

   rtld-audit - auditing API for the dynamic linker


   #define _GNU_SOURCE             /* See feature_test_macros(7) */

   #include <link.h>


   The  GNU dynamic linker (run-time linker) provides an auditing API that
   allows an application to  be  notified  when  various  dynamic  linking
   events  occur.   This  API  is  very  similar to the auditing interface
   provided by the Solaris run-time linker.  The necessary  constants  and
   prototypes are defined by including <link.h>.

   To  use  this  interface,  the programmer creates a shared library that
   implements a standard set of function names.  Not all of the  functions
   need  to  be  implemented:  in  most  cases,  if  the programmer is not
   interested  in  a  particular  class  of  auditing   event,   then   no
   implementation  needs  to  be  provided  for the corresponding auditing

   To employ the auditing interface,  the  environment  variable  LD_AUDIT
   must  be defined to contain a colon-separated list of shared libraries,
   each of which can implement (parts  of)  the  auditing  API.   When  an
   auditable  event  occurs, the corresponding function is invoked in each
   library, in the order that the libraries are listed.


   unsigned int la_version(unsigned int version);

   This is the only function that must be defined by an auditing  library:
   it  performs  the  initial handshake between the dynamic linker and the
   auditing library.  When invoking  this  function,  the  dynamic  linker
   passes,  in version, the highest version of the auditing interface that
   the linker supports.  If necessary, the auditing library can check that
   this version is sufficient for its requirements.

   As  its function result, this function should return the version of the
   auditing interface that this auditing library expects to use (returning
   version  is acceptable).  If the returned value is 0, or a version that
   is greater than that supported by the dynamic linker,  then  the  audit
   library is ignored.


   char *la_objsearch(const char *name, uintptr_t *cookie,
                      unsigned int flag);

   The dynamic linker invokes this function to inform the auditing library
   that it is about to search for a shared object.  The name  argument  is
   the filename or pathname that is to be searched for.  cookie identifies
   the shared object that initiated the search.  flag is set to one of the
   following values:

   LA_SER_ORIG      This  is the original name that is being searched for.
                    Typically, this  name  comes  from  an  ELF  DT_NEEDED
                    entry, or is the filename argument given to dlopen(3).

   LA_SER_LIBPATH   name  was  created  using  a  directory  specified  in

   LA_SER_RUNPATH   name was created using a directory specified in an ELF
                    DT_RPATH or DT_RUNPATH list.

   LA_SER_CONFIG    name    was    found   via   the   ldconfig(8)   cache

   LA_SER_DEFAULT   name was found via a search  of  one  of  the  default

   LA_SER_SECURE    name is specific to a secure object (unused on Linux).

   As  its  function  result, la_objsearch() returns the pathname that the
   dynamic linker should use for further processing.  If NULL is returned,
   then  this  pathname  is ignored for further processing.  If this audit
   library simply intends to monitor search paths,  then  name  should  be


   void la_activity( uintptr_t *cookie, unsigned int flag);

   The  dynamic  linker calls this function to inform the auditing library
   that link-map activity is occurring.  cookie identifies the  object  at
   the  head  of  the  link  map.   When  the  dynamic linker invokes this
   function, flag is set to one of the following values:

   LA_ACT_ADD         New objects are being added to the link map.

   LA_ACT_DELETE      Objects are being removed from the link map.

   LA_ACT_CONSISTENT  Link-map activity has been  completed:  the  map  is
                      once again consistent.


   unsigned int la_objopen(struct link_map *map, Lmid_t lmid,
                           uintptr_t *cookie);

   The  dynamic  linker  calls  this  function when a new shared object is
   loaded.  The map argument is a pointer to  a  link-map  structure  that
   describes the object.  The lmid field has one of the following values

   LM_ID_BASE       Link map is part of the initial namespace.

   LM_ID_NEWLM      Link  map  is  part  of  a new namespace requested via

   cookie is a pointer to an identifier for this object.   The  identifier
   is  provided  to  later  calls  to functions in the auditing library in
   order to identify this object.  This identifier is initialized to point
   to  object's  link map, but the audit library can change the identifier
   to some other value that it may prefer to use to identify the object.

   As its return value, la_objopen() returns a bit mask created  by  ORing
   zero  or  more  of  the  following  constants, which allow the auditing
   library to select the objects to be monitored by la_symbind*():

   LA_FLG_BINDTO    Audit symbol bindings to this object.

   LA_FLG_BINDFROM  Audit symbol bindings from this object.

   A return value of 0 from la_objopen() indicates that no symbol bindings
   should be audited for this object.


   unsigned int la_objclose(uintptr_t *cookie);

   The  dynamic  linker  invokes this function after any finalization code
   for the object has been executed, before the object is  unloaded.   The
   cookie  argument  is the identifier obtained from a previous invocation
   of la_objopen().

   In the current implementation, the value returned by  la_objclose()  is


   void la_preinit(uintptr_t *cookie);

   The  dynamic linker invokes this function after all shared objects have
   been loaded, before control is passed to the application (i.e.,  before
   calling  main()).   Note  that  main() may still later dynamically load
   objects using dlopen(3).


   uintptr_t la_symbind32(Elf32_Sym *sym, unsigned int ndx,
                          uintptr_t *refcook, uintptr_t *defcook,
                          unsigned int *flags, const char *symname);
   uintptr_t la_symbind64(Elf64_Sym *sym, unsigned int ndx,
                          uintptr_t *refcook, uintptr_t *defcook,
                          unsigned int *flags, const char *symname);

   The dynamic linker invokes one of these functions when a symbol binding
   occurs  between  two  shared objects that have been marked for auditing
   notification by la_objopen().  The la_symbind32() function is  employed
   on  32-bit platforms; the la_symbind64() function is employed on 64-bit

   The sym argument is a pointer to a structure that provides  information
   about  the  symbol  being  bound.  The structure definition is shown in
   <elf.h>.  Among the fields of this structure,  st_value  indicates  the
   address to which the symbol is bound.

   The  ndx  argument gives the index of the symbol in the symbol table of
   the bound shared object.

   The refcook argument identifies the shared object that  is  making  the
   symbol  reference;  this is the same identifier that is provided to the
   la_objopen()  function  that  returned  LA_FLG_BINDFROM.   The  defcook
   argument  identifies  the  shared  object  that  defines the referenced
   symbol;  this  is  the  same  identifier  that  is  provided   to   the
   la_objopen() function that returned LA_FLG_BINDTO.

   The symname argument points a string containing the name of the symbol.

   The  flags  argument is a bit mask that both provides information about
   the symbol and can be used to  modify  further  auditing  of  this  PLT
   (Procedure  Linkage  Table)  entry.   The dynamic linker may supply the
   following bit values in this argument:

   LA_SYMB_DLSYM         The binding resulted from a call to dlsym(3).

   LA_SYMB_ALTVALUE      A  previous  la_symbind*()   call   returned   an
                         alternate value for this symbol.

   By  default,  if  the  auditing  library  implements  la_pltenter() and
   la_pltexit() functions (see below), then these functions  are  invoked,
   after   la_symbind(),   for  PLT  entries,  each  time  the  symbol  is
   referenced.  The following flags can be ORed into *flags to change this
   default behavior:

   LA_SYMB_NOPLTENTER    Don't call la_pltenter() for this symbol.

   LA_SYMB_NOPLTEXIT     Don't call la_pltexit() for this symbol.

   The return value of la_symbind32() and la_symbind64() is the address to
   which control should be passed after  the  function  returns.   If  the
   auditing  library  is simply monitoring symbol bindings, then it should
   return sym->st_value.  A different value may be returned if the library
   wishes to direct control to an alternate location.

   The  precise  name  and  argument types for this function depend on the
   hardware  platform.   (The  appropriate  definition  is   supplied   by
   <link.h>.)  Here is the definition for x86-32:

   Elf32_Addr la_i86_gnu_pltenter(Elf32_Sym *sym, unsigned int ndx,
                    uintptr_t *refcook, uintptr_t *defcook,
                    La_i86_regs *regs, unsigned int *flags,
                    const char *symname, long int *framesizep);

   This function is invoked just before a PLT entry is called, between two
   shared objects that have been marked for binding notification.

   The sym, ndx, refcook, defcook, and symname are as for la_symbind*().

   The  regs  argument  points  to  a  structure  (defined  in   <link.h>)
   containing  the values of registers to be used for the call to this PLT

   The flags argument points to a bit mask that conveys information about,
   and  can  be  used to modify subsequent auditing of, this PLT entry, as
   for la_symbind*().

   The framesizep argument points to a long int buffer that can be used to
   explicitly  set the frame size used for the call to this PLT entry.  If
   different la_pltenter() invocations for this  symbol  return  different
   values,  then  the  maximum  returned  value is used.  The la_pltexit()
   function is called only if this buffer is explicitly set to a  suitable

   The return value of la_pltenter() is as for la_symbind*().

   The  precise  name  and  argument types for this function depend on the
   hardware  platform.   (The  appropriate  definition  is   supplied   by
   <link.h>.)  Here is the definition for x86-32:

   unsigned int la_i86_gnu_pltexit(Elf32_Sym *sym, unsigned int ndx,
                    uintptr_t *refcook, uintptr_t *defcook,
                    const La_i86_regs *inregs, La_i86_retval *outregs,
                    const char *symname);

   This  function  is  called  when  a  PLT entry, made between two shared
   objects that have been marked for binding notification,  returns.   The
   function is called just before control returns to the caller of the PLT

   The sym, ndx, refcook, defcook, and symname are as for la_symbind*().

   The inregs  argument  points  to  a  structure  (defined  in  <link.h>)
   containing the values of registers used for the call to this PLT entry.
   The outregs argument  points  to  a  structure  (defined  in  <link.h>)
   containing  return values for the call to this PLT entry.  These values
   can be modified by the caller, and the changes will be visible  to  the
   caller of the PLT entry.

   In  the current GNU implementation, the return value of la_pltexit() is


   This API is nonstandard, but very similar to the Solaris API, described
   in  the  Solaris  Linker  and  Libraries  Guide, in the chapter Runtime
   Linker Auditing Interface.


   Note the following differences from the Solaris dynamic linker auditing

   *  The  Solaris  la_objfilter()  interface  is not supported by the GNU

   *  The Solaris la_symbind32() and la_pltexit() functions do not provide
      a symname argument.

   *  The  Solaris  la_pltexit()  function  does  not  provide  inregs and
      outregs arguments (but does  provide  a  retval  argument  with  the
      function return value).


   In glibc versions up to and include 2.9, specifying more than one audit
   library in LD_AUDIT results in a run-time crash.   This  is  reportedly
   fixed in glibc 2.10.


   #include <link.h>
   #include <stdio.h>

   unsigned int
   la_version(unsigned int version)
       printf("la_version(): %d\n", version);

       return version;

   char *
   la_objsearch(const char *name, uintptr_t *cookie, unsigned int flag)
       printf("la_objsearch(): name = %s; cookie = %p", name, cookie);
       printf("; flag = %s\n",
               (flag == LA_SER_ORIG) ?    "LA_SER_ORIG" :
               (flag == LA_SER_LIBPATH) ? "LA_SER_LIBPATH" :
               (flag == LA_SER_RUNPATH) ? "LA_SER_RUNPATH" :
               (flag == LA_SER_DEFAULT) ? "LA_SER_DEFAULT" :
               (flag == LA_SER_CONFIG) ?  "LA_SER_CONFIG" :
               (flag == LA_SER_SECURE) ?  "LA_SER_SECURE" :

       return name;

   la_activity (uintptr_t *cookie, unsigned int flag)
       printf("la_activity(): cookie = %p; flag = %s\n", cookie,
               (flag == LA_ACT_CONSISTENT) ? "LA_ACT_CONSISTENT" :
               (flag == LA_ACT_ADD) ?        "LA_ACT_ADD" :
               (flag == LA_ACT_DELETE) ?     "LA_ACT_DELETE" :

   unsigned int
   la_objopen(struct link_map *map, Lmid_t lmid, uintptr_t *cookie)
       printf("la_objopen(): loading \"%s\"; lmid = %s; cookie=%p\n",
               (lmid == LM_ID_BASE) ?  "LM_ID_BASE" :
               (lmid == LM_ID_NEWLM) ? "LM_ID_NEWLM" :


   unsigned int
   la_objclose (uintptr_t *cookie)
       printf("la_objclose(): %p\n", cookie);

       return 0;

   la_preinit(uintptr_t *cookie)
       printf("la_preinit(): %p\n", cookie);

   la_symbind32(Elf32_Sym *sym, unsigned int ndx, uintptr_t *refcook,
           uintptr_t *defcook, unsigned int *flags, const char *symname)
       printf("la_symbind32(): symname = %s; sym->st_value = %p\n",
               symname, sym->st_value);
       printf("        ndx = %d; flags = 0x%x", ndx, *flags);
       printf("; refcook = %p; defcook = %p\n", refcook, defcook);

       return sym->st_value;

   la_symbind64(Elf64_Sym *sym, unsigned int ndx, uintptr_t *refcook,
           uintptr_t *defcook, unsigned int *flags, const char *symname)
       printf("la_symbind64(): symname = %s; sym->st_value = %p\n",
               symname, sym->st_value);
       printf("        ndx = %d; flags = 0x%x", ndx, *flags);
       printf("; refcook = %p; defcook = %p\n", refcook, defcook);

       return sym->st_value;

   la_i86_gnu_pltenter(Elf32_Sym *sym, unsigned int ndx,
           uintptr_t *refcook, uintptr_t *defcook, La_i86_regs *regs,
           unsigned int *flags, const char *symname, long int *framesizep)
       printf("la_i86_gnu_pltenter(): %s (%p)\n", symname, sym->st_value);

       return sym->st_value;


   ldd(1), dlopen(3), ld.so(8), ldconfig(8)


   This  page  is  part of release 4.09 of the Linux man-pages project.  A
   description of the project, information about reporting bugs,  and  the
   latest     version     of     this    page,    can    be    found    at

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