

   siliconmotion - Silicon Motion video driver


   Section "Device"
     Identifier "devname"
     Driver "siliconmotion"
     [ Option "optionname" ["optionvalue"]]


   siliconmotion  is  an Xorg driver for Silicon Motion based video cards.
   The driver is fully accelerated, and provides support for the following
   framebuffer  depths: 8, 16, and 24.  All visual types are supported for
   depth 8, and TrueColor visuals are supported for the other depths.


   The siliconmotion driver supports PCI and AGP video cards based on  the
   following Silicon Motion chips:

   Lynx        SM910

   LynxE       SM810

   Lynx3D      SM820

   LynxEM      SM710

   LynxEM+     SM712

   Lynx3DM     SM720

   Cougar3DR   SM731

   MSOC        SM501,SM502


   Please  refer  to xorg.conf(5) for general configuration details.  This
   section only covers configuration details specific to this driver.  All
   options  names  are case and white space insensitive when parsed by the
   server, for example,  "lynxe" and "LynxE" are equivalent.

   Multihead mode configuration is done  through  the  RandR1.2  interface
   (see  xorg.conf(5)  and  xrandr(1)  for  further information). Hardware
   accelerated screen rotation and framebuffer resizing are only supported
   with  the  EXA  acceleration  architecture  (see the AccelMethod option

   The driver auto-detects the chipset type,  but  the  following  ChipSet
   names  may optionally be specified in the config file "Device" section,
   and will override the auto-detection:

       "lynx",  "lynxe",   "lynx3d",   "lynxem",   "lynxem+",   "lynx3dm",
       "cougar3dr", "msoc".

   The following Cursor Options are supported:

   Option "HWCursor" "boolean"
          Enable or disable the HW cursor.  Default: on.

   Option "SWCursor" "boolean"
          Inverse of "HWCursor".  Default: off.

   The following display Options are supported:

   Option "VideoKey" "integer"
          Set the video color key.  Default: a little off full blue.

   Option "ByteSwap" "boolean"
          Turn  on  byte  swapping  for  capturing  using  SMI demo board.
          Default: off.

   Option "Interlaced" "boolean"
          Turn on interlaced video capturing.  Default: off.

   Option "UseBIOS" "boolean"
          Use the BIOS to set the modes. This is  used  for  custom  panel
          timings.  Default: off for SM72x and SM5xx, otherwise on.

   Option "Dualhead" "boolean"
          Enable dualhead mode.  Currently not all chips are supported and
          hardware video overlay (XV) support may have  some  limitations.
          Default: off.

   Option "PanelSize" "widthxheight"
          Override LCD panel dimension autodetection.

   Option "UseFBDev" "boolean"
          Don't actually program the hardware mode registers, but leave it
          as set by the operating system. Only available  on  MSOC  chips.
          Default: off.

   Option "CSCVideo" "boolean"
          CSC  video  uses color space conversion to render video directly
          to the framebuffer, without using an overlay.  Only available on
          MSOC chips. Default: on.

   The following video memory Options are supported:

   Option "mclk" "integer"
          Sets  the memory clock. You must specify the units.  For example
          50Mhz is the same as 50000Khz or 50000000Hz.  On MSOC chips this
          is  the main clock source for all functional blocks, such as the
          2D engine, GPIO, Video Engine, and DMA Engine.  This  option  is
          only  used for debugging purposes on MSOC chips.  Default: probe
          the memory clock value, and use it at server start.

   Option "mxclk" "integer"
          Sets the memory clock. You must specify the units.  For  example
          50Mhz  is  the same as 50000Khz or 50000000Hz.  Clock source for
          the local SDRAM controller. This option  is  only  available  on
          MSOC chips and used only for debugging purposes.  Default: probe
          the memory clock value, and use it at server start.

   The following acceleration and graphics engine Options are supported:

   Option "NoAccel"
          Disable acceleration.  Very useful for determining if the driver
          has  problems  with  drawing and acceleration routines.  This is
          the first option to try if your server runs but you see  graphic
          corruption on the screen.  Using it decreases performance, as it
          uses software emulation for drawing operations the video  driver
          can accelerate with hardware.  Default: acceleration is enabled.

   Option "AccelMethod" "string"
          Chooses  between  available  acceleration  architectures.  Valid
          options are XAA and EXA.  XAA is  the  traditional  acceleration
          architecture  and support for it is very stable.  EXA is a newer
          acceleration architecture with better performance for the Render
          and Composite extensions, but the rendering code for it is newer
          and possibly unstable.  The default is XAA.

   The following PCI bus Options are supported:

   Option "PciBurst" "boolean"
          will enable PCI burst mode. This should work on all  but  a  few
          broken  PCI  chipsets,  and will increase performance.  Default:

   Option "PciRetry" "boolean"
          will allow the driver to  rely  on  PCI  Retry  to  program  the
          registers.   PciBurst  must  be  enabled for this to work.  This
          will increase performance,  especially  for  small  fills/blits,
          because the driver does not have to poll the card before sending
          it commands to make sure it is ready. It  should  work  on  most
          recent PCI chipsets.  Default: value of PciBurst option.


   Xorg(1), xorg.conf(5), Xserver(1), X(7)


   For assistance with this driver, or Xorg in general, check the web site
   at  If you find  a  problem  with  Xorg  or  have  a
   question  not  answered  in  the  FAQ  please  use  our bug report form
   available on the web site or send mail  to
   When  reporting  problems  with  the  driver  send  as  much  detail as
   possible, including chipset type, a server output  log,  and  operating
   system specifics.


   Kevin  Brosius,  Matt Grossman, Harald Koenig, Sebastien Marineau, Mark
   Vojkovich, Frido Garritsen, Corvin Zahn.

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