

   systemd-socket-activate - Test socket activation of daemons


   systemd-socket-activate [OPTIONS...] daemon [OPTIONS...]


   systemd-socket-activate may be used to launch a socket-activated
   service binary from the command line for testing purposes. It may also
   be used to launch individual instances of the service binary per

   The daemon to launch and its options should be specified after options
   intended for systemd-socket-activate.

   If the --inetd option is given, the socket file descriptor will be used
   as the standard input and output of the launched process. Otherwise,
   standard input and output will be inherited, and sockets will be passed
   through file descriptors 3 and higher. Sockets passed through
   $LISTEN_FDS to systemd-socket-activate will be passed through to the
   daemon, in the original positions. Other sockets specified with
   --listen= will use consecutive descriptors. By default,
   systemd-socket-activate listens on a stream socket, use --datagram and
   --seqpacket to listen on datagram or sequential packet sockets instead
   (see below).


   -l address, --listen=address
       Listen on this address. Takes a string like "2000" or

   -a, --accept
       Launch an instance of the service binary for each connection and
       pass the connection socket.

   -d, --datagram
       Listen on a datagram socket (SOCK_DGRAM), instead of a stream
       socket (SOCK_STREAM). May not be combined with --seqpacket.

       Listen on a sequential packet socket (SOCK_SEQPACKET), instead of a
       stream socket (SOCK_STREAM). May not be combined with --datagram.

       Use the inetd protocol for passing file descriptors, i.e. as
       standard input and standard output, instead of the new-style
       protocol for passing file descriptors using $LISTEN_FDS (see

   -E VAR[=VALUE], --setenv=VAR[=VALUE]
       Add this variable to the environment of the launched process. If
       VAR is followed by "=", assume that it is a variable--value pair.
       Otherwise, obtain the value from the environment of
       systemd-socket-activate itself.

       Specify names for the file descriptors passed. This is equivalent
       to setting FileDescriptorName= in socket unit files, and enables
       use of sd_listen_fds_with_names(3). Multiple entries may be
       specifies using separate options or by separating names with colons
       (":") in one option. In case more names are given than descriptors,
       superfluous ones will be ignored. In case less names are given than
       descriptors, the remaining file descriptors will be unnamed.

   -h, --help
       Print a short help text and exit.

       Print a short version string and exit.


       See sd_listen_fds(3).

       Same as in systemd(1).


   Example 1. Run an echo server on port 2000

       $ systemd-socket-activate -l 2000 --inetd -a cat

   Example 2. Run a socket-activated instance of systemd-journal-

       $ systemd-socket-activate -l 19531 /lib/systemd/systemd-journal-gatewayd


   systemd(1), systemd.socket(5), systemd.service(5), sd_listen_fds(3),
   sd_listen_fds_with_names(3), cat(1)

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