

   systemd-cat - Connect a pipeline or program's output with the journal


   systemd-cat [OPTIONS...] [COMMAND] [ARGUMENTS...]

   systemd-cat [OPTIONS...]


   systemd-cat may be used to connect the standard input and output of a
   process to the journal, or as a filter tool in a shell pipeline to pass
   the output the previous pipeline element generates to the journal.

   If no parameter is passed, systemd-cat will write everything it reads
   from standard input (stdin) to the journal.

   If parameters are passed, they are executed as command line with
   standard output (stdout) and standard error output (stderr) connected
   to the journal, so that all it writes is stored in the journal.


   The following options are understood:

   -h, --help
       Print a short help text and exit.

       Print a short version string and exit.

   -t, --identifier=
       Specify a short string that is used to identify the logging tool.
       If not specified, no identification string is written to the

   -p, --priority=
       Specify the default priority level for the logged messages. Pass
       one of "emerg", "alert", "crit", "err", "warning", "notice",
       "info", "debug", or a value between 0 and 7 (corresponding to the
       same named levels). These priority values are the same as defined
       by syslog(3). Defaults to "info". Note that this simply controls
       the default, individual lines may be logged with different levels
       if they are prefixed accordingly. For details, see --level-prefix=

       Controls whether lines read are parsed for syslog priority level
       prefixes. If enabled (the default), a line prefixed with a priority
       prefix such as "<5>" is logged at priority 5 ("notice"), and
       similar for the other priority levels. Takes a boolean argument.


   On success, 0 is returned, a non-zero failure code otherwise.


   Example 1. Invoke a program

   This calls /bin/ls with standard output and error connected to the

       # systemd-cat ls

   Example 2. Usage in a shell pipeline

   This builds a shell pipeline also invoking /bin/ls and writes the
   output it generates to the journal:

       # ls | systemd-cat

   Even though the two examples have very similar effects the first is
   preferable since only one process is running at a time, and both stdout
   and stderr are captured while in the second example, only stdout is


   systemd(1), systemctl(1), logger(1)

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