

   pkg::create - Construct an appropriate 'package ifneeded' command for a
   given package specification


   ::pkg::create  -name   packageName   -version   packageVersion   ?-load
   filespec? ... ?-source filespec? ...


   ::pkg::create  is  a utility procedure that is part of the standard Tcl
   library.  It is used to create an appropriate package ifneeded  command
   for  a  given  package  specification.   It  can be used to construct a
   pkgIndex.tcl file for use with the package mechanism.


   The parameters supported are:

   -name packageName
          This parameter  specifies  the  name  of  the  package.   It  is

   -version packageVersion
          This  parameter  specifies  the  version  of the package.  It is

   -load filespec
          This parameter specifies a binary library that  must  be  loaded
          with  the  load  command.  filespec is a list with two elements.
          The first element is the name of the file to load.  The  second,
          optional  element is a list of commands supplied by loading that
          file.   If  the  list  of  procedures  is  empty   or   omitted,
          ::pkg::create  will  set  up the library for direct loading (see
          pkg_mkIndex).  Any number of -load parameters may be specified.

   -source filespec
          This parameter is similar to the -load parameter, except that it
          specifies  a  Tcl  library  that  must be loaded with the source
          command.  Any number of -source parameters may be specified.

   At least one -load or -source parameter must be given.




   auto-load, index, package, version

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