

   trident - Trident video driver


   Section "Device"
     Identifier "devname"
     Driver "trident"


   trident  is  an  Xorg  driver  for  Trident video cards.  The driver is
   accelerated, and provides support for the following framebuffer depths:
   1,  4, 8, 15, 16, and 24. Multi-head configurations are supported.  The
   XvImage extension is supported on TGUI96xx and greater cards.


   The trident driver supports PCI,AGP and ISA video cards  based  on  the
   following Trident chips:

   Blade       Blade3D,  CyberBlade  series  i1, i7 (DSTN), i1, i1 (DSTN),
               Ai1,    Ai1    (DSTN),     CyberBlade/e4,     CyberBladeXP,
               CyberBladeAi1/XP, BladeXP

   Image       3DImage975,  3DImage985,  Cyber9520,  Cyber9525, Cyber9397,

   ProVidia    9682, 9685, Cyber9382, Cyber9385, Cyber9388

   TGUI        9440AGi, 9660, 9680

   ISA/VLBus   8900C, 8900D, 9000, 9200CXr,  Cyber9320,  9400CXi,  9440AGi
               These  cards  have been ported but need further testing and
               may not work.


   Please refer to xorg.conf(5) for general configuration  details.   This
   section only covers configuration details specific to this driver.

   The following driver Options are supported:

   Option "SWCursor" "boolean"
          Enable or disable the SW cursor.  Default: off.

   Option "NoAccel" "boolean"
          Disable   or  enable  acceleration.   Default:  acceleration  is

   Option "PciRetry" "boolean"
          Enable or disable PCI retries.  Default: off.

   Option "CyberShadow" "boolean"
          For Cyber chipsets only, turn off shadow registers. If you  only
          see a partial display - this may be the option for you. Default:

   Option "CyberStretch" "boolean"
          For Cyber chipsets only, turn on stretching. When the resolution
          is  lower  than  the  LCD's screen, this option will stretch the
          graphics mode to fill the entire LCD. Default: off.

   Option "ShadowFB" "boolean"
          Enable or disable use of the shadow framebuffer layer.  Default:

   Option "VideoKey" "integer"
          This sets the default pixel value for the YUV video overlay key.
          Default: undefined.

   Option "TVChipset" "string"
          This  sets  the  TV  chipset.  Options  are  CH7005  or  VT1621.
          Default: off.

   Option "TVSignal" "integer"
          This  sets  the  TV  signalling. Options are 0 for NTSC or 1 for
          PAL.  Default: undefined.

   Option "NoPciBurst" "boolean"
          Turn off  PCI  burst  mode,  PCI  Bursting  is  on  by  default.
          Default: off.

   Option "XvHsync" "integer"
          Override the default Horizontal-sync value for the Xv extension.
          This is used to center the Xv image on the screen.   By  default
          the values are assigned based on the video card.  Default: 0.

   Option "XvVsync" "integer"
          Override  the  default Vertical-sync value for the Xv extension.
          This is used to center the Xv image on the screen.   By  default
          the values are assigned based on the video card.  Default: 0.

   Option "XvBskew" "integer"
          Override  the  default  Bottom  skew value for the Xv extension.
          This is used to extend the Xv image on the screen at the bottom.
          By  default  the  values  are  assigned based on the video card.
          Default: 0.

   Option "XvRskew" "integer"
          Override the default Right skew  value  for  the  Xv  extension.
          This  is used to extend the Xv image on the screen at the right.
          By default the values are assigned  based  on  the  video  card.
          Default: 0.

   Option "Display" "string"
          Override  the  display.   Possible  values  are "CRT", "LCD" and
          "Dual".  Please note that this option  is  only  experimentally.
          Default: Use display active when X started.

   Option "Display1400" "boolean"
          Inform   driver   to  expect  1400x1050  display  instead  of  a
          1280x1024.  Default: off.

   Option "GammaBrightness" "string"
          Set display gamma value  and  brightness.  "string"  is  "gamma,
          brightness",  where gamma is a floating point value greater than
          0 and less or equal  to  10.  brightness  is  an  integer  value
          greater  or  equal  to  0 and less than 128.  Default: gamma and
          brightness control is turned off.  Note: This is  not  supported
          on   all   chipsets.    Option   "AccelMethod"  "string"  Choose
          acceleration architecture, either "XAA" or "EXA".   XAA  is  the
          old  (but  stable) XFree86 based acceleration architecture.  EXA
          is a newer and simpler  acceleration  architecture  designed  to
          better accelerate the X Render extension.  Default: "XAA".


   Xorg(1), xorg.conf(5), Xserver(1), X(7)


   Author: Alan Hourihane, EXA for Blade chips by Jesse Barnes

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