

   ripd - a RIP routing engine for use with Quagga routing software.


   ripd  [ -dhrv ] [ -f config-file ] [ -i pid-file ] [ -P port-number ] [
   -A vty-address ] [ -u user ] [ -g group ]


   ripd is a routing component that works with the Quagga routing engine.


   Options available for the ripd command:


   -d, --daemon
          Runs in daemon mode, forking and exiting from tty.

   -f, --config-file config-file
          Specifies the config file to use for startup. If  not  specified
          this option will likely default to /usr/local/etc/ripd.conf.

   -g, --group group
          Specify the group to run as. Default is quagga.

   -h, --help
          A brief message.

   -i, --pid_file pid-file
          When  ripd starts its process identifier is written to pid-file.
          The init system uses the recorded PID to stop or  restart  ripd.
          The likely default is /var/run/

   -P, --vty_port port-number
          Specify the port that the ripd VTY will listen on. This defaults
          to 2602, as specified in /etc/services.

   -A, --vty_addr vty-address
          Specify the address that the ripd VTY will listen on. Default is
          all interfaces.

   -u, --user user
          Specify the user to run as. Default is quagga.

   -r, --retain
          When the program terminates, retain routes added by ripd.

   -v, --version
          Print the version and exit.


          The default location of the ripd binary.

          The default location of the ripd config file.

          If  the  ripd process is config'd to output logs to a file, then
          you will find this file in the directory where you started ripd.


   This man page is intended to be a  quick  reference  for  command  line
   options. The definitive document is the Info file Quagga.


   The  ripd  process may log to standard output, to a VTY, to a log file,
   or through syslog to the system  logs.  ripd  supports  many  debugging
   options, see the Info file, or the source for details.


   bgpd(8), ripngd(8), ospfd(8), ospf6d(8), isisd(8), zebra(8), vtysh(1)


   ripd  eats bugs for breakfast. If you have food for the maintainers try


   See and or the Info file for
   an accurate list of authors.

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