

   t1testpage - create a PostScript proof for a Type 1 font


   t1testpage [font...]


   T1testpage creates a PostScript proof document for the specified Type 1
   font file and writes it to the standard output. The proof  shows  every
   glyph  in  the  font,  including  its glyph name and encoding. The font
   argument should be the name of a PFA or PFB font file. If more than one
   font  is  given,  the  output proof contains all the fonts in order. If
   font is omitted, t1testpage will read a font  file  from  the  standard

   T1testpage is preliminary software.


   -g glyphs, --glyph=glyphs
        Print  only  glyphs  matching  glyphs.   The  argument  is a glyph
        pattern, using shell-like matching rules; thus, -g 'A*' will match
        the  glyphs 'A', 'Atilde', and 'Ampersand', among others.  You can
        give  this  option  multiple  times,  or  supply  multiple  space-
        separated patterns in a single option.

   -s, --smoke
        Print   smoke   proofs,  one  glyph  per  page.   This  option  is

   -o file, --output=file
        Write the output proof to file instead of the standard output.

   -h, --help
        Print usage information and exit.

   -v, --version
        Print the version number and some short  non-warranty  information
        and exit.


   Eddie Kohler (ekohler@gmail.com)

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