x768",
          "848x480", "720x480" (NTSC only) and "720x576" (PAL only).   Use
          "640x480Over",   "800x600Over",  "1024x768Over",  "848x480Over",
          "720x480Over"  (NTSC)  and  "720x576Over"  (PAL)  for   vertical
          overscan.      The    modes    "720x480Noscale"    (NTSC)    and
          "720x576Noscale"  (PAL)  (available  on  VT1622  only)   provide
          cleaner  TV output (unscaled with only minimal overscan).  These
          modes are made available by the driver;  modelines  provided  in
          xorg.conf will be ignored.


   Xorg(1), xorg.conf(5), Xserver(1), X(7), EXA(5), Xv(5)


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