

     smtpctl, mailq --- control the Simple Mail Transfer Protocol daemon


     smtpctl command [argument ...]


     The smtpctl program controls smtpd(8).  Commands may be abbreviated to
     the minimum unambiguous prefix; for example, sh ro for show routes.

     The mailq command is provided for compatibility with other MTAs and is
     simply a shortcut for show queue.

     The following commands are available:

     discover envelope-id | message-id
         Schedule a single envelope, or all envelopes with the same
         message ID that were manually moved to the queue.

     encrypt [string]
         Encrypt the password string to a representation suitable for user
         credentials and print it to the standard output.  If string is
         not provided, cleartext passwords are read from standard input.

         It is advised to avoid providing the password as a parameter as
         it will be visible from top(1) and ps(1) output.

     log brief
         Disable verbose debug logging.

     log verbose
         Enable verbose debug logging.

         Display updates of some smtpd(8) internal counters in one second
         intervals.  Each line reports the increment of all counters since
         the last update, except for some counters which are always
         absolute values.  The first line reports the current value of
         each counter.  The fields are:

         *   Current number of active SMTP clients (absolute value).
         *   New SMTP clients.
         *   Disconnected clients.
         *   Current number of envelopes in the queue (absolute value).
         *   Newly enqueued envelopes.
         *   Dequeued envelopes.
         *   Successful deliveries.
         *   Temporary failures.
         *   Permanent failures.
         *   Message loops.
         *   Expired envelopes.
         *   Envelopes removed by the administrator.
         *   Generated bounces.

     pause envelope envelope-id | message-id
         Temporarily suspend scheduling for the envelope with the given
         ID, or all envelopes with the given message ID.

     pause envelope all
         Temporarily suspend scheduling all the envelopes.

     pause mda
         Temporarily stop deliveries to local users.

     pause mta
         Temporarily stop relaying and deliveries to remote users.

     pause smtp
         Temporarily stop accepting incoming sessions.

     profile subsystem
         Enables real-time profiling of subsystem.  Supported subsystems

         *   queue, to profile cost of queue IO
         *   imsg, to profile cost of event handlers

     remove envelope-id | message-id
         Remove a single envelope, or all envelopes with the same message

     remove all
         Remove all envelopes.

     resume envelope envelope-id | message-id
         Resume scheduling for the envelope with the given ID, or all
         envelopes with the given message ID.

     resume envelope all
         Resume scheduling all the envelopes.

     resume mda
         Resume deliveries to local users.

     resume mta
         Resume relaying and deliveries to remote users.

     resume route route-id
         Resume routing on disabled route route-id.

     resume smtp
         Resume accepting incoming sessions.

     schedule all
         Mark all envelopes as ready for immediate delivery.

     schedule envelope-id | message-id
         Mark a single envelope, or all envelopes with the same message
         ID, as ready for immediate delivery.

     show envelope envelope-id
         Display envelope content for the given ID.

     show hosts
         Display the list of known remote MX hosts.  For each of them, it
         shows the IP address, the canonical hostname, a reference count,
         the number of active connections to this host, and the elapsed
         time since the last connection.

     show hoststats
         Display status of last delivery for domains that have been active
         in the last 4 hours.  It consists of the following fields,
         separated by a "|":

         *   Domain.
         *   UNIX timestamp of last delivery.
         *   Status of last delivery.

     show message envelope-id
         Display message content for the given ID.

     show queue
         Display information concerning envelopes that are currently in
         the queue.  Each line of output describes a single envelope.  It
         consists of the following fields, separated by a "|":

         *   Envelope ID.
         *   Address family of the client which enqueued the mail.
         *   Type of delivery: one of "mta", "mda" or "bounce".
         *   Various flags on the envelope.
         *   Sender address (return path).
         *   The original recipient address.
         *   The destination address.
         *   Time of creation.
         *   Time of expiration.
         *   Time of last delivery or relaying attempt.
         *   Number of delivery or relaying attempts.
         *   Current runstate: either "pending" or "inflight" if smtpd(8)
             is running, or "offline" otherwise.
         *   Delay in seconds before the next attempt if pending, or time
             ellapsed if currently running.  This field is blank if
             smtpd(8) is not running.
         *   Error string for the last failed delivery or relay attempt.

     show relays
         Display the list of currently active relays and associated
         connectors.  For each relay, it shows a number of counters and
         information on its internal state on a single line.  Then comes
         the list of connectors (source addresses to connect from for this

     show routes
         Display status of routes currently known by smtpd(8).  Each line
         consists of a route number, a source address, a destination
         address, a set of flags, the number of connections on this route,
         the current penalty level which determines the amount of time the
         route is disabled if an error occurs, and the delay before it
         gets reactivated.  The following flags are defined:

         D   The route is currently disabled.
         N   The route is new.  No SMTP session has been established yet.
         Q   The route has a timeout registered to lower its penalty level
             and possibly reactivate or discard it.

     show stats
         Displays runtime statistics concerning smtpd(8).

     show status
         Shows if MTA, MDA and SMTP systems are currently running or

     stop    Stop the server.

     trace subsystem
         Enables real-time tracing of subsystem.  Supported subsystems

         *   imsg
         *   io
         *   smtp (incoming sessions)
         *   filters
         *   mta (outgoing sessions)
         *   bounce
         *   scheduler
         *   expand (aliases/virtual/forward expansion)
         *   lookup (user/credentials lookups)
         *   stat
         *   rules (matched by incoming sessions)
         *   mproc
         *   all

     uncorrupt message-id
         Move all envelopes with the given message ID from corrupt bucket
         back to queue.

     unprofile subsystem
         Disables real-time profiling of subsystem.

     untrace subsystem
         Disables real-time tracing of subsystem.

     update table name
         For table backends that provide caching, causes smtpd(8) to
         update the cache.

     When smtpd receives a message, it generates a message-id for the message,
     and one envelope-id per recipient.  The message-id is a 32-bit random
     identifier that is guaranteed to be unique on the host system.  The
     envelope-id is a 64-bit unique identifier that encodes the message-id in
     the 32 upper bits and a random envelope identifier in the 32 lower bits.

     A command which specifies a message-id applies to all recipients of a
     message; a command which specifies an envelope-id applies to a specific
     recipient of a message.


     /var/run/smtpd.sock     UNIX-domain socket used for communication with




     The smtpctl program first appeared in OpenBSD 4.6.

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