

   tftopl - convert TeX font metric (tfm) files to property lists


   tftopl [OPTIONS] tfm_name[.tfm] [pl_name[.pl]]


   This  manual  page  is  not  meant  to  be  exhaustive.   The  complete
   documentation for this version of TeX can be found in the info file  or
   manual Web2C: A TeX implementation.

   The  tftopl program translates a (program-oriented) font metric file to
   a (human-oriented) property list file.  Thus, you can edit the contents
   of  the  TFM  files,  if  the font designer has not done his or her job
   properly, or if you're encountering strange difficulties, or if  you're
   just  curious.   It also serves as a TFM-file validating program, i.e.,
   if no error messages are given, the input file is correct.

   The pl_name is extended with .pl if it lacks a suffix.  If  pl_name  is
   not given, standard output is used. Likewise, tfm_name is extended with
   .tfm if it lacks a suffix.  Also, path searching is done  for  the  TFM
   file  using  the  environment  variable  TEXFONTS.  If that is not set,
   tftopl uses the system default.

   See tex(1) for the details of the searching.


          The argument format specifies how character codes are output  in
          the  PL  file.   By  default, only letters and digits are output
          using the C integer code (i.e., in ASCII); the others are output
          in octal.  (Unless the font's coding scheme starts with TeX math
          sy or TeX math ex, in which case all character codes are  output
          in  octal.)   If  format  is  ascii,  all  character  codes that
          correspond to graphic characters, besides  the  left  and  right
          parentheses,  are output in ASCII.  Finally, if format is octal,
          all character codes are output in octal.

          Without this option,  tftopl  operates  silently.   With  it,  a
          banner and progress report are printed on stdout.


   Donald E. Knuth, TeXware.
   Donald   E.   Knuth,  The  Metafontbook  (Volume  C  of  Computers  and
   Typesetting), Addison-Wesley, 1986, ISBN 0-201-13445-4.


   Donald E. Knuth wrote the program. It was  published  as  part  of  the
   TeXware  technical  report, available from the TeX Users Group.  Howard
   Trickey and Pavel Curtis originally ported it to Unix.

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