

   pvmove --- move physical extents


   pvmove      [--abort]     [--alloc     AllocationPolicy]     [--atomic]
   [-b|--background]    [--commandprofile    ProfileName]     [-d|--debug]
   [-h|--help]   [-i|--interval  Seconds]  [--noudevsync]  [--reportformat
   {basic|json}]      [-v|--verbose]       [-n|--name       LogicalVolume]


   pvmove allows you to move  the  allocated  physical  extents  (PEs)  on
   SourcePhysicalVolume  to one or more other physical volumes (PVs).  You
   can optionally specify  a  source  LogicalVolume  in  which  case  only
   extents used by that LV will be moved to free (or specified) extents on
   DestinationPhysicalVolume(s).   If  no   DestinationPhysicalVolume   is
   specified, the normal allocation rules for the Volume Group are used.

   If  pvmove  gets  interrupted for any reason (e.g. the machine crashes)
   then run pvmove again without any PhysicalVolume arguments  to  restart
   any   moves   that   were   in   progress  from  the  last  checkpoint.
   Alternatively use pvmove --abort at any time to abort.   The  resulting
   location of logical volumes after an abort is issued depends on whether
   the --atomic option was used when starting the pvmove process.

   You can run more than one pvmove at once provided they are moving  data
   off different SourcePhysicalVolumes, but additional pvmoves will ignore
   any Logical Volumes already in the process of being  changed,  so  some
   data might not get moved.

   pvmove works as follows:

   1.  A  temporary 'pvmove' Logical Volume is created to store details of
   all the data movements required.

   2. Every Logical Volume in the Volume Group is searched for  contiguous
   data  that  need  moving  according to the command line arguments.  For
   each piece of data found, a new segment is added  to  the  end  of  the
   pvmove  LV.   This segment takes the form of a temporary mirror to copy
   the data from the original location to a newly-allocated location.  The
   original  LV  is updated to use the new temporary mirror segment in the
   pvmove LV instead of accessing the data directly.

   3. The Volume Group metadata is updated on disk.

   4. The first segment of the pvmove  Logical  Volume  is  activated  and
   starts  to  mirror  the  first  part  of the data.  Only one segment is
   mirrored at once as this is usually more efficient.

   5. A daemon repeatedly checks progress at the specified time  interval.
   When  it  detects that the first temporary mirror is in-sync, it breaks
   that mirror so that only the new location for that data gets  used  and
   writes  a  checkpoint  into the Volume Group metadata on disk.  Then it
   activates the mirror for the next segment of the pvmove LV.

   6. When there are no more segments left to be mirrored,  the  temporary
   Logical  Volume  is removed and the Volume Group metadata is updated so
   that the Logical Volumes reflect the new data locations.

   Note that this new process cannot support the original LVM1 type of on-
   disk metadata.  Metadata can be converted using vgconvert(8).

   If  the  --atomic option is used, a slightly different approach is used
   for the move.  Again, a temporary 'pvmove' logical volume is created to
   store  the  details of all the data movements required.  This temporary
   LV contains all the segments of the various LVs that need to be  moved.
   However  this  time,  an  identical  logical  volume  is allocated that
   contains the same number of segments and a mirror is  created  to  copy
   the  contents  from  the  first  temporary  LV  to  the second.  When a
   complete copy  is  accomplished,  the  temporary  logical  volumes  are
   removed,  leaving  behind  the  segments  on  the  destination physical
   volume.  If an abort is issued during the  move,  all  logical  volumes
   being moved will remain on the source physical volume.


   See lvm(8) for common options.

          Abort any moves in progress.  If the --atomic option was used to
          start the pvmove, all logical volumes will remain on the  source
          physical  volume.  Otherwise, those segments that have completed
          the move will stay on the  destination  physical  volume,  while
          those that have not will remain on the source physical volume.

          Make  the  entire  operation  atomic.   That is, ensure that all
          affected logical volumes are moved to the  destination  physical
          volume  together; unless the move has been aborted.  If the move
          has been aborted, all logical volumes will remain on the  source
          physical volume.

          Disable  udev  synchronisation.  The  process  will not wait for
          notification from udev.  It will continue  irrespective  of  any
          possible udev processing in the background.  You should only use
          this if udev is not running or has rules that ignore the devices
          LVM2 creates.

   -b, --background
          Run the daemon in the background.

   -i, --interval Seconds
          Report progress as a percentage at regular intervals.

   -n, --name LogicalVolume
          Move   only   the   extents   belonging  to  LogicalVolume  from
          SourcePhysicalVolume instead of all  allocated  extents  to  the
          destination physical volume(s).


   To move all Physical Extents that are used by simple Logical Volumes on
   /dev/sdb1 to free Physical Extents elsewhere in the Volume Group use:

   pvmove /dev/sdb1

   Additionally, a specific destination device /dev/sdc1 can be  specified
   like this:

   pvmove /dev/sdb1 /dev/sdc1

   To  perform  the action only on extents belonging to the single Logical
   Volume lvol1 do this:

   pvmove -n lvol1 /dev/sdb1 /dev/sdc1

   Rather than moving the contents of the entire device, it is possible to
   move  a  range  of  Physical Extents - for example numbers 1000 to 1999
   inclusive on /dev/sdb1 - like this:

   pvmove /dev/sdb1:1000-1999

   A range can also be specified as start+length, so

   pvmove /dev/sdb1:1000+1000

   also refers to 1000 Physical  Extents  starting  from  Physical  Extent
   number  1000.  (Counting starts from 0, so this refers to the 1001st to
   the 2000th inclusive.)

   To move a range of Physical Extents to a specific location (which  must
   have sufficient free extents) use the form:

   pvmove /dev/sdb1:1000-1999 /dev/sdc1


   pvmove /dev/sdb1:1000-1999 /dev/sdc1:0-999

   If  the  source  and  destination  are  on  the same disk, the anywhere
   allocation policy would be needed, like this:

   pvmove --alloc anywhere /dev/sdb1:1000-1999 /dev/sdb1:0-999

   The part of a specific Logical Volume present  within  in  a  range  of
   Physical Extents can also be picked out and moved, like this:

   pvmove -n lvol1 /dev/sdb1:1000-1999 /dev/sdc1


   lvm(8), vgconvert(8) pvs(8)

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