

   t1asm - assemble PostScript Type 1 font


   t1asm [-a|-b] [-l length] [input [output]]


   t1asm   assembles   Adobe   Type   1  font  programs  into  either  PFA
   (hexadecimal) or PFB (binary) formats from a  human-readable  form.  If
   the file output is not specified output goes to the standard output. If
   the file input is not specified input comes from the standard input.

   t1asm tokenizes the charstring data and performs eexec  and  charstring
   encryption  as  specified  in  the  ``black  book,''  Adobe Type 1 Font

   The input must have a line of the form
          /-|{string currentfile exch readstring pop}executeonly def
   which defines the  command,  in  this  case  `-|',  that  is  to  start
   charstring  data.  It is an error not to define such a command. Another
   common name for this command is `RD'.

   After the start of the Subrs array in the input, all  open  braces  `{'
   not in a comment begin a charstring. Such a charstring is terminated by
   the next non-comment close brace `}'. Within such  a  charstring,  only
   comments,  integers,  and  valid charstring commands are allowed. Valid
   charstring command names can be found in Adobe Type 1 Font  Format  and
   other  documents describing the newer Type 2 opcodes. The format within
   a charstring is unimportant  as  long  as  integers  and  commands  are
   separated by at least a one whitespace (space, tab, newline) character.
   Note that within  charstrings,  comments  are  discarded  because  they
   cannot be encoded.


   --pfa, -a
        Output in PFA (ASCII) format.

   --pfb, -b
        Output in PFB (binary) format. This is the default.

   --block-length=num, -l num
        PFB only: Set the maximum output block length to num.  The default
        length is as large as memory allows.

   --line-length=num, -l num
        PFA only: Set the maximum length of encrypted lines in the  output
        to  num.   (These  are  the lines consisting wholly of hexadecimal
        digits.) The default is 64.


   % t1asm Utopia-Regular.raw > Utopia-Regular.pfb
   % t1asm -a Utopia-Regular.raw > Utopia-Regular.pfa


   t1disasm(1), t1ascii(1), t1binary(1), t1unmac(1), t1mac(1)

   Adobe Type 1 Font Format is available free from Adobe as  a  PDF  file.

   The  Type 2 Charstring Format, also available from Adobe as a PDF file,
   describes the newer Type 2 operators,  which  are  also  used  in  some
   multiple-master   Type   1   fonts   like   Adobe  Jenson  and  Kepler.


   Lee Hetherington (ilh@lcs.mit.edu)
   Eddie Kohler (ekohler@gmail.com)

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