

   ppmfade  -  generate a transition between two image files using special


   ppmfade    [    -f    first.ppm    ]    [    -l    last.ppm     ]     [
   -mix|-spread|-shift|-relief|-oil|-edge|-bentley|-block ] [ -base name ]


   This  program generates a transition between either two input images or
   between one input image and black.  You can  use  the  30  intermediate
   images  generated  to  show  a  smooth transition between segments of a
   movie.  The input and output images are in the  Portable  Pixmap  (PPM)
   format.  If you specify both input images, they should both be the same
   size.  If you want to fade from black to an  image,  specify  only  the
   last  image.   If you want to fade from an image to black, specify only
   the first image.  ppmfade names the  resulting  image  files  base.nnnn
   .ppm,  where nnnn is a number varying between 0001 and 0030 and base is
   what you specify with via the -base option (default fade).

   Another way to convert by steps from one image to another is  morphing.
   You can use xmorph to do that.


   -f first.ppm
          This  is the image file (PPM format) to be used at the beginning
          of the transition.  If not specified, the fade will  start  from

   -l last.ppm
          This  is the image file (PPM format) to be used at the ending of
          the transition.  If not specified, the fade will end with black.

   -mix   The two images are superimposed with the brightness of the first
          image  decreasing  from  full  to none and the brightness of the
          final image increasing from none to  full.   The  transition  is
          quadratic  in brightness with faster transition in the beginning
          and slower at the end.

          The pixels in the first image will be moved (spread) further and
          further  from  their  original  location and then moved into the
          proper location  in  the  final  image.   This  is  the  default

   -shift The  pixels  in  the  first  image  will  be shifted further and
          further horizontally from their original location and then moved
          into the proper location in the final image.

          The  first image is faded to a Laplacian relief filtered version
          of the first image.  This is then faded to  a  Laplacian  relief
          filtered  version  of  the second image and finally faded to the
          final image.

   -oil   The first image is faded to an "oil  transfer"  version  of  the
          first image.  This is then faded to an "oil transfer" version of
          the second image and finally faded to the final image.

   -edge  The first image is faded to an  edge  detected  version  of  the
          first  image.  This is then faded to an edge detected version of
          the second image and finally faded to the final image.

          The first image is faded to a "Bentley Effect"  version  of  the
          first  image.   This is then faded to a "Bentley Effect" version
          of the second image and finally faded to the final image.

   -block The first image is defocused to small blocks.  The small  blocks
          are  converted  to  match a defocused version of the last image.
          The block version of the last image is then focused to the final

          This forms part of the output filenames, as described above.

          ppmfade -f teapot.ppm -l pyr.ppm

          Fade  from  teapot.ppm  to  pyr.ppm  generating fade.0001.ppm to
          fade.0030.ppm using the "spread" transition.

          ppmfade -l teapot.ppm

          Fade  from  black  to  teapot.ppm  generating  fade.0001.ppm  to

          ppmfade -f teapot.ppm -base end

          Fade   from  teapot.ppm  to  black  generating  end.0001.ppm  to


   tontsc(1), sgifade(1), smart_vfr(1), xmorph(1), ppm(5),


   Wesley C. Barris (wesb@msc.edu)
   Army High Performance Computing Research Center (AHPCRC)
   Minnesota Supercomputer Center, Inc.

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