

   run-mailcap,  view,  see,  edit,  compose, print - execute programs via
   entries in the mailcap file


   run-mailcap       --action=ACTION       [--option[=value]]       [MIME-

   The see, edit, compose and print versions are just aliases that default
   to the view, edit, compose, and print actions (respectively).


   run-mailcap (or any of its  aliases)  will  use  the  given  action  to
   process  each  mime-type/file  in  turn.  Each file is specified as its
   mime-type, its encoding  (e.g.  compression),  and  filename  together,
   separated  by  colons.   If  the  mime-type  is  omitted, an attempt to
   determine the type is made by trying to match the file's extension with
   those  in  the  mime.types  files.   If  no  mime-type is found, a last
   attempt will be done by running the file command, if available.  If the
   encoding  is  omitted,  it  will  also  be  determined  from the file's
   extensions.   Currently  supported  encodings  are  gzip  (.gz),  bzip2
   (.bz2),  xz (.xz), and compress (.Z).  A filename of "-" can be used to
   mean "standard input", but then a mime-type must be specified.

   Both the user's files (~/.mailcap; ~/.mime.types) and the system  files
   (/etc/mailcap; /etc/mime.types) are searched in turn for information.

     see picture.jpg
     compose text/html:index.htm
     extract-mail-attachment msg.txt | see image/tiff:gzip:-

   All options are in the form --<opt>=<value>.

          Performs  the  specified action on the files.  Valid actions are
          view, cat (uses only "copiousoutput" rules and sends  output  to
          STDOUT)  ,  compose, composetyped, edit and print.  If no action
          is specified, the action will be determined by how  the  program
          was called.

          Turns on extra information to find out what is happening.

          Ignores  any  "copiousoutput"  directive  and  sends  output  to

          Displays the found command without actually executing it.


   A temporary copy of the file is opened if the  file  name  matches  the
   Perl regular expresssion "[^[:alnum:],.:/@%^+=_-]", in order to protect
   from the injection of shell commands, and to make sure  that  the  name
   can  always  be displayed in the current locale.  In addition, the file
   is opened using its absolute path to prevent the injection of  command-
   line arguments, for instance using file names starting with dashes.


   file(1) mailcap(5) mailcap.order(5) update-mime(8)


   run-mailcap   (and   its   aliases)   was   written   by   Brian  White


   run-mailcap (and its aliases) is in the public domain  (the  only  true

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